Questions regarding 36C25924Q0723
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Notice shows Response date 09-02.2024. As this date is a federal holiday, will the government extend the due date to 09.04.2024 to allow time for questions and answers and responses?
Yes, the close date will be extended.
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Notice page 2 of 7 V. refers to VA Health Care Systems in Sheridan. Can the government remove this reference as the RFQ and SOW call for testing for the Montana VA Health Care System?
Solicitation number 36C25924Q0723 is in support of VA Health Care Systems in Montana. The mention of Sheridan was a typo.
Statement of work, section 4 Specific tasks The analytical laboratory shall be located within a radius of 1100 miles from VAMTHCS.
The requirement eliminates competition from contractors who are actually accredited laboratories outside this radius. Can the government provide any rationale on why this is a requirement given that any samples collected will be shipped next day air and will arrive at the laboratory, no matter what the distance from the VA, well within the 72 hour hold time? Will the government consider removing this requirementI agree with the vendor comment to remove the 1100 mile radius requirement
The requirement for the analytical laboratory to be within a radius of 1100 miles from VAMTHCS will be removed from the statement of work.
Statement of work, section 4 Specific tasks and the Combined synopsis/solicitation section VI.
There is a discrepancy between the CLIN table in the combined synopsis/solicitation and the quantities in the SOW. The number total (assuming for both campuses) in the SOW is 360. Section 5.1 indicates 80 samples x 4 quarter = 320 routine samples annually, section 5.1 indicates 6 follow up samples x 4 quarters = 24 follow up samples annually and section 5.2 indicates 4 serotype samples x 4 quarters = 16 for a total of 360. In the table, the total for both campuses is 480. Can the government please adjust the values to match and provide a new CLIN table and update #10. Delivery Schedule in the SOW if neededConfirmed total samples per location are
384 for Fort Harrison
96 for Mile City
Suggest having sections to reflect total samples
This is a typo and will be updated in the SOW. The accurate breakdown is as follows:
Fort Harrison
Routine 1/4 sampling 80 samples and a resample rate of 16 samples per 1/4 times 4 events, totaling 320 routine samples and 64 resamples for a total of 384 samples per year.
Miles CityÂ
Routine 1/4 sampling is 20 and resampling 4 samples per 1/4 times 4 events, totaling 80 routine samples and 16 resamples for a total of 96 samples per year.
The CLIN table is correct.
Statement of work, section 5.3 Serotype of positive samples, 4 per quarter making a total of 16.
Can the government clarify this requirement? Does the government require samples positive for Legionella pneumophila to be individually serotyped? Or is this an approximation of how many samples might be positive for Legionella pneumophila serotype 1 or serotypes 2-15 that will require retesting?
Approximation of positive samples that will require resampling.
Statement of Work, section 9.2 Shipping boxes shall be ULINE S-18943 type along with bubble wrap bags.
Would the government consider removing this requirement? This shipping methodology is not compliant with CDC recommendations for shipping water samples to be tested for Legionella bacteria.
The CDC recommendation is: Legionella environmental samples should be transported in an insulated container such as a cooler to protect against temperature extremes. It will be the testing laboratory responsibility to provide an adequate shipping container.
There are recommended practices but not a specification by the CDC as stated by the prospective bidders.
Is glass or plastic 250mL bottles required? Is there a preference or is this left up to the contractor?
Plastic is preferred to reduce damages during the shipping process.