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Dedicated Network Telecomm Services (DNTS) AMEND 5 - SOURCES SOUGHT

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Note: There have been new actions to this contract opportunity. To view the most recent action, please click here.

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Apr 01, 2022 04:21 pm EDT
  • Original Published Date: Mar 05, 2021 02:02 pm EST
  • Updated Response Date: Mar 08, 2022 03:00 pm EST
  • Original Response Date: Mar 25, 2021 03:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Dec 01, 2022
  • Original Inactive Date: Jun 01, 2021
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code:
  • NAICS Code:
  • Place of Performance:


AMENDMENT 5 - Post One-on-Ones // DNTS Updates and Domestic Sources Sought

This Amendment provides updates to the planned FAA DNTS acquisition as follows:

  1. Slide deck used for Industry One-on-Ones – see attachment
  2. Question and Answers from Industry One-on-Ones - see attachment
  3. Updated draft DNTS technical specification (FAA-P-2978e) – see attachment  (page i provides a listing of the revisions from FAA-P-2978d)
  4. Estimated DNTS acquisition milestone schedule

SIR Release:  January 2023

Vendor Questions Due: February 2023 (30 days from SIR release)

Proposals due: March 2023 (60 days from SIR release)

5. Sources sought for Domestic DNTS Equipment Manufacturers

a. In complying with the tenets of the Buy-American Act, the FAA seeks to maximize the use of the products and equipment produced in the United States.

b. The FAA is soliciting information to determine whether or not there are interested and available domestic equipment manufacturers capable of meeting the DNTS technical/equipment requirements as specified in the DNTS Product Description (see attachment FAA-P-2978d DRAFT).  The FAA in accordance with the Buy American Act uses a two-part test to define a domestic end product:

(1) The article must be manufactured in the United States; and

(2) The cost of domestic components must exceed 55 percent of the cost of all the components.

c. Capability Statements (see paragraph #d below) from domestic equipment manufacturers must be submitted via e-mail to no later than 3:00pm ET, April 20th, 2022.  Businesses that are distributors of domestic made equipment compliant with DNTS requirements may also respond to this announcement.  Since this is a sources sought announcement, no evaluation letters and/or results will be issued to the respondents.

d. Capability Statement, exclusive of an optional one-page summary, shall not exceed 10 pages (including attachments) with a minimum font size of 12. Additionally, the Capability Statement must include and address the following:

1. Business and Point of Contact Information: 

Company name, DUNS #, Mailing Address, Primary Point of Contact’s name, title, phone number and email address. 

2. Equipment Manufacturer: 

The name of the manufacturer producing DNTS compatible equipment in the United States and location of where the equipment is being manufactured in the United States.  Specify the size of the company, how long it has been manufacturing the equipment, and the primary industries to which it has supplied.

3. DNTS compatibility:

Provide a description of the domestically produced equipment including the model name and product type and how it would serve as a viable solution for the DNTS requirement.  List all of the specific requirements (shall #’s) in the DNTS Product Description (see attachment FAA-P-2978e DRAFT) that each of the units satisfies. 

4. Applicability to the Buy American Act:

Describe how the equipment and its components would meet the definition of a domestically produced product.

Associated Attachments:

DNTS One-on-One power point

Vendor Q&A 

MSP FAA-P-2978e



Amendment 4  

Pre-solicitation One-on-One Exchanges with Industry

The FAA will be conducting one-on-one meetings with industry on an invitation basis only.  One-on-ones will be held mid to late March 2022. One-on-one meetings will be limited to two hours, with a four representative maximum allowed per company. Attendance by potential DNTS offerors is not required, and will not impact the future source selection in any way.  The Government will not release the names of companies scheduled for one-on-one DNTS meetings.  Topics discussed in one-on-ones must be related to the DNTS acquisition.

The FAA will forward the meeting agenda and teleconference logon information prior to the scheduled event. Although the one-on-one meetings are intended to further the Government’s market research, any response the Government provides to a vendor’s question during a one-on-one will be addressed in an Amendment and posted on

  1. Purpose. During the one-on-one sessions, the Government seeks to:
  • Understand industry standard equipment capabilities in relation to key DNTS telecommunication requirements including how manufacturers have implemented DNTS-required communication protocols within their systems
  • Learn about manufacturer/reseller pricing structures to develop the Government’s cost estimate
  • Identify the impact of foreign manufacturing and repair in relation to FAA NDAA prohibitions and FAA’s Buy American preferences
  • Identify DNTS technical and contractual requirements with significant impact on cost, schedule, and performance
  • Identify strategies and recommendations to improve the DNTS price proposal template
  • Identify strategies and recommendations to ensure supply, quality control, configuration control, and support of equipment throughout a 10-year contract term. 
  1. Instructions. Companies interested in obtaining a one-on-one meeting with the FAA for the DNTS requirement, must provide the following by 3pm on Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 to
  1. Contact Person  - include name, title, email, and phone number
  2. Capability statement – (Not more than three 8.5” x 11” pages with 12point font)  -
  • Type of Business - Specify whether your business is the manufacturer, an authorized distributor, or reseller of equipment that meets the DNTS specifications. If an authorized distributor or reseller, explain your relationship with the manufacturer, e.g. show authorized dealer agreement, state how long you have been working with the equipment, summarize past contracts where you have supported or delivered the equipment
  • DNTS Solution – List and describe the equipment proposed and how it meets or does not meet the DNTS requirements as listed in the draft FAA-P-2978d.  In lieu of or in addition to this description of your DNTS solution, you may submit a completed “market survey” (Attach A-Market Survey Vers 1.0 Final LOCKED.xls) which would not count towards the 3-page maximum. If your company has already completed a DNTS market survey form, a resubmission is not required unless you wish to provide updates to your original submission.
  • Other – Within the three page limit for the entire Capability Statement, provide any other information you wish to let the FAA know about your company.



Amendment 3 dated 11/8/2021

As a follow-up to the DNTS Market Survey posted on July 20, 2021, the FAA is interested in additional industry feedback on standard commercial warranties and the DNTS requirements listed in FAA specification FAA-P-2978d, provided in this announcement.  Information received as a result of this notice will be considered market research and used for planning purposes only. Companies that did not submit a response to the initial July 20, 2021 RFI notice, may respond to the additional questions listed in this amendment. 

Please send your response in an email to by November 29, 2021.   Include as the subject of your email, “Response to DNTS Market Survey <company name>”. Any proprietary information should be clearly marked.

Market Survey responses should include the following:

1. Company/Contact Information

  • Company Name:
  • DUNS Number:
  • Point of Contact        :                                                              
  • Job Title:  (e.g. Government Sales Manager, President)                                                                          
  • Point of Contact Email address:                                                                        
  • Point of Contact Phone Number:     


2. Equipment Warranty

The Government seeks manufacturer warranty information relevant to this acquisition, as follows:

  1. Length/term of standard warranty – list per equipment manufacturer/model/unit if it varies.
  2. Any commercial warranty extensions offered.  If offered, please provide the length of the extension and the cost per proposed unit?
  3. Explain how warranty claims are handled/fulfilled?  Explain what is required of the customer and what happens after the customer initiates the claim through fulfillment. 
  4. If the warrantied item is repairable, please clarify if your standard practice is to replace the failed unit and keep the failed unit, or if you repair and ship back the failed unit?
  5. Average or guaranteed turnaround time for repair/replacement
  6. Please provide a PDF version of your standard commercial warranty service and extended warranty service, if available.

3. Technical Requirements

Are there any DNTS technical requirements in FAA-P-2978d (that you believe the FAA should reconsider?  Please list the specific requirement in the DNTS specification. i.e. shall # or paragraph number and why you think the FAA should reconsider this requirement.



AMENDMENT 2 dated 8/26/2021

The purpose of Amendment 2 is to post the FAA's responses to Industry Q&A

Three attachments have been uploaded and are the most current. 

1 - DNTS Market Survey Q&A

2. Attach A - Market Survey version 2  Final Locked

3. Attach E - DNTS FAA-P-2978d Draft _ initial release vr 0.3

The close date remains 9/20/2021 @ 3PM

All responses are to be sent to the Contracting Officer's attention:



AMENDMENT 1 dated 8/17/2021

The purpose of Amendment 1 is to extend the official close date from 8/20/2021 to 9/20/21. This additional time will allow for the FAA to perform a comprehensive response to the received Questions. At the time of the FAA posts the Q&A response, the CLOSE Date will be confirmed and potentially adjusted, allowing the sufficient time for Industry to respond. 

Please click the 'FOLLOW' link to assure you receive all future notifications as phone calls and emails requesting information/status will not be addressed.



The purpose of this Market Survey is to improve the Government's understanding of the current marketplace and to identify capable sources. Responses to this Market Survey will be used for informational purposes only to support the development of a strategy for the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) contemplated Dedicated Network Telecommunication System (DNTS) acquisition and will not be released. This is not a Screening Information Request or Request for Proposal. 

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Communications, Information and Network Programs (CINP) Group provides life-cycle management for the support and transformation of FAA’s enterprise communications services to meet evolving National Airspace System (NAS) and non-NAS requirements.  The FAA’s Airport Cable Loop System Sustainment program replaces existing on-airport, copper-based, FAA-owned signal/control cable lines that have deteriorated.  Obsolete underground telecommunications cable infrastructure systems are vulnerable to failure and could cause flight delays related to outages.  These cables feed airport surveillance radar, air/ground communications, and navigational systems data and information to the air traffic control tower, and operational and maintenance information to FAA-staffed facilities.  With fiber replacing the aging copper infrastructure, there is a need for end equipment Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Dedicated Network Telecommunications Services (DNTS).

The planned DNTS acquisition strategy will procure Commercial-Off-The Shelf (COTS) fiber optics multiplexer equipment that meets all requirements as defined in the FAA SONET DNTS Specification (FAA-P-2978d) for the Airport Cable Loop (ACL) Program.  In addition, it will procure program management, training, and logistics support services as described in the draft Statement of Work (SOW).

  1. Instructions
  • Interested vendors must complete all tabs of the DNTS Market Survey spreadsheet (Attachment A) and email their completed response to Leslie Fisher, Contracting Officer, by 3 PM Eastern time on August 20, 2021.  Please include the text, “DNTS Market Survey Response” in the subject of your email.
  • Any questions regarding the Market Survey are to be submitted using the Vendor Question Form (Attachment B). All questions must be submitted by 3 PM Eastern time on July 27, 2021 and sent to Leslie Fisher, Contracting Officer,  Please include the text, “DNTS Market Survey Question/Comment” in the subject of your email.
  1. Attachments
    1. DNTS Market Survey
    2. Vendor Question Form
    3. March 30, 2021 Industry Day Question and Answers
    4. DNTS Draft SIR Sections – C, D, and H
    5. DNTS Draft DNTS Specification

3.  Disclaimer

In accordance with A.M.S. Policy, this announcement is to share information and solicit statements of interest and capabilities from interested business concerns. This announcement also seeks to identify potential and interested vendors for this work, including groups of business teams.

This is not a Screening Information Request (SIR) or Request for Proposal. The FAA is not seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals. The FAA is seeking interested sources that are capable of fulfilling the FAA’s requirements.  Response to this market survey does not guarantee that the FAA will provide the proceeding Screening Information Request or Request for Proposal directly to the Vendor.  The Vendor is encouraged to monitor this website for further information. 

For questions about FAA’s acquisition policies, please visit, which provides the FAA’s Acquisition Management System (AMS) Policy and Guidance as well as provisions and clauses used by the FAA in its acquisitions.

Participation in this market survey is voluntary. 



Purpose of this posting is to post the DRAFT POWER POINT SLIDE 



The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Communications, Information and Network Programs (CINP) Group provides life-cycle management for the support and transformation of FAA’s enterprise communications services to meet evolving National Airspace System (NAS) and non-NAS requirements.  The FAA’s Airport Cable Loop System Sustainment program replaces existing on-airport, copper-based, FAA-owned signal/control cable lines that have deteriorated.  Obsolete underground telecommunications cable infrastructure systems are vulnerable to failure and could cause flight delays related to outages.  These cables feed airport surveillance radar, air/ground communications, and navigational systems data and information to the air traffic control tower, and operational and maintenance information to FAA-staffed facilities.  With fiber replacing the aging copper infrastructure, there is a need for end equipment Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Dedicated Network Telecommunications Services (DNTS).

The planned DNTS acquisition strategy will procure Commercial-Off-The Shelf (COTS) fiber optics multiplexer equipment that meets all requirements as defined in the FAA SONET DNTS Specification (FAA-P-2978d) for the Airport Cable Loop (ACL) Program.  In addition, it will procure software, program management, and logistics support services as described in the Statement of Work (SOW).

The DNTS Program Office will hold a VIRTUAL INDUSTRY DAY on TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 2021, APPROX (9 - 4) pm EST, via online collaborative webinar media.  The purpose of the industry day is to:

  • Provide a brief program overview of the DTNS, including the mission need, the current state, and the envisioned future state.
  • Describe the requirements for Operational Capabilities Testing (OCT).
  • Describe the Logistics Support Environment and Requirements.
  • Present a high-level DNTS acquisition timeline.
  • Request industry feedback and provide responses to industry questions.

DRAFT versions of the Statement of Work, ATTACH J-1 FAA-P-2978d, and the Question/Comment Spreadsheet have been provided.  The FAA intends to post the DRAFT Power Point Deck as an Amendment to this point as soon as it becomes available.

The FAA requests that all questions industry may have be forwarded via email to the Contracting Officer PRIOR  to their registration in the provided excel format to ensure that the FAA has adequate time to review and address as part of the FAA presentation.  ALL QUESTIONS/COMMENTS are due to the Contracting Officer NLT FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021 at 3 pm EST. This industry day event is intended to provide program updates and solicit feedback from industry on the acquisition approach for the COTS Hardware, Software and Program management / Logistics support requirements.

Interested parties must register to participate in this VIRTUAL INDUSTRY DAY event no later than THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 at 3PM EDT.   The FAA will confirm attendance no later than MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 and provide the webcast access information.  

Registration Requests:  For those interested in attending this event, please submit your request to with the following information:

  • Company name, address, Cage / DUNNS
  • Attendee name(s) (limit two per company)
  • Each Attendee’s phone number; and individual email address
  • Using the attached Question & Comment Spreadsheet:   List of program questions related to the FAA’s DTNS acquisition approach

Please do not reach out to the Program Office or any member of the Program Office.  All inquiries are to be submitted by email to the Contracting Officer’s attention.


This is not a screening information request (SIR) or request for proposal. The FAA is not seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals. The FAA is seeking interested sources that are capable of fulfilling the FAA’s requirements.

In accordance with A.M.S. Policy, this announcement is to share information and solicit statements of interest and capabilities from interested business concerns. This announcement also seeks to identify potential and interested vendors for this work, including groups of business teams.

For questions about FAA’s acquisition policies, please visit, which provides the FAA’s Acquisition Management System (AMS) Policy and Guidance as well as provisions and clauses used by the FAA in its acquisitions.

Participation in this virtual industry day is voluntary.  Submissions in response to this announcement must be relevant to the subject of the industry day planned agenda.  Responses will be reviewed by U.S. Government employees and a limited number of Government support contractors working under non-disclosure agreements.

Any proprietary or confidential information contained in any industry submissions that should not be released to the public should be appropriately marked, and industry should be prepared to provide justification to the FAA of such designations if requested.  The hosting of this Virtual Industry Day in no way alters the FAA’s obligations under existing law, including any duties owed by the FAA under the Freedom of Information Act.  

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • US

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
