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Looking for contract opportunity help?

APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Aug 31, 2023 06:53 am EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Oct 02, 2023 04:30 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Oct 17, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 334412 - Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


CONTACT INFORMATION|4|n731.41|n00383|2156970283|| This is a repair requirement. All terms and conditions of BOA N0038322GTP01apply. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be repaired, tested andinspected in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in theRequirements Section of this document. 1.2 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment suchas fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, orany other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.3 The use of MIL-W-81381 wire in any item to be delivered under this procurement is prohibited. The foregoing prohibition applies notwithstanding any reference to MIL-W-81381 wire that may be made in any of the drawings or specifications for this procurement. SAE-AS22759 series wire shall be used in lieu of MIL-W-81381 wire, in any place where MIL-W-81381 wire is cited in this procurement. Any questions concerning this requirement should be directed to the Procuring Contracting Officer. 1.4 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification,the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C Personnel performing tasks in accordance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C shall be trained and certified as requried by IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C paragraph 5.1.4. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Items coated with yellow paint shall be totally stripped of yellow paint and repainted with white coating systems as follows: 3.1.1 Primary System a. Pretreatment, for steel only, shall be MIL-C-10578. Pretreatment for aluminum is not authorized. b. Primer shall be epoxy coating MIL-P-53022 Type II (VOC 340 G/L), available from: 1. Sherman Williams, (312) 821-3434 P/N E90WY14/V93VY9 2. PPG (216) 671-0056 P/N W423305 3. Niles (800) 253-7389 P/N 3580 c. If above materials are not available, the following materials are authorized for use: 1. Epoxy coating MIL-P-5302 Type II (VOC 420 G/L). Where permitted by local environmental regulations. 2. Epoxy, water reducible, shall be MIL-P-5303 (VOC 340 G/L). 3. Topcoat Primer-Polyurethane shall be MIL-C-85285, Type II (VOC 340 G/L) color number 17925 CF FED-STD-595. d. All removed yellow paint should be treated as if it contains lead and chromates and proper safety and disposal procedures shall be adhered to. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS - NOT APPLICABLE. 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PHILADELPHIA , PA 19111-5098
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Oct 17, 2023 11:55 pm EDTSolicitation (Original)