A/E Design Services Scope: The James H. Quillen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (JQVAMC) purposes to replace the deteriorated underground chilled water, steam, and condensate piping for the Mountain Home, TN campus. The A/E shall provide all Architectural and Engineering services necessary to design a construction project for this replacement. The project will include the design and replacement of approximately 25,000-lf of underground insulated chilled water piping of various sized (3 to 16 ), replacement of approximately 28,000-lf of underground insulated steam and condensate piping of various size (1 to 10 ), and approximately 2,300-lf of new insulated (sized per A/E calculations/design) underground chilled water piping. Abandon underground chilled water, steam, and condensate piping in place where applicable, and provide a new trench nearby for installation of replacement lines. To provide a loop that will enhance reliability and improve pressure balance, a new chilled water line will be constructed from the Chiller Plant Building 208 to the piping at Building 204. The work will include demolition, excavation, trenching, directional bore, piping, underground utility identification, surveying, backfill, compaction, paving, concrete, seeding and additional miscellaneous improvements and modifications as required to provide a complete and functional underground chilled water and steam system.