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Forensic Crime Laboratory Gillem Enclave

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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Apr 06, 2023 01:49 pm EDT
  • Original Response Date: Apr 28, 2023 05:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date:
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
  • Place of Performance:
    Forest Park , GA 30297


Project Description:

This project provides permanent facilities for the Defense Forensic Science Center’s Forensic Exploitation Directorate (FXD) and facilities for the authorized expansion of assigned personnel. Primary facilities include Administration Areas, Laboratory Space, facility support Area, Concrete Hardstand, 4'x 4' RMAG (Training Explosives only), and on grade loading docks. Project shall include information systems, fire protection and alarm system, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), mass notification system, Utility Monitoring and Control System (UMCS), and building information systems. Sustainable Design and Development (SDD) and Energy Policy Act (EPAct05) features shall be provided. Supporting facilities shall include site development, utilities, limited back-up power source, and connections, lighting, paving, parking, walks, curbs and gutters, storm drainage, information systems, landscaping and signage. Heating and air conditioning shall be provided by self-contained systems. Measures in accordance with the Department of Defense (DoD) Minimum Antiterrorism for Buildings standards shall be provided, plus enhanced AT/FP measures. Accessibility for individuals with disabilities shall be provided as required. Comprehensive building and furnishings related interior design services are required.

Facilities shall be designed to a minimum life of 40 years in accordance with DoD's Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 1-200-02) including energy efficiencies, building envelope and integrated building systems performance.

Per the DD1391, dated 28 January 2020, the project calls for a 114,016 SF Forensic Laboratory with 3,578 SY of Organizational Vehicle Parking and associated Support Facilities.

The design of the facility includes Risk Management Framework as required per DODI 8500.01 and 8510.01. The criteria include UFC 4-010-06 “Cybersecurity of Facility Related Control Systems” and ECB’s 2015-14 and 2018-11 for cybersecurity measures of the following systems:

  1. Electronic security systems (ESS)
  2. Energy monitoring and control systems (EMCS)
  3. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
  4. Industrial control systems (ICS)
  5. Fire and Life Safety Systems.

Supporting facilities will include site development, utilities, limited back-up power source, and connections, lighting, paving, parking, walks, curbs and gutters, storm drainage, information systems, landscaping, and signage. Heating and air conditioning will be provided by self-contained system.

Specific/Specialized Laboratory Requirements:

  1.  Firearm and Toolmarks Lab:  The firearms and toolmarks section conducts a full range of forensic examinations on physical evidence/material for firearms, toolmarks, and ammunition analysis in support of criminal investigations and military operations.
  2. Forensic Chemistry Lab: Forensic chemistry provides chemical and analytical testing for the exploitation of explosives, drugs, and related material.
  3. Latent Print Lab: The latent print lab processes and responsibilities include: Development, collection and preservation of latent prints from cases received from labs in theater to include IEDs and related components; Processing of porous, non-porous, and adhesives, using physical and chemical techniques; High resolution digital imaging.
  4. DNA Lab: FXD DNA provides scientific associations and links between people, places, events and materials, thus taking away the anonymity of the transnational terrorist and or criminal.
  5. OCS-OQIT: In accordance with the Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC) mission to provide specialized forensic research capabilities and to provide forensic support to other Federal departments and agencies when appropriate, the DFSC Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) manages and conducts research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) efforts related to forensics in order to meet current and future warfighter and law enforcement requirements.
  6. Evidence Vault: This is a controlled access room that shall be used for the storage of the physical evidence/captured material received. The construction of this room shall meet minimum requirements IAW AR 195-5 4-2b.
  7. 2. Electronic Exploitation: The Electronic Exploitation technician room shall be used to perform electrical/electronic exploitation on systems and components related to IEDs, and post blast debris.
  8. Triage Lab: The triage technician area is used to mitigate any identified hazards on evidence/material coming into the laboratory for exploitation.

Additional Non-Specialized parts of the laboratory include classrooms, administrative areas, break areas, housekeeping areas, facilities management areas, storage, fabrication shop, logistics storage, and evidence receiving, processing, and storage areas. 

Disclosure of Magnitude:  Between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000

Sources sought responses require the following:

  1. Submit a capability statement (does not need to be complex) which includes projects at least 60% complete (can be completed within the previous 10 years) with a magnitude of $25-$100M where you have acted as the Prime Contractor:  a. On projects with similar scope and magnitude to the above; b. containing secure/SCIF portions; c. Containing laboratory requirements.
  2. Explain the complexities, regulations, and challenges the laboratory requirements create in the current economic climate.  Will long lead times for materials (normal or specialty materials), labor needs (standard skills or any specialty skills), or geographic location present issues with this acquisition?
  3. Advise if/how the complexities of this crime laboratory differ than other Savannah District projects such as the Cyber Center of Excellence School houses at Fort Gordon.
  4. Include CAGE code, UEI number, point of contact, email, and any applicable socio-economic categories if applicable.
  5. Provide bonding ability. Aggregate and per contract.
  6. Submittal (Optional but preferred) Complete attached Project Labor Agreement (PLA) questionnaire.

Submit Capabilities and PLA questionnaire to the Contract Specialist (Primary Point of Contact) by 1700 EST 28 April 2023 via email.

A pre-solicitation is anticipated to be posted by the end of June 2023.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • SAVANNAH , GA 31401-3604
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
