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Biopoint Patient Identification Barcoding Point of Care (BPOC) System
The Veterans Health Affairs, Network Contracting Office 16, is issuing this Notice of Intent to Sole Source to identify any potential sources that have the resources and capabilities to provide Biopoint Patient Identification Barcoding Point of Care (BPOC) System
as described below in the statement of work.
The government is contemplating a Firm Fixed Price contract to satisfy this requirement and meet the needs of the patient population at the VA Medical Center, Biloxi, MS. Period of Performance is Date of Award thru 09-30-2028.
1. Contracting Officer s Representative (COR).
Contract Number:
Task Order Number:
IFCAP Tracking Number:
Follow-on to Contract and Task Order Number:
2. Contract Title: Biopoint Patient Identification Barcoding Point of Care (BPOC) System
3. Background: Currently the Gulf Coast utilizes BioPoint Patient Identification and Printing system from 2020 with option years 2024. The requirement out with contracting to support the Joint Ambulatory Care Center (JACC) in Pensacola FL. While The Joint Commission does not require barcoding the Institute for Safe Medication Practices have identified Barcode Verification Best Practice and recommends maximize the use of barcode verification prior to medication and vaccine administration by expanding use beyond inpatient care areas.
4. Scope. Expand automated Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) by Barcoding at the Point of Care (BPOC) service, maintenance, and upgrade services currently in use at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System (GCVHCS) Biloxi MS campus and the future service at the Pensacola Joint Ambulatory Care Center (JACC) to a DOD/VHA partnership with Naval Hospital Pensacola (NHP) FL for offering OR/ASOU/PACU services. The station s requirement is safeguarding the delivery of medications and treatments by improving the patient identification system through barcoding at the point of care. The service provided shall be performed in such a manner as to assure the safety and welfare of patients, by mirroring the service contract at Biloxi and the JACC, maintaining a single vendor and system to prevent compatibility issues or safety concerns as we expand to operating and inpatient settings to the NHP FL. The system must provide uninterrupted service across outpatient treatment center patient populations to those receiving operative services in Pensacola FL.
The service provider must provide version upgrades including new features and enhanced functionality, upgrade installation assistance, upgrade installation documentation, and telephone customer support from 0700-1900 CST. Upgrades including new features and enhanced functionality to include any enhancements to the lists and views, custom warnings, and reports. Software application shall interface with VISTA.
The service must match the current requirements provide at the Biloxi Campus and the JACC:
The Contractor is responsible for managing the following in accordance with manufacturer's specifications:
APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT: To include but not limited to Application version upgrades including new features and enhanced functionality
System management utilities
Uploading software updates
Telephone support
Upgrade of installation documentation
OPERATIONAL UPTIME REQUIREMENTS: With the exclusion of internal network, server, or computer outages the BioPoint Software system shall be operable and available for use 95% of the normal operating hours of the equipment as detailed in paragraph c., HOURS OF COVERAGE. Downtime shall be computed from notification of problem during normal work hours. Scheduled maintenance shall be excluded from downtime. (Normal work hours for this contract are defined as follows: 0700 - 1900 CST, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Recognized Holidays). Operational Uptime shall be computed during a month-long period. Repeated failure to meet this requirement can subject the contractor to DEFAULT action. Downtime due to failure of VA to meet its responsibilities in system maintenance shall not be counted.
Hours of Coverage:
Normal hours of coverage for this contract will be 0700 to 1900 CST, Monday through Friday excluding the following Federal Recognized Holidays.
Federal Recognized Holidays are:
New Year's Day January 1
Martin Luther King's Birthday Third Monday in January
President's Birthday Third Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Juneteenth June 19th
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day First Monday in September
Columbus Day Second Monday in October
Veterans Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas December 25
Holidays designated by Presidential Executive Order.
Emergency Support Service:
Response Time: Contractor's FSE must respond with a phone call to the designee within four (4) hours after receipt of telephoned notification. This unscheduled maintenance may include both telephone support and software support. This includes applications support, making modifications of the system configuration, downloading patient image files, running remote diagnostics of the system hardware and network, and providing applications support with simultaneous telephone conversations.
Parts: Not Applicable
REPORTING REQUIRED SERVICES BEYOND THE CONTRACT SCOPE: The Contractor shall immediately, but no later than 48 (forty-eight) consecutive hours after discovery, notify the CO and designee (ln writing) of the existence or the development of any defects in, or repairs required, to the scheduled equipment which the Contractor considers he/she is not responsible for under the terms of the contract. The Contractor shall furnish the CO and designee with a written estimate of the cost to make necessary repairs.
Software Support: The Contractor shall provide the VA with software upgrades and updates as released by the manufacturer. Updates shall include all modifications, corrections, and enhancements to software applications that the manufacturer makes available to its customers. Updates shall include mandatory updates (mandated by the manufacturer or to comply with changes in federal or state laws and regulations
5. Specifications/Characteristics:
The station requires a barcoding system providing bar coding medication administration and identification which integrates with Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) and prints wristbands at the point of care. The system must mirror and integrate with the current service provided at Biloxi MS, campus of the GCVHCS and the JACC, currently provided by BioPoint. Specifically, the system shall:
Provide a software application designed specifically to enhance the level of patient safety
Supply configurable wristband designs for each care area or facility need.
Offer the ability to quickly match patients for clinical care and procedure tracking.
Provide the ability to print full color patient photos directly on wristbands and labels.
Provide the capability to sync existing photos Vista or other photo repositories.
Must provide barcodes easily configured to meet medication tracking, therapy tracking, and data transfer into peripheral devices.
Shall ensure the identification quickly and easily identify the right patients for the right procedures and medications.
Provide a service that creates a library of clinical warnings specific to your facility for printing on patient wristbands or labels.
Shall configure identifications that eliminate the need for multiple patient wristbands or indicators.
Minimum technical specs must be provided to meet the requirements of the GCVHCC.
6. Places of Performance:
Naval Hospital Pensacola (NHP)
6000 US-90 W,
Pensacola FL 32512
7. Delivery.
Biloxi VA Medical Center
Warehouse Building 26
400 Veterans Avenue
Biloxi, MS 39531
Responses must be submitted by 3:00 PM (CST) Thursday, November 2, 20232023. Responses to the information requested above may be submitted via email to
This Notice of Intent to Sole Source does not constitute a solicitation. All information received in response to this notice that is marked proprietary will be handled accordingly in accordance with (IAW) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 15.201(e). Responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses incurred associated with responding to this RFI.
This Special Notice of Intent to Sole Source is for planning purposes ONLY. The results of this notice will assist in the development of (1) the requirement, and (2) the acquisition strategy (e.g., small business set-aside, full and open competition, etc.). VA assumes no responsibility for any costs incurred associated with the preparation of responses submitted as a result of this notice.