Renovate For Respiratory Therapy
VA No.: 528A8-21-802
FE No.: 21-178
Pre-Bid RFI 7/24/2024
The following questions came up during the bid period. Responses in RED are clarifications to the drawings.
The original construction documents were issued 7-23-2023, with sheets 1-ES-601 and 1-ES-701 revised 2-13-2024.
After the bid has been awarded, a revised drawing set incorporating the clarifications below will be issued to the successful bidder, for use in the field.
2/ES-100 Electrical New Construction Floor Plan - Keynote 3 indicates we are to utilize existing raceway in the 2nd floor corridor for connection to new communications devices. 4/ES-100 Telecom Room Plan - 1st Floor Keynotes 1&2 indicate dropping down to ED Patient Rooms and tying-in data devices at 1st floor data room 1DTR. Please clarify.
Utilize existing raceway in 2nd floor corridor ceiling. From Room D227, utilize existing telecom risers that lead to 1st floor D-wing TIPS closet. A/E will provide a revised detail post-award.
ES-001 Communication Symbols CR - Card Reader (provided by others) . 2/ES-100 Electrical New Construction Floor Plan indicates "Provide card readers for rooms D229, D324, & D235. Interconnection to be coordinated with security contractor."Â Please clarify what if any card readers and security integration belong to this contract.
Yes, the General Contractor is responsible for subcontracting the security firm; the firm and its employee(s) must be certified with Lenel S2 software. Card readers must be PIV class and HID clamshell card capable; the VA s preference is HID Signo 40K PIV Reader. To install the new readers, the security firm must furnish and install (2) LNL-1320 Series 3 boards & their associated power supply (Altronix T1MK14) & related door hardware.
Through Altronix, the order can be pre-configured, to purchase the corresponding lenel boards with the power supplies. lenel 1320 interface Module controls 2 doors so we need 2 units Power Supply   ADD batteries
Card readers shall be integrated to the existing Lenel 4420 board in 1st floor D-wing TIPS closet.
ES-001 Omni directional fixed camera - please provide a spec for 282300 Video Surveillance or clarify if by others.
Regarding the specification, please utilize the same specification as the card reader, 28 13 00 Physical Access Control System.
The VA s preferred make/model for the camera is: Hanwha Vision PNM-9002VQ
Camera shall be terminated onto the patch panel(s) of the 1st floor D-wing TIPS closet.
Please state work hours and ICRA classification for:
Electrical and BMS controls wiring through 2nd floor corridor
The ICRA classification has already been provided. Within the pre-construction submittal(s), the General Contractor shall propose how to conduct the work, and VA will make the determination.
Demolition/Construction/Cleanup must be conducted outside of Mammography s Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri, 8:00AM-3:30PM.
Sanitary piping demolition and new work above 1st floor Emergency Department ceilings
Definitely highest risk for the 5-bay patient room, adjacent spaces, and their Clean Storage room. Work in the ED ceilings may only be done on weekend nights (Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights beginning after 10pm). We expect Control Cube required in the 5-bay patient room and Clean Storage. Note that what is shown on the plans as a male bathroom next to the Break Room is actually the ED Clean Storage room.
The ICRA classification has already been provided. Within the pre-construction submittal(s), the General Contractor shall propose how to conduct the work, and VA will make the determination.
Work to be conducted on 3rd shift (11:00PM-6:00AM), on starting on evenings of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Data cabling above 1st floor Emergency Department ceilings
Related to response on 1st bullet, correcting the route for cabling. On 1st floor, work would be exclusively conducted in the 1st floor D-wing TIPS closet, including the termination of cabling. The cabling can utilize the existing risers, leading to the 2nd floor s D227. There are no time restrictions, but expect to provide and work in an isolation cube(s) & temporarily cease work, to allow staff admittance to the respective room that s blocked.
2" Topping slab demolition throughout work area (AD-100 boxed note indicates off-hours may be required but not clear)
Subfloor topping demolition may only occur on a Saturday during the day, with coordination with the ED department. (This will be heavily disruptive to the ED, but better than disturbing sleep in the ICU and CLCs.)
Is Nurse Call required in the project?
No new installation of Nurse Call work is included in this project.
Does all nurse call removal require complete pipe removals back to source, or can wires be pulled out and conduits left in ceiling?
Remove existing wires back to source. Remove drop conduit back to ceiling. Existing raceways in ceiling may remain (note that many Nurse Call wires in the hospital are routed in shared cable trays that contain cables from other communications systems, which are scheduled to remain).
Will data removal require cables to be removed back to rack, or can some be re-routed, and re-used? Is there enough room in the existing floor sleeves and data rack to accommodate the additional cables, or will additional components be required?
Contractor may reuse any existing data cables that conform to specifications and applicable codes as if new. Existing floor sleeves and data racks have sufficient capacity to accommodate new cables.
GI-003 Construction Phasing Plan indicates Phase 1 is 10 weeks for asbestos testing and abatement. Please provide asbestos survey if available.
Asbestos testing has already been completed. No location in the project area was found to be hot and no abatement work is included in this project. Asbestos survey is attached with RFI response. Phase 1 work is excluded from the project and project schedule should be reduced by 10 weeks.
Section 130541 SEISMIC RESTRAINTS lists partitions, mechanical ductwork and piping, electrical/telecom conduit and cable tray, ACT ceilings and light fixtures, and casework. Will all of these components listed in the spec require seismic bracing? Only indication in plans is a reference on MH-101 to detail 11/MH-701 for seismic bracing of reheat coils. If partitions, mechanical ductwork and piping, electrical/telecom conduit and cable tray, ACT ceilings and light fixtures, and casework will require seismic bracing, please provide detail drawings for same.
Seismic bracing is required for the following items. Details for all items will be provided post-award.
Suspended Ceiling Grid in corridor D001 & room D230A; other spaces are small enough to not require bracing
All cabinetry shall be braced to wall
Radiant Panel
All reheat coils
All domestic, sanitary, fire protection pipes greater than 2 trade size
All cable trays
All light fixtures
Additional clarification
6 B-EM light fixtures in corridor D001 should be connected to Life Safety Panel 2-ADLS. Other A-EM and B-EM fixtures should be connected to 2-DEC as shown on drawings. 2-ADLS is located approximately 10 feet south of 2-DEC. A/E will provide a revised detail post-award.