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Request For Information (RFI) Number: 72066824RFI00002 USAID South Sudan Peace Building and Independent Media (PBIM) Activity

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Sep 24, 2024 09:41 am CEST
  • Original Response Date: Oct 25, 2024 01:07 pm CEST
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date: Nov 09, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code:
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  • Place of Performance:


SUBJECT: Request For Information (RFI) Number: 72066824RFI00002 USAID South Sudan Peace Building and Independent Media (PBIM) Activity.

Pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) part 15.201(e), the United States Government,  represented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in South Sudan, is publishing this Request for Information (RFI) to obtain information, opinions, and recommendations from all interested public and private parties in designing the new USAID South Sudan Peace Building and Independent Media Activity for implementation in South Sudan. Responses to this request for information are not binding on the U.S. Government and do not obligate USAID to issue a solicitation, nor does it commit USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of comments.

Pursuant to  FAR Part 10, this RFI serves as a market research tool being utilized for informational and planning purposes and does not constitute a Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Application (RFA), or Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Your responses will assist the Government in the development of its acquisition strategy for a possible RFP, RFA, or NOFO to be issued later and in determining whether any type of small business set-aside has the ability to implement this procurement or whether full and open or other competitive procedures should be utilized. If full and open or other competition is ultimately pursued, responses to this synopsis will be used to aid in establishing small business subcontracting goals.


South Sudan’s Peace Building activities are rooted in efforts to address the ongoing conflict and instability both at the national and local levels that have plagued the country since its independence. The objective of this Peace Building and Independent Media Activity (PBIMA) is focused on resolving ongoing communal conflicts to reduce violence and build a sustainable peace by addressing the underlying causes of conflict, promoting reconciliation, and supporting the development of inclusive and resilient communities. To foster reconciliation and build trust, enhance social cohesion and community resilience, livelihood support, and trauma awareness through community-based initiatives. The activity will target conflict-affected communities across the hot spots with a focus on women, youth, people with disabilities, refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, ethnic minorities and key stakeholders in communities such as traditional leaders, civil society organizations, and religious leaders.

USAID strives to empower local actors across a wide range of contexts and populations in South Sudan to advance peace, stability, and dialogue through local solutions, civic participation, and increased access to information. USAID has recognized that professional, independent radio media plays a crucial role in these efforts by providing a platform for dialogue, disseminating information, and raising awareness about peace processes. Through radio, the activity will aim to improve access to credible, accurate, and reliable information by promoting the sustainability of high-quality, independent radio operations. The media helps to bridge communication gaps between diverse communities, supports conflict resolution, and fosters a culture of peace by highlighting stories of reconciliation and development in South Sudan. 

The anticipated scope of this activity is approximately $5-7 million per year for five years, with the capacity to scale up if additional funds become available. 


USAID/South Sudan invites the public to submit constructive feedback and comments on the Questions and comments under Annex 1 below. This includes, but is not limited to, comments on the comprehensive nature of the proposed activities, recommendations on geographic areas of proposed activities, and the identification of any potential gaps. In addition to general feedback, USAID would like to receive comments related to, but not limited to, the questions listed below. These comments will be taken into consideration in the design of the activity. 


Whether responding to the Questions or providing general feedback on the brief description or both, all submissions must include a cover page (one-page maximum) that consists of the following information:

  1. Organization name and address.
  2. Organization points of contact name, DUNS number (if applicable), telephone number, and email address.
  3. Organization type, i.e., commercial, public sector, educational institution, NGO, etc. If applicable, socioeconomic status, e.g., other than small business, small business, woman-owned, veteran-owned, etc.,
  4. Primary field(s) of expertise/work and geographic presence, e.g., countries your organization is currently working, and formally registered.

Responses should not exceed five (5) pages (not including cover page). Respondents must use size 12, Calibri font type single-spaced pages for all narrative documents, with each page numbered consecutively. If the respondent has developed relevant reports, these reports may be included, preferably as embedded links. If the reports are unavailable online, they may be submitted in the attachment(s). Respondents may respond to any or all the questions/requests for comments in Annex 1 below. 

Responses will be held confidential, and proprietary information should not be submitted. All comments must be submitted electronically, with the subject of "72066824RFI00002 USAID South Sudan Peace Building and Independent Media Activity," no later than the date and time stated above. Respondents will only receive an electronic confirmation acknowledging receipt of your response but will not receive individualized feedback on any suggestions.

Please note: This is NOT a solicitation. This RFI is issued solely to gather information and innovative ideas for new design and planning purposes. This RFI does not constitute an RFA, RFP, NOFO, or a commitment to issue an RFA/RFP/NOFO in the future. USAID may release a full solicitation later through the U.S. Government portal at or

Thank you for your interest in sharing your views and innovative ideas with the USAID/South Sudan Mission.



Ananciata Muyama

Contracting/Agreement Officer 

USAID/South Sudan

Contact Information

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
