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CERFP ExEval Camp Rilea July 2022

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: May 31, 2022 04:07 pm MDT
  • Original Published Date: May 18, 2022 02:25 pm MDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Jun 07, 2022 06:00 am MDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Jun 07, 2022 06:00 am MDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Updated Inactive Date: Jun 22, 2022
  • Original Inactive Date: Jun 22, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside: Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
  • NAICS Code:
    • 611519 - Other Technical and Trade Schools
  • Place of Performance:
    Warrenton , OR 97146


Questions and Answers Posted

CERFP ExEval Camp Rilea Jul 2022

Michael Furtney

Contract Specialist

USPFO, Colorado

(720) 250-4038

This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 12.6 and supplemented with additional information included in this notice.  This solicitation is issued as a request for quotes (RFQ) in accordance with FAR Parts 12 & 13. The provisions and clauses incorporated into this solicitation document are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2022-06.  Provisions and clauses incorporated by reference have the same force and effect as if they were given in full text.  The full text of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations supplement (DFARS) can be accessed on the internet at Acquisition.GOV |  This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. 

The solicitation W912LC-22-Q-0050 is issued as a request for quotation.  The Colorado Army National Guard will be awarding a Firm-Fixed Price Contract for Real World Medical Services and Role Players.

This procurement is 100% set-aside for _ Small Business

NAICS Code 611519, $16.5M

Solicitation Closes: Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 6:00am (Mountain Time Zone)

All quotes must be received electronically by email to by the closing date and time.  All questions must be emailed to the email address listed above.

Questions must be submitted no later than Thursday, 31 May 2022 at 7:00am (Mountain). 

Answers to the questions will be posted 1 June 2022.

Award Information:  All responsible quotes received by the closing date and time will be considered for award.   Responsible quotes will be formatted to match solicitation contract line item numbers (CLINS).

  • CLIN Structure:
    • CLIN 0001 Portable Toilets, QTY 10, UoM=Day
    • CLIN 0002 Hand washing Stations, QTY 10, UoM=Day
    • CLIN 0003 Gray Water Removal, QTY 5, UoM=Day
    • CLIN 0004 Lumber Package, QTY 2, UoM=Package
    • CLIN 0005 Manikin, QTY 25, UoM=Each
    • CLIN 0006 Manikin Parts, QTY 10, UoM=Each
    • CLIN 0007 Garbage Dumpster 10 yd, QTY 1, UoM=Each
    • CLIN 0008 Garbage Dumpster 30 yd, QTY 1, UoM=Each
    • CLIN 0009 Real World Medical (EMTs), QTY 160, UoM=Hours (4 EMTs/4 ten hour days)
    • CLIN 0010 Role Players, QTY 2600, UoM=Hours (260 role players/10 hour day)

To be eligible for award for this solicitation, the offeror must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) at ( at time of contract award.  The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be more advantageous to the government in accordance with FAR Part 13.106-2 Evaluation of Quotes.

Award will be made on the basis of the lowest evaluated price of quotes/offers meeting or exceeding the acceptability standards or minimum requirements (Lowest Price Technically Acceptable).




1.0 General:

1.1 Scope: The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and quality control necessary, except as specified in Paragraph 3.0 as Government Furnished, to perform Life Support Services, as defined in this Statement of Work.

1.2 Background: The Colorado National Guard will use Structure Collapse Simulators (SCS) to simulate the collapsed state of buildings due to a natural disaster or a domestic terrorism event. The use of these simulator venues supports regional training and exercises to enhancing domestic contingency preparedness exercises and evaluations of the Colorado National Guard Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Enhanced Response Force Package. A Structure Collapse Venue Site (SCVS) is a location where one or more SCS are used to simulate the collapsed state of buildings. These SCVS and surrounding areas were built up to be realistic, challenging, maintainable, and to provide the needed skill lanes. They are located on Camp Rilea, Warrenton, OR. The training venue provides command and tactical skill challenges of such complexity that repetitiveness does not breed familiarity with the training prop and training lanes. The Colorado National Guard requires the SCVS of sufficient size and complexity, identified in this Statement of Work, to keep all Guard teams training in a realistic condition and environment so individuals gain valuable experience and expertise working on a simulated "real world" incident. In addition, the Colorado National Guard uses role players to simulate realistic conditions encountered by National Guard responders in a natural disaster or domestic terrorism events. The use of role players is required to support regional training and exercises to enhance domestic contingency preparedness exercises and evaluations of CBRN Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP), and other CBRN response capabilities.

1.3 Period of Performance (PoP): The Period of Performance shall be 08-19 July 2022.

1.4 General Information:

1.4.1 Place and Performance of Services: The contractor shall provide services between the hours of 0500-2100 hours on 08-19 July 2022.  Services shall be performed except on recognized US holidays or when the Government facility/installation is closed due to local or national emergencies, administrative closings, or similar Government-directed facility/installation closings. Performance shall be Camp Rilea, OR. The contractor shall always maintain an adequate work force for the uninterrupted performance of all tasks defined within this Statement of Work when the Government facility/installation is not closed for any reason. Unscheduled gate closures by the Security Police may occur at any time causing all personnel entering or exiting a closed installation to experience a delay. This cannot be predicted or prevented. Contractors are not compensated for unexpected closures or delays. Vehicles operated by contractor personnel are subject to search pursuant to applicable regulations. Any moving violation of any applicable motor vehicle regulation may result in the termination of the contractor employee’s installation driving privileges. The contractor’s employees shall become familiar with and obey the regulations of the installation, including fire, traffic, safety and security regulations while on the installation. Contractor employees should only enter restricted areas when required to do so and only upon prior approval. All contractor employees shall carry proper identification with them at all times and shall be subject to such checks as may be deemed necessary. The contractor shall ensure compliance with all regulations and orders of the installation, which may affect performance. The Government reserves the right to direct the removal of an employee from Government property or revoke access to Government systems for misconduct, security reasons, or any overt evidence of communicable disease. Removal of contractor employees for reasons stated above does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for total performance of this contract.

1.4.4. Access and general protection/security policy and procedures. Contractor and all associated sub-contractors’ employees shall provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services or Security Office. Contractor workforce must comply with all personal identity verification requirements (FAR clause 52.204-9, Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel) as directed by DOD, HQDA and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition (FPCON) at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require changes in contractor security matters or processes. 

  • For contractors that do not require CAC, but require access to a DoD facility or installation. Contractor and all associated sub-contractors employees shall comply with adjudication standards and procedures using the National Crime Information Center Interstate Identification Index (NCIC-III) and Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) (Army Directive 2014-05/AR 190-13), applicable installation, facility and area commander installation/facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by government representative), or, at OCONUS locations, in accordance with status of forces agreements and other theater regulations.

1.4.5 Special Qualifications: The contractor shall ensure applicable employees possess all required licenses for operating a 10k heavy lift forklift used in the performance of this contract. This does not include education or other qualifications for the positions required. (NOTE: The Government does not provide training to contractors. Contractors must ensure that any personnel performing under a contract are fully trained, licensed, certified, and otherwise qualified to provide services.)

1.4.6 Contract Manager (CM): The contactor shall designate a Contract Manager who shall ensure performance under this contract. The name of this person, and an alternate who shall act for the contractor when the CM is absent, shall be designated in writing to the Contracting officer. The Contract Manager or alternate shall have full authority to act for the contractor on all contract matters relating to daily operation of this contract.  The Contract Manager shall work through the Government Representative to resolve issues, receive technical instructions, and ensure adequate performance of services.  The Contract Manager shall ensure that contractor employees do not perform any services outside the scope of the contract without an official modification issued by the Contracting Officer.  The Contract Manager shall ensure contractor employees understand that services performed outside the scope of the contract are performed wholly at the expense of the contractor. The Contract Manager shall be onsite at Camp Rilea during the performance of this contract.

2.0 Definitions and Acronyms:

2.1 Definitions:

2.1.1 Contractor: A supplier or vendor awarded a contract to provide specific supplies or service to the Government. The term used in this contract refers to the prime.

2.1.2 Defective Service: A service output that does not meet the standard of performance associated with the Statement of Work.

2.1.3 Deliverable: Anything that can be physically delivered and includes non-manufactured items such as meeting minutes or reports.

2.1.4 Key Personnel: Contractor personnel that are evaluated in a source selection process and that may be required to be used in the performance of a contract by the Statement of Work. When key personnel are used as an evaluation factor in best value procurement, an offer can be rejected if it does not have a firm commitment from the persons that are listed in the proposal.

2.1.5 Physical Security: Actions that prevent the loss or damage of Government property.

2.1.6 Quality Assurance: The Government procedures to verify that services being performed by the Contractor are performed according to acceptable standards.

2.1.7 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP): An organized written document specifying the surveillance methodology to be used for surveillance of contractor performance.

2.1.8 Quality Control: All necessary measures taken by the Contractor to ensure that the quality of an end product or service shall meet contract requirements.

2.1.9 Subcontractor: One that enters into a contract with a prime contractor. The Government does not have privity of contract with the subcontractor.

2.2 Acronyms:

AEI                                     Army Enterprise Infostructure

AR                                      Army Regulation

AT/OPSEC                       Antiterrorism/Operational Security

BI                                        Background Investigation

CM                                     Contract Manager

COR                                   Contracting Officer Representative

CERFP                               CBRN Enhanced Response Force Package

CRO                                   Camp Rilea Oregon

DA                                      Department of the Army

DFARS                               Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

DoD                                   Department of Defense

FAR                                    Federal Acquisition Regulation

GFP/M/E/S                     Government Furnished Property/Material/Equipment/Services

HQDA                                Headquarters, Department of the Army

HSPD                                 Homeland Security Presidential Directive

IA                                        Information Assurance

IC                                        Incident Commander

IMT                                    Incident Management Team

IS                                        Information System(s)

KO                                      Contracting Officer

NGB                                   National Guard Bureau

NLT                                    No Later Than

OCI                                     Organizational Conflict of Interest

POC                                   Point of Contact

PRS                                    Performance Requirements Summary

PWS                                   Performance Work Statement

QA                                      Quality Assurance

QASP                                 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan

QC                                      Quality Control

QCP                                   Quality Control Program

SCVS                                  Structural Collapse Venue Site

SME                                   Subject Matter Expert

SSN                                    Social Security Number

TE                                       Technical Exhibit 

USD(I)                               Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

UTES                                  Unit Training Equipment Site

3.0 Government Furnished Property, Material, Equipment and Services (GFP/M/E/S): The Government will provide the property, material, equipment, and/or services listed below solely for the purpose of performance under this contract:

3.1 Property: The COARNG SCVS at Camp Rilea will already include the following training areas:

  • Lifting and Hauling prop with a minimum footprint of 40ft by 75ft with tactical rock or firm, packed gravel.
  • Shoring prop with a minimum footprint of wall surface 8ft tall by 20ft long. 
  • A building one or two stories high with smooth surfaces and doors.
  • Confined Space prop with a minimum footprint of 2.5 ft tall (inside} by 40ft long. Site will have firm footing for maneuvering and spot shoring.
  • Rope prop with a minimum footprint of 25ft tall by 30ft long.  Site will have tactical rock or firm gravel to land on and belay from.
  • Breaching and Breaking prop with heavy debris to break precisely as directed with a minimum footprint of 60ft by 60ft. Site will have tactical rock or firm gravel and will have good drainage.
  • Area available for a CERFP footprint to establish operations and set up equipment.
  • The 10k forklift will be provided by the Oregon Camp Rilea Unit Training Equipment Site
  • Incident Command Structure will be provided by the National Guard Bureau and AITEC

4.0 Contractor Furnished Property, Materials, and Equipment (CFP/M/E):

4.1 General: Except for those items specifically stated to be Government-Furnished in Paragraph 3.0, the contractor shall furnish everything required to perform these services as indicated in Paragraph 1.1.

5.0 Requirements: The contractor shall:

5.1 Provide materials and services to accomplish all tasks outlined in this Statement of Work throughout the period of performance of the contract.  The contractor shall prepare for and participate in meetings and reviews when required or directed by the Government Representative. Attend planning meetings via teleconference or in person upon contract award. The contractor shall provide support in accordance with this Statement of Work for the following exercise: 08-19 July 2022 CO EXEVAL. The contractor shall provide names and driver’s Licenses of all civilians and contractors in order to gain access to Camp Rilea, Oregon.

5.2 Portable Chemical Toilets: Contractor provides a minimum of twenty (20) outdoor style portable chemical toilets to support up to 250 Soldiers and 120 Role Players. Clean inside and outside of all units every other day or more frequently as needed to where they are free of all human waste, soiled toilet articles and dirt. After emptying the units the contractor shall refill each unit with standard commercial sanitizing chemicals and enough toilet paper to last until the next scheduled service. The contractor shall maintain material safety data sheets (MSDS) in the contractor’s vehicle, and copies made for CERFP Point of Contact, for all applicable material used in the performance of this service. The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials, supervision and services necessary in connection with delivery, service and pick up of chemical latrines at Camp Rilea, Oregon. Contractor shall place the units as close together as feasible for user convenience and organized appearance. The contractor shall use appropriate tie down systems as necessary to ensure all units are secured in designated locations to prevent high winds from toppling over. The contractor shall furnish replacement units for all units removed for maintenance, repair or units that have toppled over. The chemical latrines will be repositioned, as requested, in a phased manner throughout the training area.  The contractor shall relocate portable toilets as directed by the Government Representative not to exceed 10 moves during the exercise.  The movement of portable chemical toilets will be requested 24 hours in advance. The contractor shall dispose of all waste at an off-post location. Disposal shall be in accordance with existing local, state, and federal regulations. The contractor shall be responsible for any permits or fees associated with the use of off-post disposal locations.

5.2.1 Standards:

  • Chemical Toilet Units shall be of standards commercial manufacture intended for use as portable chemical toilets

• Portable chemical toilets shall consist of a completely enclosed, well-vented enclosure, the roofs, sides, and floors shall be free of leaks, cracks and holes; Toilets units will include waterless hand sanitizer; Doors shall be self-closing, tight fitting, and will have an inside lock.

• All portable toilets shall be new or like new condition, clean, single type occupancy, to include urinal, and easily serviced.

• The contractor shall clean inside and outside of all units on dates outlined in para 5.2.2 to where they are free of all human waste, soiled toilet articles and dirt; after emptying the units the contractor shall refill each unit with standard commercial sanitizing chemicals and enough toilet paper to last until the next scheduled service.

5.2.2 Delivery:

• Initial Delivery: 08 July 2022

• Delivery/set-up dates: no earlier than 0700hrs 08 July 2022 and no later than 1200hrs 08 July 2022 for Camp Rilea, OR

• Service dates: 10 July 2022, 11 July 2022, 12 July 2022, 13 July 2022 , 14 July 2022, 15 July 2022, 16 July 2022, 17 July 2022. Servicing will occur daily no earlier than 1900hrs and no later than 2200hrs.

• Removal dates: Remove all latrines and hand washing stations on 18 July 2022 NLT 1200hrs

5.3 Hand Washing Stations: Contractor provides a minimum of ten (10) portable hand washing stations to support up to 250 Soldiers and 120 Role Players. Hand washing stations will be serviced (to include paper towels, soap, refilling water, etc) at the same interval as the portable chemical toilets.  Hand washing stations are to be filled completely (100%) at the start-up of the exercise. Hand washing stations shall never run out of water to ensure that sanitary conditions are met in a field environment. Each hand washing station should have a trash receptacle to place used paper towels as well as the requirement to empty them. The contractor shall maintain material safety data sheets (MSDS) in the contractor’s vehicle, and copies made for CERFP Point of Contact, for all applicable material used in the performance of this service. The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials, supervision and services necessary in connection with delivery, service and pick up of hand washing stations at Camp Rilea, Oregon. The contractor shall use appropriate tie-down systems as necessary to ensure all units are secured in designated locations to prevent high winds from toppling them over. The contractor shall furnish replacement units for all units removed for maintenance, repair or units that have toppled over.

5.3.1 Standards:

  • Handwashing stations are to be filled completely (100%) at the start-up of the exercise. Handwashing stations shall never run out of water to ensure that sanitary conditions are met in a field environment.

• Hand washing stations will enable Soldiers to wash their hands in a sanitary manner.

• Hand washing stations will be of standard commercial manufacture intended for use as sanitary hand washing stations.

  • The stations will be free of leaks and watertight

5.3.2 Delivery:

• Initial Delivery: 08 July 2022

• Delivery/set-up dates: no earlier than 0700hrs 08 July 2022 and no later than 1200hrs 08 July 2022 for Camp Rilea, OR

• Service dates: 10 July 2022, 11 July 2022, 12 July 2022, 13 July 2022 , 14 July 2022, 15 July 2022, 16 July 2022, 17 July 2022. Servicing will occur daily no earlier than 1900hrs and no later than 2200hrs.

• Removal dates: Remove all latrines and hand washing stations on 18 July 2022 NLT 1200hrs

5.4 Gray Water Removal: Contractor shall remove gray water. Gray water will not be allowed to drain on the ground; gray water removal will be performed by the contractor. The contractor shall maintain material safety data sheets (MSDS) in the contractor’s vehicle, and copies made for CERFP Point of Contact, for all applicable material used in the performance of this service. The contractor shall dispose of all waste at an off-post location. Disposal shall be in accordance with existing local, state, and federal regulations. The contractor shall be responsible for any permits or fees associated with the use of off-post disposal locations.

5.4.1 Standards:

• Provide gray water removal service in support of Military field training activities. Gray water removal (up to 1500 GAL) from storage blivets will be performed every day starting 11JUL22 and ending 15JUL22. The Contractor will empty blivets twice a day

  • First gray water removal: 1200
  • Second gray water removal: 1700

• The contractor shall dispose of all waste at an off-post location. The contractor may not dump wastes anywhere within Camp Rilea, Oregon. Disposal shall be in accordance with existing local, state, and federal regulations. The contractor shall be responsible for any permits or fees associated with the use of off-post disposal locations.

5.5 Provide two packages of lumber material. Lumber Package Placement in vicinity of Camp Rilea Rubble Pile NLT 1800 on 09JULY2022. Any lumber unused during the training event will become property of the government and will be used for future training. Provide qualified driver to operate 10k forklift that is provided by Camp Rilea UTES for daily SCVS reset. SCVS reset will include but not limited to the movement and placement of mannequins, movement of lumber material, movement and placement of concrete breaching slabs.

5.5.1 Each Lumber Package will consist of the following:

  • 30 – 12’ 4x4 common boards
  • 25 – 12’ 2x4  common boards
  • 30 – 12’ 2x6 common boards
  • 6 – 4’x8’ plywood ¾” thick
  • 1 – 12’ 6x6 common board
  • 1 – 10 pound box of 8 penny duplex nails
  • 1 – 10 pound box of penny duplex nails

5.6 Contractor provide 25 mannequins with water proof laminated injury cards for rubble pile and water decontamination operations. Mannequins will be ready and placed in and around the Structure Collapsed Venue Site daily no later than 0700 and no earlier than 1800 12-15JULY2022.

5.6.1 Mannequins will be moulaged (make-up), transported, and placed by Structure Collapsed Venue Site Contractor.

5.6.2 No fidelity Mannequin Adults shall weigh a minimum of 150 pounds with weighted limbs; Children 60-100 pounds; Infants 10-30 pounds.  Composition of the mixture of mannequins: Adults: 18 Mannequins, Children: 5 Mannequins, Infants: 2 Mannequins. No specific gender needed

5.6.3 Provide exercise scenario specific moulage for mannequins with the following types of issues and injuries:  Multiple Compression Wounds, Geriatrics, Trauma, Crush, Burn and Fatalities.

5.6.4 Provide required support at each presentation dependent upon the exercise sequencing and pacing.  Times may shift slightly based on training requirements as directed by exercise planners.

5.6.5 Contractor must provide Mannequin waterproof laminated injury cards and cards should be able to be modified each day per operational requirements.

5.6.6 Provide mannequin movers to be placed in and around the Structure Collapsed Venue Site daily no later than 0730 and no earlier than 1800 12 -15JULY2022. Mannequin movers are required

5.6.7 Mannequins will need 3 x sets of clothing per day of 12 – 15 July 2022. No specific type of clothing required.

5.6.8 Body parts. Outside of the required 25 mannequins, contractor must provide additional body parts. Required: Provide ten mannequin fatality remains; dismembered limbs, body parts, in accordance with exercise scenario. Two out of the Ten will be full’s (50% of body remaining). No specific number on which body parts, gender, nor ethnicity.  Eight additional body parts  may be arm, leg, hand, or foot, etc.

5.6.9 Contractor provides all shelter, heating/cooling, tables and chairs for mannequins and mannequins movers.

5.7 Garbage Dumpsters:  Provide two (2) dumpsters to be placed at CRO, the location specified by the Government Representative no later than 08 July 2022. One (1) 10 yard roll off garbage dumpster and one (1) 30 yard roll off construction material dumpster. Contractor will remove trash once on 13 July 2022 and any additional dumps with 24 hours of notification by Government Representative.  Contractor will place the equipment at a location as designated by the Government Representative.

5.7.1 Standards:

• Provide One (1) 10 yard roll off dumpster and one (1) 30 yard roll off dumpster construction material dumpster

• Remove trash once on the 13th of July 2022

• Place equipment at a location designated by the Government Representative

5.7.2 Delivery:

• Initial Delivery: 08 July 2022

• Delivery date: No earlier than 0800hrs 08 July 2022 no later than 1600hrs 08 July 2022

• Disposal dates: No earlier than 1800 on 13 July 2022 and no later than 2100 on 13 July 2022

• Removal date:  No earlier than 0800hrs 19 July 2022 and no later than 1100 hrs 19 July 2022

5.8 Provide real-world medical support with four EMT certified medics (at a minimum 1 BLS and 1 ALS certified EMTs per ambulance) and two ambulances at Camp Rilea, Oregon footprint site to support civilian role player medical needs during Operational Periods of 0730-1830 12-15JULY2022.

5.8.1 All ambulances shall conform to the State Rules and Regulations.

5.8.2 The Contractor shall employ EMT-Ps (Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedics), EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians), AEMTs (Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians) and support staff to provide patient care and to operate Contractor’s vehicles and equipment. Each EMT/AEMT and paramedic shall be physically capable of performing the tasks assigned by the Contractor, shall be clean in dress and person, and shall display their name and certification on a photo identification badge in an appropriate manner visible to the patient.

5.8.3 Ambulances and medical support staff with be on site throughout the duration of the training event. At least one ambulance will be required to remain on site in order for training to continue, in the event both ambulances are off site for any reason training will be suspended until at least one ambulance is back on site.

5.8.4 Vendor shall provide Emergency Medical Support for all soldiers and civilians partaking in the training event. All medical treatment expenses will be billed to the individual’s respective insurance and CONG will not be liable for any expenses incurred for medical services rendered.

5.9 Provide moulaged and displaced civilian role player support during each Operational Period of 0730-1830 12-15JUL22.

5.9.1 Number and type of role players will be required on the following dates for the duration of the Operational Period:

                12JUL22: 20 Moulaged, 60 Displaced Civilians: Total of 80 Role Players

                13JUL22: 5 Moulaged, 20 Displaced Civilians: Total of 25 Role Players

                14JUL22: 5 Moulaged, 30 Displaced Civilians: Total of 35 Role Players

                15JUL22: 20 Moulaged, 100 Displaced Civilians: Total of 120 Role Players

5.9.2 Provide an on-site manager/expert for assuring quality of moulage treatments.  The numbers of artisans are based on contractor needs to provide the number of presentations.

5.9.3 Provide exercise scenario specific moulage for casualty role players with the following types of medical issues:  Multiple Compression Wounds, Geriatrics, Trauma, Chest Pain, Crush, Burn, Hot/Cold, and Panic (mental other), Chemical, PTSD, Pediatrics -- Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory.

5.9.5 Contractor provide moulaged role players with exercise scenario specific Mass Casualty Cards (water proof) and provide injury specific acting instructions/coaching. Scenarios include: Multiple Compression Wounds, Geriatrics, Trauma, Crush, Burn and Fatalities. Coordinate with CO CERFP Government Representative during planning meetings.

5.9.6 Provide patient flow rates in accordance with exercise scenarios and schedule of exercise events.

5.9.7 Role players will be moulaged (make-up) and placed at the appropriate training sites in accordance with exercise timelines and suspense’s. Moulage will be a mixture of trauma and burns.

5.9.8 Provide all materials, to include “cut away” clothing and moulage for make-up and dressing role-players. 3 x sets of clothing per day per role player and mannequins. No specific type of clothing. Role players will need to bring a swim suit as they will get wet each day. Swim suits will not be cut off.

5.9.9 Ensure timely pickup of role players once they have passed through medical holding to maximize the recycling and iteration process.

5.9.10 Prepare Role players to understand that they will get extremely wet, exercise play clothing will be cut off and they will be scrubbed with brushes and a lot of water (possibly cold water).

5.9.11 Provide role player orientation and mandatory safety training prior to their participation.

5.9.12 Provide mandatory safety equipment (face masks, eye protection, ear protection, adequate foot ware, etc.) for all role players entering the collapse structure (rubble pile) location and confined spaces as required.

5.9.13 Provide transportation for all role players to, around, and from the training sites.

5.9.14 All Role Players will be at least 18 years of age, have no outstanding warrants, cannot be on parole, and must possess a valid government issued I.D. All personnel will be subject to ID check and vehicle inspections at CRO.

5.9.15 Provide a dry and covered space with power, tables, potable water and chairs to support moulage operations and a holding/break site for Role Players during operational periods 0730-1830 12-15JULY22.

5.9.16 Meals and drinks will not be provided by Colorado National Guard.  Vendor is required to provide meals, water, clothing, and towels for role players.

5.9.17 Porta-potties and handwashing stations will be provided by the CERFP.

Provisions and Clauses applicable to this Solicitation/Request for Quote

The following FAR Provisions and Clauses are applicable to this acquisition:

52.203-19                             Prohibition on Contracting with Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality agreements or Statements

52.204-7                               Central Contractor Registration

52.204-10                             Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards

52.204-13                             System for Award Management Maintenance

52.204-14                             Service Contact Reporting Requirements

52.204-16                             Commercial and Government Entity Code Reporting

52.204-18                             Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance

52.204-19                             Incorporation by Reference of Representations and Certifications

52.204-23                             Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab and Other Covered Entities

52.204-24                             Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25                            Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment

52.204-26                             Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representations

52.209-6                               Protecting the Government’s Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment

52.209-10                             Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations

52.209-11                             Representation by Corporations Regarding Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction under any Federal Law

52.212-1                               Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Products and Commercial Services

52.212-3 ALT 1                   Offeror Representation & Certifications- Commercial Products and Commercial Services

52.212-4                               Contract Terms & Conditions-Commercial Products and Commercial Services      

52.212-5                              Contract Terms & Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders Commercial Products and Commercial Services

52.219-6                               Notice of Small Business Set-Aside

52.219-28                             Post-Award Small Business Program Re-representation

52.222-3                              Convict Labor

52.222-19                             Child labor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (DEVIATION 2020-O0019)

52.222-21                            Prohibition of Segregated Facilities

52.222-26                             Equal Opportunity

52.222-36                            Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities

52.222-41                             Service Contract Act of 1965

52.222-42                             Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires

52.222-50                            Combating Trafficking in Persons

52.222-55                             Minimum Wages Under Executive Order 14026

52.222-62                             Paid Sick Leave Under Executive Order 13706

52.223-5                               Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know Information

52.223-18                             Contractor Policy to Ban Text Messaging While Driving

52.225-13                             Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases

52.232-33                             Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System of Award Management

52.232-39                             Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations

52.232-40                             Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors

52.233-3                               Protest After Award

52.233-4                               Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim

52.237-2                              Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation

52.246-4                               Inspection of Services-Fixed Price

52.252-2                               Clauses incorporated by reference

52.252-6                               Authorized Deviations in Clauses  

The following DFAR Provision and Clauses are applicable to this acquisition:

252.201-7000                      Contracting Officer’s Representative (If COR is required)

252.203-7000                      Requirements Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials

252.203-7002                      Requirement to Inform Employees of Whistleblower Rights.

252.203-7005                      Representation Relating to Compensation of Former DOD Officials

252.204-7012                      Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting

252.204-7015                      Notice of Authorized Disclosure of Information for Litigation Support

252.204-7016                      Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation    

252.204-7017                      Prohibition on the Acquisition of Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation

252.204-7018                      Prohibition on the Acquisition of Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation

252.211-7003                      Item Unique identification Valuation

252.225-7048                      Export-Controlled Items

252.232-7003                      Electronic Submission of Payments and Receiving Reports.

252.232-7006                      Wide Area Workflow Payment Instructions

252.232-7010                      Levies on Contract Payments

252.232-7017                      Accelerating Payments to Small Business Subcontractors-Prohibition on Fees and Considerations

252.237-7010                      Prohibition on Interrogation of Detainees by Contractor Personnel

252-244-7000                     Subcontracts for Commercial Items

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • AURORA , CO 80011-9551
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
