Lome Emergency Operations Center, Togo
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Presolicitation (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: Mar 25, 2022 05:54 pm CET
- Original Published Date:
- Requirements Strategy:
- Inactive Policy: Manual
- Updated Inactive Date: Apr 22, 2022
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: Lome , LomeTGO
Lome Emergency Operations Center, Togo
This is a pre-solicitation announcement of a proposed contract pursuant to FAR 5.204. The US Government intends to announce a contract solicitation for design and construction services as described within this announcement at a later date. This announcement is also meant to help identify potential contractors interested in and capable of performing this design and construction project. All attachments, if any, are unofficial and subject to change and included only to give a better understanding of the future project. This is NOT a solicitation announcement and is not to be construed as a commitment by the US Government, implied or otherwise, to issue a solicitation or award a contract.
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Europe District plans to solicit proposals for a design-build construction contract for the design-build project for construction of a National Emergency Operations Center in Lomé, Togo; Latitude 6°14'13.4"N, Longitude 1°10'29.2"E (See attachment Location Map). Provide a permanent construction, massive, single story administrative type building that meets the requirements as specified in SOW. The project includes the following general items of work, detailed requirements will be provided within SOW: a. Clear, grub, and grade the site b. Construct new Facilities c. Provide site improvements including roads and parking.
The new Togo National Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will provide the only
dedicated space in the country for coordination of all emergency organizations in the
country during disasters. The facility will provide collaborative space for monitoring, early warning, and responding to disasters, improving the peace and security of the Togolese Republic and contributing to security and stability within the Nation.
The following work proposed for construction by this project to meet the stated objectives given the existing conditions and budget:
- Construct one (1) Emergency Operations Center.
- Construct one (1) Backup Generator Shelter.
- Construct one (1) Sentry Box; and
- Construct perimeter site security fence with vehicle gate.
Site improvements as required to support the construction of the new facility include:
CIVIL: The area is undeveloped and must be prepared for construction. Extend
the existing on-site well water service to the new facility. Additionally, the
contractor must contact the municipal water supply company to extend the local
water service to the site. Provide an exterior valve to allow the user to switch
between municipal and on-site water service during emergency situations. A
geotechnical survey will be required for the areas of new construction. The new
site layout must accommodate the EOC, Guard Booth, Generator Shelter, and
20 parking spaces. Refer to the attachments.
ARCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURAL: Provide building structure using local
materials and methods. This includes a steel reinforced concrete frame with
concrete block infill. Provide reinforced concrete tie beams at top of walls.
Provide reinforced concrete lintels over all openings. Rake concrete/block walls
to match roof slope. Provide structural lumber trusses at each concrete and/or
steel column. Provide structural lumber purlins perpendicular to roof trusses. All
concrete must be machine mixed. Mortar may be hand mixed. All concrete for
each member must be poured on the same day and not allowed to dry between
pours. Provide solid concrete blocks below grade and hollow concrete blocks
above grade. Rebar must be free of rust. All materials must be cleaned to
remove dust and debris prior to the application of concrete or mortar.
MECHANICAL: Heating is not required. All rooms will utilize natural ventilation.
No mechanical ventilation or exhaust will be provided. Provide one (1) electric
ceiling fan in each room (except for corridors, toilet rooms, technical rooms, and
storage rooms). Provide two (2) electric ceiling fans in rooms 107, 109, 111, and
115. Ceiling fans must have wall-mounted controls with a minimum of three
speeds. Provide wall-mounted split units to provide air conditioning in all offices,
meeting rooms, technical rooms, the cafeteria, operations room, and sleeping
rooms. All lavatory faucets and showers will have hot and cold connections. Hot
water generators must be provided where necessary.
ELECTRICAL/TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Provide interior LED lighting in each
room. Provide exterior LED lighting at all entrance doors. Provide one (1) new
main distribution panel for the building. Install a minimum of two (2) convenience
outlets in each room. Provide a minimum of two (2) additional outlets for each
workstation in all offices and the emergency operations room. Provide one new
telephone panel and one new internet distribution panel for the building. Install
a minimum of one telephone and one data receptacle in each room.
FIRE PROTECTION: Provide operable openings as required to meet local fire
and life safety emergency egress requirements. Provide ceiling-mounted smoke
detectors in all rooms. All other Host Nation and local fire and life safety codes
must be followed.
The project site is located in the city of Lomé, Togo; Latitude 6°14'13.4"N, Longitude 1°10'29.2"E
This is NOT a solicitation announcement at this time. The USACE anticipates that the solicitation announcement will be made on/around late April/early May 2022 and will contain many more details surrounding the project and instructions on how and when to submit a proposal. If you are interested in this contract opportunity, you can sign up for email alerts for updates by selecting to “follow” this opportunity at the top right on the SAM.gov announcement webpage (requires account login; see SAM registration details below). The solicitation will be subject to full and open competition. As the work will be performed outside of the continental U.S. no small business set-asides or socioeconomic preference of any sort will be granted.
The resulting contract will be a Design-Build, Firm Fixed Price (FFP) construction contract.
The estimated contract value is between $500,000 and $750,000 (USD).
The anticipated contract duration is approximately 425 calendar days after contract award, Notice to Proceed.
This is NOT a solicitation announcement at this time. Interested Offerors are encouraged to respond to this announcement by completing the questionnaire attached to this announcement, including basic company information, company point of contact information including phone and email. NOTE: Companies MUST be SAM registered to be eligible for award of any contracts for the US Government. See special SAM notice below.
Interested parties may submit responses via email to MSG Aaron Kopecky, Contract Specialist, at aaron.j.kopecky@usace.army.mil. In order to ensure that your submission is received and processed appropriately, please state the following in the subject of your email: “INTERESTED: W912GB22R0022 Lome Operations Center, Togo/FIRM-NAME-HERE”. Offerors interested in future announcements may also visit the USACE Europe District website to register at the following web link: https://www.nau.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Contracting/Industry-Event/. Completing the webform is the best way to be included on future notices. Please share the weblink with any individual or company that may be qualified and interested in this work.
In order to do business with the US Government as a contractor, a company must be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM, www.sam.gov). In order to register on SAM, a company must obtain a NCAGE code and a DUNS number. You can apply for an NCAGE code and a DUNS number simultaneously, but both must be obtained in order to register on SAM. The USACE Europe District has completed an Online Industry Day presentation that offers useful information for companies interested in doing business with us on design and construction projects, and it is posted to the USACE Europe District website at the following: https://www.nau.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Contracting/Industry-Event/. The online presentation contains detailed information on how to register to do contract work for the US Government, how to read and understand a USACE solicitation, and how to do construction work for the USACE. You’ll notice the page has a few main features:
- A narrated video presentation with useful information for design and construction firms interested in doing business with the USACE Europe District (the video itself is housed on YouTube).
- A downloadable Adobe PDF version of the presentation—this is the same material but it is small enough to email in most cases, and is in copy/paste format and with live hyperlinks throughout.
- A link to beta.sam.gov where many Europe District Contract Opportunities can be found.
- An invitation to submit questions. There will be a FAQ page linked there as questions come in.
- A link to a vendor registration form. This is the easiest way for vendors to get on distribution lists for contract announcements. The direct web link to the registration form is as follows: https://www.nau.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Register-for-the-vendor-database/
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- MSG Aaron Kopecky
- aaron.j.kopecky@usace.army.mil
- Phone Number 3145702106, +49 173 2075 232