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Demilitarization and Disposal of Land Mines

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Apr 11, 2023 10:36 am CDT
  • Original Response Date: May 22, 2023 03:00 pm CDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date:
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: 1345 - LAND MINES
  • NAICS Code:
    • 332993 - Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


The North America Industry Classification (NAICS):  332993

Product Service Code: 1345

The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command - Rock Island (ACC-RI), on behalf of the Product Director for Demilitarization and the U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command, is conducting a market survey to identify potential sources (within the United States, any allied nation, or both) possessing permitted demilitarization facilities, experience, and expertise, necessary for Demilitarization and Disposal of Land Mines, including delivery munitions such as the Family of Scatterable Mines (FASCAM) and components. The following list of the families of Land Mine Systems that may be included in a future Request for Proposal (RFP):

  1. GATOR Mine System is an air-dropped Anti-Tank (AT) and Anti-Personnel (AP) mine delivery system with cluster dispensers. The Navy version is the 223 kg (491 lb) CBU-78/B (DODICs: K290/K299/J005)) and the Air Force version is the 320 kg (705 lb) CBU-89/B (DODICs: (J004/K133/K295/K301). The CBU-78/B is a 223-kilogram (491 lb.) cluster munition containing 45 AT and 15 AP mines and uses the SUU-58/B dispenser with MK 339 Mod 1 mechanical time fuze. The CBU-89/B is a 320-kilogram (705 lb) cluster munition containing 72 AT and 22 AP mines and uses the SUU-64/B Tactical Munitions Dispenser with an FZU-39/B proximity sensor.

Both versions contain the BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B mines.  The BLU-91/B is an AT mine that is a low flat cylinder with a rectangular aeroballistic shell. A magnetic sensor in the mine detects potential targets. When a suitable target reaches the most vulnerable approach point it detonates the mine. The mine is also triggered if the mine is moved, or if the battery reaches a certain low voltage point. Once the fuse is triggered, a small clearing charge is fired that clears any debris that may be on top of the mine. A second larger charge is triggered, creating an Explosively Formed Penetrator capable of penetrating armor.  The mine weighs 1.95 kilograms and is 127 millimeters in diameter, with 590 grams of an RDX/Estane explosive mix.  The BLU-92/B is an AP mine of approximately 127 millimeters in diameter and weighs 1.68 kilograms. The mine's main charge consists of 408 grams of Composition B-4.

  1. Area Denial Anti-personnel Mine (ADAM) M692/M731 – 155MM Round (DODICs D501, D502):  ADAM is an AP mine system activated by deployed trip lines. A kill mechanism consisting of 21.7 g of comp A5 is ejected upwards upon activation, then detonates.  It is also activated by self-destruct at a pre-set time lapse, through an anti-disturbance switch, or upon battery run down. There are 36 wedge-shaped mines contained in the 155-mm projectile. The mines electronics, gas generator, small energetic components of the firing train, etc. are encased in epoxy.  A molding compound conforming to MIL-M-4825 was used which contains a minor amount, .09% of compound weight, of depleted uranium salt (C10H14O6U) as part of the hardener composition.

  1. M86 Pursuit Deterrent Munition (PDM) (DODIC K152): The M86 mine is similar in configuration and possesses functioning characteristics of the ADAM mine presently loaded in the 155mm projectile, M731 (and M692), except that initiation is by a hand grenade type adapter. The mine is wedge shaped, and contains a safety clip, arming strap assembly, internal safety and arming device, seven trip-line sensor, a reserve battery, electronic circuitry containing an IC chip, and a kill mechanism surrounded by an overlay containing a liquid propellant, and encapsulated in a molded plastic form. Mass 1.2 lb, charge Comp A5, and charge weight 21 grams. A molding compound conforming to MIL-M-4825 was used which contains a minor amount, .09% of compound weight, of depleted uranium salt (C10H14O6U) as part of the hardener composition.

Demilitarization (DEMIL) is defined as the act of eliminating the functional capabilities and/or inherent military design features from Department of Defense (DoD) property by making the items unsuitable for further military use. Methods and degree range from removal and destruction of critical features up to full destruction by cutting, crushing, shredding, melting, burning, etc. DEMIL is required to prevent property from being used for its originally intended purpose and to prevent the release of inherent design information that could be used against the United States. DEMIL applies to material in both serviceable and unserviceable condition. Open burn/open detonation will not be an acceptable demilitarization method under this effort. This Sources Sought Notice specifically deals with DoD landmines and landmine delivery munitions.

All interested sources possessing the permitted facilities and expertise necessary for Demilitarization and Disposal of Land Mines, including delivery munitions such as FASCAM and components will be considered. Responses shall provide address, storage, and demilitarization capabilities, permit details of the already permitted and fully operational demilitarization facilities.  Responses shall also indicate how the interested party(ies) have achieved a level of technical maturity to meet the above requirements. To request a copy of the selected drawings from the technical data package (TDP) for subject munitions, see below for instruction to request Limited Distribution Information.

Interested sources should clearly indicate in which families of ammunition the party is interested and provide responses that contain the following information:

     a. Name of company and CAGE code.

     b. Point of Contacts name, telephone number and E-mail address.

     c. Company address.

     d. The full address of the suggested place of performance for the demilitarization of each munition type.

     e. Confirm if required licenses and permits for demilitarization facilities are in place. Provide details on the facilities’ permits, site licenses, safety site plans, ammunition storage type and available capacity.   Only responses with existing permitted facilities will be considered. 

     f. Business size information.

     g. Identification of whether you are interested in this opportunity as a prime or a subcontractor.

     h. A summary of the company's capabilities (to include descriptions of existing facilities, equipment, skills and personnel) experience, and expertise, including knowledge of safety, security, storage, and/or environmental regulations associated with the demilitarization and disposal. Also include the proposed demilitarization site, process, and which, if not all, of the families of the conventional ammunition described above that the contractor is interested in demilitarizing.

      i. Details regarding experience with similar efforts/items.

      j. A Rough order of magnitude (ROM) pricing per your selected families, including yearly demilitarization capabilities.  Assume the following are the total maximum quantities for each item:

           1,000/Year Gator Mine Systems for a total of 5,000

           20,000/Year Area Denial Anti-personnel Mines for a total of 100,000

           15,000/Year Pursuit Deterrent Munitions for a total of 15,000

      k. Identification of potential sources for major subcontractors if the source intends to utilize a subcontractor(s).

      l. Identification of the company's capacity to store explosive materials IAW DA PAM 385- 64.

     m. Identification of additional equipment needed, if any, lead time to obtain and install such equipment, and a ROM cost if additional equipment is needed to meet the requirements.

      n. Please include any assumptions made, recommendations regarding price range breaks, or any additional information you feel might be useful to the U.S. Government if it is determined to proceed with a formal RFP.

Preferences, if any, on how the U.S. Government should group (or not group) these items within any resultant RFP.

The TDP associated with this notice are marked as Distribution D, Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. DOD Contractors Only. These documents contain technical data whose EXPORT is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C., SEC 2751, ET SEQ.) for the Export Administration Act of 1979, as Amended, titled, 50 U.S.C. App 2240 Et Seq. Violations of these export laws are subject to severe penalties. Dissemination shall be in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25. If Offeror(s) want to become certified to receive the Technical Information for this solicitation, they must fill out a registration form at: To obtain the Technical Information for this solicitation, the Offeror(s) must request explicit access through the "attachments/links" tab in under Special Notice W519TC-23-R-APLX. An Offeror must have an approved DD form 2345, Military Critical Technical Data Agreement, on file with the Joint Certification Program (JCP) to be granted access to the Technical Information. Restricted technical data will not be available to an Offeror(s) who have not been certified.

All information received in response to this sources sought will be utilized to help determine the U.S. Government’s path forward with a possible future RFP.

This notice is for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute an RFP. This sources sought is not to be construed as a commitment by the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government will NOT pay for any information provided by industry under this market survey.

Responses to this “sources sought” notice should be sent to the ACC-RI, ATTN: Ms. Johnna Sebben, at and Ms. Katie Morris, at  by 3:00PM CST on 26 May 2023.

Contact Information

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  • ROCK ISLAND , IL 61299-0000
  • USA

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