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Request for Information - DEVCOM ARL Tech Assess ‘23: Evaluation of Unmanned Systems and Related Capabilities for Enhanced Mobility, Detection, and Teaming in Operational Environments

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Feb 08, 2023 11:19 am EST
  • Original Published Date: Feb 02, 2023 03:39 pm EST
  • Updated Response Date: Feb 22, 2023 05:00 pm EST
  • Original Response Date: Feb 22, 2023 05:00 pm EST
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Updated Inactive Date:
  • Original Inactive Date:
  • Initiative:
    • None


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(Tech Assess ’23)

Request for Information Pursuant to FAR Part 15.201(e)

TITLE:  DEVCOM ARL Tech Assess ‘23: Evaluation of Unmanned Systems and Related Capabilities for Enhanced Mobility, Detection, and Teaming in Operational Environments

SYNOPSIS: Technology Assessment Collaboration


This Request for Information (RFI) is NOT a solicitation for procurement or other acquisition proposals, proposal abstracts, or quotations. The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this RFI or to otherwise pay for the information solicited.

The purpose of this RFI is to solicit technology assessment candidates from private industry and academia for inclusion in assessment events conducted by DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (ARL). In future multi-domain operations, the capabilities that autonomy and related technologies enable will play a critical role.  The Government offers this technology assessment for the purposes of informing and accelerating Army modernization through innovation discovery, demonstration, and experimentation of autonomy/robotic technologies.  The intent is to accelerate the delivery of innovative capabilities to the warfighter by assessing the capabilities and technologies in operationally relevant environments.

The Government, as represented by ARL, is announcing its 2nd Industry Autonomy Technology Assessment (Tech Assess ‘23). Tech Assess ‘23 is intended to regularly engage with industry and academia through recurring events to identify solutions that enable viable autonomy-enabled and related capabilities in support of warfighter objectives.  In Fiscal Year (FY) 22, the IATA focus areas were security and mobility in expeditionary operations and austere environments.   Tech Assess ‘23 topics include autonomous mobility, air-ground Robotic and Autonomous Systems (RAS) teaming, coordinated behaviors of RAS teams, object tracking/identification, global localization, human language-guided operation of RAS, and weather-resistant UAS.

Interested parties are welcome to submit their applications to participate in Tech Assess ‘23 proposing technologies at the unclassified level. The use of Government-funded technology in the event is permissible.  This RFI is for participation in an assessment planned for mid-summer 2023 at the Graces Quarters site on Aberdeen Proving Ground, located in Middle River, MD.  The duration of Tech Assess ‘23 will be determined based on the number of technologies selected for assessment.


Tech Assess ‘23 will provide an operationally relevant environment and problem sets that enable technology developers to demonstrate new technologies and apply existing technologies in innovative ways.  It also provides a means to assess and provide feedback from the government on performance of technologies in light of known gaps and emerging needs.  The primary objective of these events is to identify and assess technologies that can accelerate solutions relevant to Army modernization priorities.  Tech Assess ‘23 provides developers the opportunity to examine and understand Army challenges and receive assessment data on how well their technologies addressed the challenges.  Ideally, materiel solutions brought to the event are expected to be at Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of 3-5; however, organizations that have technologies at other TRLs and which can probably address Army modernization priorities are encouraged to submit applications.

Tech Assess ‘23 includes individual technologies and integrated multiple technologies, such as air/ground systems.  Applicants can propose technologies and capabilities that address one or more of the topics.  If selected to participate, applicants are expected to set up their technology, operate their system during the assessment, and remove their equipment upon completion.  The Government will plan, coordinate, conduct, and provide logistical support for the assessment.  The Government will not assist with the operation or troubleshooting/engineering of applicant technologies.  Government participation may consist of DEVCOM ARL engineers and subject matter experts; warfighters and warfighter representatives from Army product managers and programs; invited representatives from government stakeholder organizations; and support contractors of DEVCOM ARL.


Military units operate in numerous types of environments and situations in order to protect operating areas, personnel, and infrastructure. Detecting and identifying unknown agents early, at a greater distance and with greater accuracy in all environments without excessive attention by the operator is ideal. The ability to consistently and accurately do this often involves the use of novel technologies such as artificial  intelligence, adaptive algorithms, data integration, and seamless command and control. The purpose of Tech Assess ‘23 is to discover technologies which have the potential or ability to meet these demanding needs.

Tech Assess ‘23 topics include autonomous mobility, air-ground RAS teaming, coordinated behaviors of RAS teams, object tracking/identification, global localization, human language-guided operation of RAS, and weather-resistant UAS in both urbanized and unstructured environments.

Autonomous Mobility: independent maneuver of RAS through the environment without reliance upon remote control or teleoperation commands.  The ability to detect and avoid obstacles, classify and traverse terrain, recognize and request the need for assistance.  Metrics include number of human interventions, distance traversed, and number of stops.

Air-ground RAS Teaming: Demonstrable increase in capability due to the participation of one or more additional ground or air assets.  First-pass survey and detection of activity (pedestrians, vehicles) and route information by a single asset is enhanced during a second-pass by the additional asset(s).  Increased performance by a team compared to average individual asset performance.  Metrics include number of true detections, time, false positives/negatives, and route representation.

Coordinated Behaviors of RAS Teams:  Two or more RAS assets demonstrating ability to rely upon unique team member capabilities required to perform a task.  Information is shared between assets and performance is influenced by the autonomous actions and decisions of team members.  Scenarios include traversing/searching an area or route, activity reporting during overwatch of an area, and tracking pedestrians.

Object Tracking and Identification: Detection, tracking, and classification of pedestrians or vehicles in unstructured and urbanized terrain.  Recognition of obscured and partially obscured pedestrians and vehicles using supplied data sets and/or live scenes.

Global Localization:  Technologies that enable unmanned vehicles in GPS-denied environments to traverse moderate distances (~10 km) and operate for moderate times (~1 hour) while remaining within path and position tolerances.  The ability to track and correct for errors in position over a route or period.

Human-language-guided Operation of RAS: Technologies that enable users to speak natural language commands to RAS to initiate, update, suspend, and resume autonomous missions.  The ability for RAS to designate and decompose tasks and actions based on language commands and to request clarification in cases of ambiguity.

Weather-resistant UAS: Technologies and methods that enable small UAS to operate autonomously in inclement weather and moderate wind.

Tech Assess ‘23 activities will be confined to daylight hours with minimal precipitation.

The selection process will consist of 2 phases. For Phase I, applicants will be required to submit an application and white paper. After review of the assessment applications/white papers, the Government may invite candidates to submit a PowerPoint presentation and associated video (Phase II). The most promising candidates will be invited to demonstrate their technologies during Tech Assess ‘23 with the intent to accelerate the delivery of innovative capabilities. Industry participation in demonstration activities does not suggest or imply that the Government will endorse, procure, or purchase equipment.

DO NOT SUBMIT CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in the assessment application.

DO NOT SUBMIT ACQUISITION PROPOSALS. For Phase I, assessment applications and white papers are due no later than 5:00 PM EST on 22 FEB 2023. No contracts or any other type of funding instrument will be awarded based on this announcement. Submission of an assessment application does not guarantee an invitation to participate in Tech Assess ‘23. Information on submittals for Phase II will be provided to organizations who advance to Phase II.


  1. General: Entities interested in participating in the ARL’s Tech Assess ‘23 must submit an application no later than 5:00PM EST on 22 FEB 2023. Additionally, interested organizations are requested to provide a short, 4 page or less (excluding cover page and table of contents) white paper detailing their proposed capability. Application documents will be submitted to  All documents must be developed using MS-Word and written in Times New Roman 12 pt font. The white paper must include a description of the capability, its technical maturity based on TRL, and point of contact (name, telephone number and email address). Please do not include corporate capabilities or past performance discussions. The submission of proprietary information is strongly discouraged. Multiple applications addressing different technologies may be submitted. Each application must address only one topic. DEVCOM ARL will provide venues, supporting infrastructure, and personnel for assessment (operational and technical), based on availability of resources. Submissions will be reviewed by the Government and support contractors.  DEVCOM ARL will determine whether an assessment application will be accepted for invitation. Respondents selected for Phase II will be requested to submit a PowerPoint presentation and associated video (details will be provided to those organizations who advance to Phase II). All respondents' travel costs, technology demonstration, and demonstration associated costs will be at the respondents' expense. Invited respondents must be prepared to be self-sufficient during the execution of their demonstration and not dependent on venue resources. Organizations who propose the use of UAS which is not on the DIU Blue UAS list ( will be required to submit an Exception to Policy (ETP) Request and should indicate that need upon submitting the application. If you have questions regarding the submittal, please contact Marshal Childers (primary) (443-417-3667) or John Millemaci (secondary) (904-233-2918) or send an email to
  2. UAS Requirements: Flying UAS at the event is contingent upon receiving approval from the Army, with a timeline of at least eight weeks.  Applicants who intend to submit proposals that include UAS must refer to the attached summary, Guidance for UAS Approval at DEVCOM ARL Tech Assess ‘23.


Selection of respondents to participate shall be based on the extent to which the proposed technologies and capabilities have the following qualities.

- Technology viability and development potential

- Relevance of or adaptability to military operations/missions

- Relevance to the assessment topics/scenarios

-Commercial potential


All efforts will be made to protect proprietary information that is clearly marked in writing. Lessons learned by DEVCOM ARL from these demonstrations may be broadly disseminated, but only within the Government. Selected participants may be requested to provide additional information that will be used in preparation for the assessment.

After the assessment, the staff will provide a written feedback report to each Tech Assess ‘23 participant.  The Government will not respond to questions or inquiries regarding this feedback.


Contractor consultants/advisors to the Government will review and provide support during evaluation of submittals. When appropriate, non-Government advisors may be used to objectively review applications and provide comments and recommendations to the Government. All advisors shall comply with procurement integrity laws and shall sign non-disclosure and rules of conduct/conflict of interest statements. The Government shall take into consideration requirements for avoiding conflicts of interest and ensure advisors comply with safeguarding proprietary data. Submission in response to this RFI constitutes approval to release the submittal to Government support contractors.


Per FAR 52.215-3 Request for Information or Solicitation for Planning Purposes (Oct 1997):

1. The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this RFI notice or to otherwise pay for the information.

2. Although "application" and "respondent" are used in this RFI, your responses will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal.

3. In accordance with FAR Clause 52.209(c), the purpose of this RFI is to solicit technology assessment candidates from private industry and academia for inclusion in technology assessment events sponsored by DEVCOM ARL.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • ADELPHI , MD 20783-1197
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
