NSN 0Q-5998-017163714-GF, REF NR 3994AS7793-01, QTY 1 EA, DELIVERY FOB ORIGIN. The design of this part is unstable. Engineering, manufacturing, or performance characteristics indicate that the required design objectives have not been achieved. Major changes are contemplated because the part has a low process yield or has demonstrated marginal performance during tests or service use. These changes will render the present part obsolete and unusable in its present configuration. Limited acquisition/repair from the present source is anticipated pending configuration changes. The subject item requires Government source approval prior to contract award, as the item is flight critical and/or the technical data available has not been determined adequate to support acquisition via full and open competition. Only the source(s) previously approved by the Government for this item have been solicited. The time required for approval of a new source is normally such that an award cannot be delayed pending approval of a new source. If you are not an approved source you must submit, together with your proposal, the information detailed in one of the NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS)Source Approval Information Brochures listed below. Spares: https://www.navsup.navy.mil/NAVSUP-Enterprise/NAVSUP-Weapon-Systems-Sup port/Business-Opps/ Repair: https://www.navsup.navy.mil/NAVSUP-Enterprise/NAVSUP -Weapon-Systems-Support/Business-Opps/ technical data required to be submitted based on your company's experience in production of the same or similar item, or if this is an item you have never made. If your request for source approval is currently being evaluated at NAVSUP WSS submit with your offer a copy of the cover letter which forwarded your request for source approval. Offers received which fail to provide all data required by the Source Approval Brochure or document previous submission of all data required by the Source Approval Brochure will not be considered for award under this solicitation. Please note, if evaluation of a source approval request submitted hereunder cannot be processed in time and/or approval requirements preclude the ability to obtain subject items in time to meet Government requirements, award of the subject requirement may continue based on Fleet support needs. The NAVSUP WSS Commercial Item Identification Brochure is now available at: "https://www.navsup.navy.mil/NAVSUP-Enterprise/NAVSUP-Weapon-Systems-Support/Bus iness-Opps/"Interested parties may obtain copies of Military and Federal Specificationsand Standards, Qualified Products Lists (QPLs), Qualified Product Databases(QPDs), Military Handbooks, and other standardized documents from the DoDSingle Stock Point (DODSSP) at Document Automation and Production Service(DAPS) in Philadelphia, PA. NOTE: Patterns, Drawings, Deviation Lists, Purchase Descriptions, etc. are NOT stocked at DODSSP. Most documents are available in Adobe PDF format from ASSIST-Online at: http://quicksearch.dla.mil/. Users may use ASSIST-Quick Search to search for and download available documents directly using standard browser software. Documents that are not available for downloading from ASSIST-Quick Search can be ordered from the DODSSP website using the ASSIST Shopping Wizard after obtaining a DODSSP Customer Account by following the registration procedures. Users who do not have access to the internet may contact the DODSSP ASSISTHelp Desk at 215-697-2667 or 215-697-2179 (DSN: 442-2667), or mail their request to DLADocument Services, Bldg. 4/D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19111-5094.Award will be made only if the offeror, the product/service, or the manufacturer meets the qualification requirement(s) at time of award, in accordance with FAR clause 52.209-1. The solicitation identifies the office where additional information can be obtained concerning qualification requirements and is cited in each individual solicitation.Based upon market research, the Government is not using the policies containedin FAR Part 12, Acquisition of Commercial Items, in its solicitation for thedescribed supplies or services. However, interested persons may identify tothe contracting officer their interest and capability to satisfy theGovernment's requirement with a commercial item within 15 days of this notice.One or more of the items under this acquisition is subject to: Free Trade Agreements, if DFARS clause 252.225-7036 Buy American Act--Free Trade Agreements--Balance of Payments Program, is included in thesolicitation. The World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and Free Trade Agreements, if DFARS clause 252.225-7021 Trade Agreements, is included in the solicitation. NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) Philadelphia intends to solicit on alimited competitive basis with TRENTON SYSTEMS INC (3R4P0) and SERVICE DISABLEDCONTRACTING GROUP (37ZZ1) for the following spare: NSN: 0QM 5998 017163714 GF QTY: 1 P/N: 3994AS7793-01 Item: CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMB NAICS CODE 334412 FSC: 5998 The Government intends to acquire these supplies using the provisions, clauses and procedures prescribed in FAR Part 15. Based upon market research, the Government is NOT using the policies contained in FAR Part 12, Acquisition of Commercial Items, in its solicitation for the described supplies. Interested personsmay identify to the contracting officer their interest and capability to satisfy the Government's requirement with a commercial item WITHIN 15 days of this notice. Source Approval Statement applies to this NSN. This is a limited competition, approved sources are TRENTON SYSTEMS INC (3R4P0) and SERVICE DISABLED CONTRACTING GROUP (37ZZ1). It is expected that award will be made to one of these firms. Any firm which is not already approved to manufacture this material must submita Source Approval Request, SAR. This procurement will not be delayed to wait for a SAR approval. This procurement is below the Small Business Administration (SBA) review threshold of $10,000.00. Therefore, it has not been reviewed by a SBA representative at NAVSUP WSS for a set-aside recommendation. Electronic procedures will be used for this solicitation. RFQ/Solicitation willbe posted to NECO. No telephone requests will be honored and no hard copies will be mailed out. Anticipated award date is June 2024. Interested organizations may submit their capabilities and qualifications to perform the effort by email at katlyn.m.galetto.civ@us.navy.mil.