The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) intends to negotiate with only one source, Forest Technology Systems (FTS), 1065 Henry Eng Place, Victoria, B.C., for Remote Automatic Weather Stations (RAWS) sensors and repair parts. FTS parts have been tested and certified by the manufacturer as replacement parts specifically for RAWS equipment. This action is authorized by and in accordance with FAR 6.302.1. The Government believes that the only responsible source capable of satisfying the agency¿s requirement is Forestry Technology Systems (FTS). A Justification for Other than Full and Open Competition has been prepared in support of this acquisition. The estimated value of this acquisition is $119,000.00. No Request for Quotation (RFQ) will be issued and no response will be made to letters or telephone requests for a copy of the solicitation. This is not a request for competitive quotes, but serves as a procurement notice to fulfill public posting requirements in accordance with FAR 5.101(a)(1). The requirement is unrestricted and the NAICS code 334513 applies. Responsible firms believing they can provide the required items are encouraged to identify themselves and give written notification to the Contracting Officer referencing action 140L3724Q0093. However, they must provide convicting evidence that they can furnish the requested items at a cost that will not exceed the total estimated transaction cost. All responses will be fully considered. If no affirmative responses are received by May 22, 2024 to the effect that a comparable source exists, an order will be placed with Forestry Technology Systems (FTS) for the requirement stated here. Questions concerning this acquisition may be directed to Casey Gean Boyd at