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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Feb 18, 2022 03:35 am EST
  • Original Date Offers Due: Feb 22, 2022 12:00 am EST
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Mar 09, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: 99 - MISCELLANEOUS
  • NAICS Code:
    • 333999 - All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N7M3.5|7LC|717-605-3354|| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (MAR 2016)|19|||||||||||||||||||| INSPECTION OF SUPPLIES--FIXED-PRICE (AUG 1996)|2||| WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (DEC 2018)|16|INVOICE AND RECEIVING REPORT (COMBO)||TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|||TBD|||||| NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|| EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2||| BUY AMERICAN --FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM - BASIC(DEVIATION 2020-O0019) (JUL 2020))|3|||| ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2020)|13|||||||||||||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE (DEVIATION 2020-O0019) (JUL 2020))|3|||| BUY AMERICAN-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (NOV 2014)|1|| ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (JAN 2022)|13|334290|750|||||||||||| NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PERPARDENESS, AND ENRGY PROGAM USE (APRIL 2008))|2||X| EVALUATION CRITERIA AND BASIS FOR AWARD-|1|| 1. NOTE TO DISTRIBUTORS/DEALERS: IF YOU ARE A DISTRIBUTOR, YOUR QUOTATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH A LETTER FROM THE ACTUAL MANUFACTURER INDICATING THAT YOU ARE AN "AUTHORIZED" DISTRIBUTOR. IF YOU ARE A DEALER, YOUR QUOTATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH A STATEMENT CLEARLY IDENTIFYING YOUR FIRM AS A DEALER ALONG WITH THE OEM'S NAME/CAGE CODE AND P/N THAT YOU INTEND ON PROVIDING. 2. NAVSUP-WSS IS SEEKING ELIGIBLE CONTRACTORS TO FURNISH EFFORT INCLUDING LABOR, MATERIAL, AND FACILITIES AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO EVALUATE, REPAIR AND/OR MODIFY THE ITEMS AS SPECIFIED FOR STOCK. OFFERS SUBMITTED FOR REMANUFACTURED,SURPLUS OR NEW PROCUREMENT ACQUISITIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AND DETERMINED NON-RESPONSIVE. 3. LARGE BUSINESSES ARE PER THE NAICS INFORMATION PROVIDED WITHIN CLAUSE 52.204-8. 4. THIS SOLICITATION IS ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAR PART 13: SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION PROCEDURES. 5. PROVIDE REPAIR PRICE AS FIRM FIXED OR NOT TO EXCEED. SPECIFY ON PROPOSAL FIRM FIXED OR NTE. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING WHEN SUBMITTING FIRM REPAIR PRICING: INCLUDE REPAIR PRICE WITH ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH RECEIPT AND COMPLETE REPAIR OF MATERIAL THAT MAY BE IN PIECE PART CONDITION, MISSING HARDWARE,DAMAGED, HANDLING DAMAGE (MISSING ON INDUCTION). 6. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING IN ADDITION TO YOUR REPAIR QUOTE: NEW ITEM COST FOR PRICE COMPARISON $_____. (IF NTE PRICING IS PROPOSED, FIRM FIXED PRICING SHOULD BE PROVIDED WIHIN 90 DAYS). TEST AND EVALUATION COST (SHOULD UNIT BE BEYOND REPAIR) $_____. ADMIN CAGE: _____. REPAIR CAGE: _____. INSPECTION SITE CAGE: _____. PACKAGING SITE CAGE: _____. ACCEPTANCE SITE CAGE: _____. 7. REPAIR TURN-AROUND TIME (DAYS) _____. THROUGHPUT CONSTRAINT ______MONTH. RTAT & THROUGHPUT CONSTRAINT ABOVE ARE DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: RTAT: REPAIR TURN-AROUND TIME DEFINED AS INDUCTION START DATE TO END DATE (DAYS). THROUGHPUT CONSTRAINT: TOTAL ASSETS TO BE REPAIRED MONTHLY AFTER INITIAL DELIVERY COMMENCES. A THROUGHPUT OF 0000/MONTH REFLECTS NO THROUGHPUT CONSTRAINT. 8. PROVIDE THE SCRAPPING AND RETURN CHARGES FOR WHEN THE ASSET(S) ARE DETERMINED BEYOND REPAIR (BR) OR BEYOND ECONOMIC REPAIR (BER). 9. DO NOT INCLUDE THE COST FOR SHIPPING MATERIAL AS THE GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTED SHIPPING SYSTEM OR ATAC WILL BE SHIPPING/DELIVERING THE MATERIAL. 10. VENDOR IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH EITHER COMMERCIAL ASSET VISIBILITY (CAV) OR PROXY COMMERCIAL ASSET VISIBILITY (PROXY CAV) OF THE ASSET(S) IN THIS PURCHASE ORDER IAW CAV TEXT NAVSUPWSSFA24 OR PROXY CAV TEXT NAVSUPWSSFA25, RESPECTIVELY. 11. REVIEW THE PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SOLICITATION TO ENSURE NAVY'S PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. 12. DFARS 252.211-7003 ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION IS REQUIRED. 13. VENDOR WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO DELIVER PRIOR TO THE ESTABLISHED DELIVERY DATE OF THIS ORDER AT NO COST OR AT NO LIABILITY TO EITHER PARTY. 14. ALL CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS (i.e. CONTRACTS, PURCHASE ORDERS, TASK ORDERS, DELIVERY ORDERS AND MODIFICATIONS) RELATED TO THE INSTANT PROCUREMENT ARE CONSIDERED TO BE "ISSUED" BY THE GOVERNMENT WHEN COPIES ARE EITHER DEPOSITED IN THE MAIL, TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE, OR SENT BY OTHER ELECTRONIC COMMERCE METHODS, SUCH AS E-MAIL. THE GOVERNMENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL CONSITITUTES BILATERAL AGREEMENT TO "ISSUE" CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS AS DETAILED HEREIN. 15. QUOTES WILL BE EVALUATED ON THE LOWEST PRICE. 16. THE RESULTANT AWARD OF THIS SOLICITATION WILL BE ISSUED BILATERALLY, REQUIRING THE CONTRACTOR'S WRITTEN ACCPTANCE PRIOR TO EXECUTION. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 This contract/purchase order contains the requirements for repair and the contract quality requirements for the TIME/FREQ.DIST UNIT . 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Cage Code/Reference Number Items - The TIME/FREQ.DIST UNIT repaired under this contract/purchase order shall meet the operational and functional requirements as represented by the Cage Code(s) and reference number(s) listed below. All repair work shall be performed in accordance with the contractors repair/overhaul standard practices, manuals and directives including but not limited to drawings, technical orders, manufacturing operations, tooling instructions, approved repair standards and any other contractor or government approved documents developed to provide technical repair procedures. CAGE___Ref. No. ;03NF8 001-0151; 3.2 Marking - This item shall be physically identified in accordance with ;MIL-STD-130, REV N, 16 NOV 2012; . 3.3 Changes in Design, Material Servicing, or Part Number - Except for a Code 1 change, which shall be processed as provided in the code statement shown below, no substitution of items shall be made until the NAVICP-MECH Contracting Officer has notified and approval has been given by issuance of a written change order. When any change in design, material, servicing or part number is made to replace or substitute any item to be furnished on this contract/purchase order, the Contractor shall furnish, for the substituting/replacement item, a drawing and an explanation of the reason for the change, explaining the reason therefor. If finished detail drawings are not available, shop drawings in the form used by the manufacturer will be acceptable for Government evaluation. When notifying the Procurement Contracting Officer of the reasons for making substitutions, the type of change shall be indicated by code number in accordance with one of the following statements: Code 1: PART NUMBER CHANGE ONLY - If the Manufacturer's Part Number indicated thereon has changed, but the parts are identical in all respects, supply the item and advise NAVICP-MECH immediately of the new part number. Code 2: Assembly (or set or kit) not furnished - Used following detail parts. Code 3: Part not furnished separately - Use assembly. Code 4: Part redesigned - Old and new parts are completely interchangeable. Code 5: Part redesigned - New part replaces old. Old part cannot replace new. Code 6: Part redesigned - Parts not interchangeable. 3.4 Mercury Free - The material supplied under this contract/purchase order is intended for use on submarines/surface ships and therefore shall contain no metallic mercury and shall be free from mercury contamination. Mercury contamination of the material will be cause for rejection. If the inclusion of metallic mercury is required as a functional part of the material furnished under this contract, the Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Procurement Contracting Officer before proceeding with manufacture. The contractor's request shall explain in detail the requirements for mercury, identify specifically the parts to contain mercury, and explain the method of protection against mercury escape. Such a request will be forwarded directly to the Procurement Contracting Officer with a copy to the applicable Government Inspector. Upon approval by the Contracting Officer, the vendor will provide a "Warning Plate" stating that metallic mercury is a functional part of the item and will include name and location of that part. The use of mercury, mercury compounds, or mercury-bearing instruments and/or equipment in a manner which might cause contamination in the manufacture, assembly, or test of material on this contract is prohibited. The most probable causes of contamination are direct-connected manometers, mercury vacuum pumps, mercury seals, or the handling of mercury in the immediate vicinity. Mercury switches, mercury in glass thermometers, standard cells and other items containing mercury may be used if they are located so as not to constitute a contamination hazard. If external contamination by metallic mercury occurs or is suspected, the following test may be used to determine whether contamination by metallic mercury exists or whether corrective cleaning measures have been effective. Enclose the equipment in a polyethylene bag or close-fitting airtight container for eight hours at room temperature (70 degrees F minimum).Sample the trapped air and if mercury vapor concentration is 0.01 mg/cu meter or more, the material is mercury contaminated insofar as the requirements of this contract are concerned. These requirements shall be included in any subcontract or purchase order hereunder and the Contractor shall insure SubContractor compliance with these requirements. Technical questions pertaining to these requirements shall be referred to the Procurement Contracting Officer via the cognizant Administrative Contracting Officer. For background, the following information is provided: Mercury is corrosive to gold, silver, nickel, stainless steels, aluminum and copper alloys. Stainless steels, nickel, and copper alloys are widely used in reactor plants and other submarine/surface ship systems. Accidental trapping of mercury in a component could cause serious damage to vital parts. Mercury is also toxic if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. It is evident that grave consequences could result from small amounts of mercury vapor present in an unreplenished submarine/surface ship atmosphere. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 Responsibility for Compliance - All items must meet all requirements of this contract/purchase order. The inspection set forth in this specification shall become a part of the Contractor's overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract/purchase order. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, not does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material. 4.2 Records - Records of all inspection work by the Contractor shall be kept complete and available to the Government during the performance of contract/purchase order and for a period of 365 calendar days after final delivery of supplies. 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE Brandywine can build and repair and they do "Perform" the same test on the assets, but it's their internal bench test simply to confirm Frequency IN staysconsistent to Frequency OUT, of the Frequency Time Synthesizer Unit(FTSU0. Any contract for this item that we "award" to ARGON, essentially gets the asset repaired by Brandywine, returned to ARGON and tested by Brandywine, returned to Argon and tested for supply. If we award directly to Brandywine, which the individual NAVSUP/DLA contracting officers have choose to do in the past, I don't always see the "WHO" as I see a CONTRACT for delivery of x number of assets to meet the fleet requirements that I have to deal with. When I or my team recognizes the award was direct, we would have to micromanage the contract to delivery,/and establish a seperate contract to recover those Brandywine delivered assets from supply prior to issuing them to the fleet,and award to ARGON, for "BLQ10 SYSTEM" testing prior to fleet use. The ARGON procedure is not the BLQ10 system test, it's the predecessor to the BLQ10 system test. They have to realign the FTSU with their proprietary procedure before they run the BLQ10 system. Note: This note summarizes the q question as to why ARGON must be listed as the repair instead of directly to BRANDYWINE.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • P O BOX 2020 5450 CARLISLE PIKE
  • MECHANICSBURG , PA 17050-0788
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Mar 09, 2022 11:56 pm ESTSolicitation (Original)