Sources Sought for Radical OX071 for preclinical Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
- Original Published Date: Jul 21, 2022 04:43 pm EDT
- Original Response Date: Jul 28, 2022 04:00 pm EDT
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: Rockville , MD 20850USA
This Sources Sought Notice is for information and planning purposes only and shall not be construed as a solicitation or as an obligation on the part of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The purpose of this notice is to identify vendors, especially small business concerns, that are interested in and capable of providing the products or equivalent products as described in this notice.
The NCI does not intend to award a contract based on responses received nor otherwise pay for the preparation of any information submitted. Your responses to the information requested will assist the Government in determining the appropriate acquisition method, including whether a set-aside is possible.
THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME; however, NCI may issue a request for quotation (RFQ) based on findings from this notice. Should such a requirement materialize, no basis for claims against NCI shall arise because of a response to this notice or the NCI's use of such information as either part of our evaluation process or in developing specifications for any subsequent requirement.
During the last 30 years, tetrathiatriarylmethyl (TAM) radicals have been widely used as spin probes for oximetry in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and EPR tomography because of the narrow EPR linewidth and high stability in living systems. The Center for Cancer Research (CCR), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), requires an EPR-active contrast agent for use in a pre-clinical EPR imaging instrument that is designed, built, and operated in the Radiation Biology Branch. The EPR imager is used to make spatially-resolved measurements of tissue oxygen concentration in the tissues of live animals, using paramagnetic trityl probes Oxo63 and Oxo71 as contrast agents. EPR imaging (EPRI) can be used to quantitatively determine tissue oxygentation because both the spin-lattice relaxation time (TI = 1/R1_ and spin-spin relaxation time (T2 = 1/R2) of paramagnetic electrons are shortened in the presence of oxygen. NCI has identified that Oxo71, a deuterated form of Oxo63, provides superior oxygen imaging characteristics versus Oxo63. Oxo71 can measure a wider dynamic range of oxygen concentrations in vivo.
NCI is seeking to procure 20 grams of Oxo71 EPR imaging agent to fulfill the needs of the NCI when performing metabolic imaging research at NCI facilities in Bethesda, MD.
Responses should be submitted to the Contract Specialist, Renee Jones-Chuang, by e-mail at no later than the date and time specified in this notice.
*Please reference 75N91022Q00143 on all correspondence*
At a minimum, each response should include the following:
- Business name and address
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) as registered in the System for Award Management (SAM)
- Business point-of-contact name, e-mail, and phone-number
- Business website URL
- Business type (e.g. small business, 8(a), WOSB, educational institution)
Interested respondents may also submit any additional information relevant to the services or products their organization offers that they feel NCI should be made aware of, and any questions or requests for additional information necessary to better understand NCI's needs for this requirement. Please note that NCI may not individually answer questions as part of this specific notice; however, questions may be used to inform future potential procurement actions.
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- Bethesda , MD 20892
Primary Point of Contact
- Renee Jones-Chuang
Secondary Point of Contact
- Aug 24, 2022 11:55 pm EDTSpecial Notice (Original)
- Aug 12, 2022 11:55 pm EDTSources Sought (Original)