RFIs: Sol. No. 36C248-22-Q-1668 Janitorial Services
Government Response
1. The quantity is 12 hours per area? Are we supposed to go about putting in our hourly rate?
The quantity is twelve (12) and the unit is "MO" or months. The pricing schedule is asking for a monthly unit price for both clinics and a total for the year. This should also be completed for each option year.
2. Could you also advise where and how pricing is to be entered?
As stated in the RFQ, pricing should be entered into the pricing schedule. In addition to the pricing schedule, the RFQ also states on pg. 22, "3) Volume II: Pricing a. Quote shall also include prices filled in B.2 and a price quote with a detailed breakdown of the prices and total. "
3. What is the population (FTE)?
PRRC: 10 FTE Lecanto: 65 FTE
4. Could you confirm that service is required five days per week?
Yes, as stated in the PWS "Work required will be performed during the Lecanto Clinic's regular administrative hour working hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays." and again for PRRC, "Work required will be performed during the PRRC regular administrative hour working hours (4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays."
5. Will carpet cleaning be required?
Yes, the PWS has been revised to include this information. Please see attached revised PWS dated 09/01/2022.
Janitorial Services for Lecanto and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center (PRRC) Outpatient Clinics
The Lecanto Veterans Outpatient Clinic located at 2804 West Marc Knighton Court, Suite A9. Lecanto Fl. 34461has a requirement for Janitorial / Custodial Service. The Contractor shall provide all management, supervision, labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment (except as otherwise provided) and shall plan, schedule, coordinate and ensure effective performance to provide complete Hospital Aseptic Management System (HAMS) services and biomedical waste removal as described herein. Contractor shall be required to provide janitorial and related services in accordance with the requirements of this Performance Work Statement. The approximate area is 15,000 square feet.
The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center (PRRC) at 14517 Bruce B Downs Blvd Tampa FL, 33613, has a requirement for Janitorial / Custodial Service. The Contractor shall provide all management, supervision, labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment (except as otherwise provided) and shall plan, schedule, coordinate and ensure effective performance to provide complete Hospital Aseptic Management System (HAMS) services and biomedical waste removal as described herein. Contractor shall be required to provide janitorial and related services in accordance with the requirements of this Performance Work Statement. The approximate area is 8,883 square feet.
In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall take such safety precautions as necessary to protect the lives and health of all occupants and visitors of the building.
The Contractor shall display appropriate warning signs in all areas where housekeeping operations may cause traffic obstruction or personnel hazard. The cleaning of lobbies and corridors resulting in a temporarily wet or slippery floor surface shall be accomplished so that it will not be necessary for personnel or patients to cross the wet surface to gain access to other areas. Floors shall be properly prepared (thoroughly swept to remove all traces of dirt, debris, wads of gum or tar, and any extraneous substance) to remove all loose foreign matter.
On a daily basis floor shall be damp mopped with a disinfectant soap and should be properly rinsed and dry mopped to present a clean appearance. Upon completion the floors shall be clean, free of dirt, water streaks, mop marks, mop strings, all surfaces shall have corners and edges which are free of dirt, mold, and mildew. Special attention shall be given to floors around urinals and commodes so as to eliminate odors and stains, and to provide a uniformly clean appearance throughout the restrooms.
On a daily basis all walls and floors surrounding the fixtures shall be made free of spots, drippings, watermarks, cleaning residue and debris.
All accessible interior glass and mirrored surfaces shall be cleaned. When completed, cleaned surfaces shall be completely free from any streaks and have no traces of lint, dust, or any other cleaning debris.
Due to Infection Control regulations, the Contractor shall be responsible for removing all soiled patient privacy curtains in the clinic and replacing them with Government supplied clean curtains every six (6) months.
The Contractor in accordance with infection control regulation shall correct any fire and safety deficiencies caused by contractor personnel. If the Contractor fails or refuses to correct deficiencies promptly, the Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all or any part of the work and hold the Contractor in default of the contract.
The Contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local safety and fire regulations and codes which are in effect at the beginning of the contract period. The Contractor shall keep abreast of and comply with changes in these regulations and codes applicable to the contract.
The Contractor shall continually exercise all reasonable and prudent efforts to ensure the security of the Clinic and its contents resulting from the performance of work and employees.
Packaging and Labeling:
Packaging shall be comprised of recycled-content materials, shall be recyclable, or shall be returnable to the distributor for refilling.
Packaging shall be constructed to assure safe delivery.
All products shall be manufactured and packaged under modern sanitary conditions in accordance with federal and state law and standard industry practice. Each case, bottle and container shall have the following markings: Name and address of manufacturer; brand name of product; net contents in U.S. standard pounds, ounces, gallons, or fluid ounces; directions for use, including recommended use; dilution and precautionary handling instructions; recommended antidotal action, if applicable; active ingredients claim, if applicable. Shipments not in accordance with the above will be refused or returned to contractor, freight collect.
All materials, supplies, and equipment used in performance of this contract shall be stored properly at the end of each workday. The contractor shall ensure that equipment is kept in safe, good working condition, cleaned and properly stored at the end of the workday. The successful offeror shall provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all applicable supplies used in the performance of this contract, within seven (7) business days of award notice.
Contractor shall accomplish all administrative tasks necessary to assure performance of the aseptic services, including, but not limited to preparation and distribution of work schedules, emergency recall rosters, facility defects reports, safety and infection control training and/or any other data submissions.
In any case of discrepancy in the specifications, the matter will be immediately submitted to the Contracting Officer, by the contractor. The contractor shall not take any action to remedy any discrepancy without the direction of the Contracting Officer. Any action taken without proper authorization shall be at the risk and expense of the contractor.
The decision of the Contracting Officer as to the proper interpretation of the specifications shall be final and conclusive on the parties hereto, subject only to appeal as provided in FAR clause 52.233-1, Disputes.
The Contractor shall furnish at his/her own expense, all labor, materials, tools, supplies, machinery/equipment, and appliances which may be necessary or appropriate in the performance of this contract, including furnishing restroom supplies such air fresheners (automatic pump with dispenser & aerosol can), toilet tissue, toilet seat covers, toilet seat dispenser, paper towels, no-rinse antiseptic soap, sanitary napkins dispenser disposal bags, and soap. The Contractor shall also furnish plastic linings for all trash receptacles to be changed as required.
The Contractor shall provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemicals/supply used in the performance of this contract. Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all equipment, tools and supplies used, meet necessary safety requirements and employees have full working knowledge of their use.
A systematic plan of all actions is necessary to provide confidence that services will conform to established requirements and satisfactory performance is achieved. Quality assurance refers to actions by the government. The government COR shall inspect contractor s performance. Inspections will be conducted in accordance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) with the intent of verifying compliance with contract requirements. Contract requirements not listed on the SDS will be inspected during the performance period of the contract. The government will record all surveillance observations. When an observation indicates defective performance, the COR will request the Quality Control Inspector (QCI) to initial the written observation. Customer complaints may be received from various customers located on the installation. The contractor s QCI shall be responsible for initially validating customer Complaints. However, the Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) shall make a final determination of the validity of that complaint. Government personnel other than the CO and QAE may periodically observe contractor performance. However, the CO is the only person that may obligate the government of direct contractor operations.
The Government shall use the standards on the Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) to monitor the contractor performance to determine if the contractor exceeds or does not meet these standards.
PEIODIC INSPECTIONS: Evaluates outcomes on a periodic basis. Inspections may be scheduled [Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or annually] or unscheduled, as required.
Contractor shall accomplish all administrative tasks necessary to assure performance of the aseptic services, including, but not limited to: preparation and distribution of work schedules, emergency recall rosters, facility defects reports, safety and infection control training and any other data submissions. Contractor shall have an updated written personnel roster which shall be maintained.
The Contractor shall develop and maintain a written Quality Control Program (QCP) to ensure all requirements of the contract are provided as specified and performance objectives are met to standards. One copy of the Quality Control Plan (QCP) shall be provided to the Contracting Officer (CO) and Contracting Officer Representative (COR) with quote. The contractor shall make appropriate modifications and obtain acceptance of the plan by the Contracting Officer before the contract start date. The program shall be continuously improved and is therefore documented in loose leaf manual format.
The program shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Written work instructions/procedures, processes, and product description to implement contractual obligations. The preparation and maintenance of, and compliance with, these instructions shall be audited as a function of the Contractor Quality Program to assure compliance with or timely changes to the instructions.
A method of early detection and correction of assignable conditions adverse to the quality of service, to include analysis of corrective action records (including Customer complaints) in order to determine causes of defectiveness.
The quality program shall ensure that records are complete and reliable. Reliable records are objective evidence of existing or past quality of service.
An inspection system covering all services stated in the cleaning requirements section of this contract. A check list is to be used in inspecting contract performance during regularly scheduled or unscheduled inspections, and the name(s) of the individuals who will perform the inspection. To ensure compliance with safety and infection control issues, the Supervisor will serve on the Environmental of Care (EOC) and Infection Control (IC) Rounds.
The contractor shall maintain on site records of inspections. Records shall include the dates of inspections, what was inspected, discrepancies found, and corrective action taken. This documentation shall be kept and made available to the government during the term of the contract at regular QAE visits to the site.
Work required will be performed during the Lecanto Clinic's regular administrative hour working hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays. Contractor's representative shall sign in and out with the VA Police when entering and departing the clinic. Inspections will be conducted during the scheduled deep cleaning period on the contract.
Work required will be performed during the PRRC regular administrative hour working hours (4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays. Contractor's representative shall sign in and out with the VA Police when entering and departing the clinic. Inspections will be conducted during the scheduled deep cleaning period on the contract.
The eleven (11) Federal Holidays observed are:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr Birthday
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
NOTE: This includes any other day declared by the President of the United States to be a national holiday.
Materials specified for the work shall conform to the technical requirements of the respective State and/or Federal specifications for the technical requirements on those materials used on the performing of this contract.
All persons employed under this contract shall, while on the premises, comply with all building regulations, federal policies and guidelines.
Display of ID Badges: Contractor personnel shall wear the ID badge at all times when performing work under this contract at a Government site, including while attending Government meetings and conferences that may take place outside the Government facility. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, each Contractor employee shall wear the ID badge in a conspicuous place on the front of exterior clothing and above the waist except when safety or health reasons prohibit such placement.
The Contractor shall provide written documentation prior to beginning work and annually thereafter, that all persons employed for this contract do not have any communicable diseases, i.e., Tuberculosis, Coronavirus etc.
The Contractor is completely responsible for all actions of their employees. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining satisfactory standards of employee competency, conduct, appearance, and integrity and shall be responsible for taking such disciplinary action with respect to his employees as may be necessary. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring their employees do not disturb papers on desks, open desk drawers or cabinets, or use Government telephones, except as authorized. All persons employed in the performance of this contract shall, while on the premises, comply with all building regulations, policies and guidelines.
The Contractor shall always have a supervisor available and have sufficient staff to accomplish all requirements of the contract. Staffing shall be scheduled in a manner to avoid overtime and to be most economical to the Government.
Work required in the performance of this contract shall be performed during the hours previously stated, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Occasional weekend hours may be required to efficiently complete certain requirements of the contract during the course of this contract; however, weekend work, if it becomes necessary, shall be scheduled with the approval of the COR in advance, and shall be kept at an absolute minimum. Intermittent cleaning such as: heavy cleaning and buffing/waxing floors shall be coordinated in advance with COR to minimize disruption to patient care. The Contractor shall provide stripping, waxing, and buffing the entire facility floors on a semiannual basis. Carpet cleaning shall be completed at the Lecanto VA Clinic only on a semiannual basis.
Lecanto VA Clinic Annex Carpet Info: 10 room areas. Approx 1,110 Total Square Feet
Lecanto VA Clinic Main Carpet Info: 11 room areas. Approx 1,330 Total Square Feet
Contractor is responsible for moving furniture and returning to original location as needed to complete floor care process. In certain rare and unusual instances, the Contractor may be called on to provide emergency cleaning on a Saturday if there is an emergency infection control situation that could involve a communicable disease. The Contractor shall supply an emergency phone number to call to the COR or designee in such circumstances.
The contractor shall obtain all necessary licenses and/or permits required to perform this work. Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect persons and property from injury or damage during the performance of this contract. Contractor personnel shall be responsible for any injury to employees or others as well as for any damage to personal or public property that occurs during the performance of this contract that is caused by the negligence of the contractor or its employees. The contractor shall maintain personal liability and property damage insurance prescribed by the laws of the State of Florida.
Contractor shall consider the clinical environment and instruct his/her personnel in applicable safety precautions and special requirements. These requirements may include but are not limited to such conditions as cleaning of human secretions, blood, barium, etc. from both floor and wall stain removal. Contractor shall be notified of isolation areas that need terminal cleaning. These areas require the use of gloves, gowns, masks, and shoe covers provided by the Contractor. This shall be accomplished immediately upon request to the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative or designee.
Employees released from service by the Contractor will have their PIV cards collected by the VA Police. The Contractors on-site supervisor shall see that all employees display their PIV cards on them during duty hours, have them readily visible and present them upon request.
The contractor shall be regularly established in the business called for and be financially responsible and have the necessary equipment and personnel to furnish the service in this contract. The contractor shall meet all requirements of Federal, State and City code regarding operation of this type of business. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting the personnel furnishing the services under this contract. To carry out this responsibility, the Contractor shall provide the following for these personnel, at a minimum: workers compensation, income tax withholding, and social security payments. The contractor personnel shall not be considered VA employees for any purpose and shall be considered employees of the Contractor. Contractor shall possess at least the minimum amount of liability insurance for operation of courier services within the State of Florida (see VAAR Clause 852.237-71, Indemnification and Insurance).
The Contractor shall have experience in managing and performing a quality Hospital Aseptic Management System (HAMS) program. This experience must have been gained as a result of a company being regularly engaged in the business of providing aseptic services in all of the areas of a hospital or outpatient facility. The minimum acceptable experience is 24 months previous to the due date established in the solicitation.
Personnel shall have a minimum of one (1) year experience in the area of housekeeping or janitorial service. The supervisor shall have a minimum of two (2) years successful experience in field supervision of janitorial and/or housekeeping activities at a hospital or outpatient facility and shall be adequately trained or experienced in all phases of cleaning requirements. However, the Contractor may request approval of an employee without two (2) years of supervisory experience if Contractor can provide documentation to support request. All Contractor employees must be acceptable to the Contracting Officer/COR. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to require a replacement for any employee at any time for any reason deemed necessary.
The Contractor's personnel shall follow all applicable policies of the Veterans Administration Outpatient Clinic, Lecanto and PRRC, Florida. The Contractor s personnel shall interact with the staff in a courteous, polite, and in a professional manner.
Contractor shall provide standard uniform shirts, blouses, or smocks which clearly identify the Contractor and are uniform in color. All Contractor employees shall be in uniform while on site/duty. Pants/slacks choice is at the discretion of the contractor/staff; however, they shall be neat and without holes.
The Contractor personnel shall present a neat, well-groomed, professional appearance at all times. This includes but not limited to; be free of body odor and wear clean uniform clothing each day. Fingernails must be clean and free of dirt. Hair must be neatly combed, and/or maintained.
Contractor shall be completely responsible for all actions of their employees. All contractor personnel employed in the performance of this contract shall comply with all Veterans Administration (VA) building regulations, policies, and guidelines while on the premises. Contractor personnel shall be free of body odor and wear clean clothing (uniforms as appropriate) while performing duties under this contract.
Contractor shall consider the clinical environment and instruct/train their personnel in applicable safety precautions and special requirements. These requirements may include but are not limited to such conditions as human secretions, blood, barium, etc. Contractor personnel shall take appropriate precautions while performing duties applicable to this contract.
Alcohol/Drug use in the workplace shall not be tolerated. Any Contractor personnel found to be under the influence of, consuming, or using alcohol or drugs while on duty will be subject to administrative action from the Contractor.
All Contractors are required to comply with VHA DIRECTIVE 1192.01 by:
(1) Receiving the annual seasonal influenza immunization or obtaining an exemption for medical or religious reasons.
(2) Submitting the Health Care Personnel (HCP) Influenza Vaccination Form, VA Form 10-9050 (Appendix B) by November 30 of each year to Employee Occupational Health.
(3) Wearing a face mask as described in Appendix A of this directive when an exemption to the influenza vaccination has been granted. Compliance with this directive is a condition of employment. Contractor s employees in violation of this directive may face their removal from federal facility service.
Contractor employees who, during the influenza season, work in VHA locations or who come into contact with VA patients or other HCP as part of their duties. VHA locations include, but are not limited to, VA hospitals and associated clinics, community living centers (CLCs), community-based outpatient clinics (CBOCs), domiciliary units, Vet centers and VA-leased medical facilities. HCP include all VA licensed and unlicensed, clinical and administrative, remote and onsite, paid and without compensation, full- and part-time employees, intermittent employees, fee basis employees, VA contractors, researchers, volunteers and health professions trainees (HPTs) who are expected to perform any or all of their work at these facilities. HPTs may be paid or unpaid and include residents, interns, fellows and students. HCP also includes VHA personnel providing home-based care to Veterans and drivers and other personnel whose duties put them in contact with patients outside VA medical facilities.
The contractor will be paid each month, in arrears, upon receipt of a proper invoice. The contract number, purchase order number, and contractor name shall appear on each invoice or will be rejected and will not be paid.
The Department of Veterans Affairs published a final rule in the Federal Register on November 27, 2012 to require contractors to submit payment requests in electronic form in order to enhance customer service, departmental productivity, and adoption of innovative information technology, including the appropriate use of commercial best practices. The rule is effective December 27, 2012.
Vendor Electronic Invoice Submission Methods
Facsimile, e-mail, and scanned documents are not acceptable forms of submission for payment requests. Electronic form means an automated system transmitting information electronically according to the accepted electronic data transmission methods below:
VA s Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment System The FSC uses a third-party contractor, Tungsten, to transition vendors from paper to electronic invoice submission. Please go to this website: http://www.tungsten-network.com/US/en/veterans-affairs/ to begin submitting electronic invoices, free of charge.
A system that conforms to the X12 electronic data interchange (EDI) formats established by the Accredited Standards Center (ASC) chartered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
The X12 EDI Web site http://www.x12.org
The Contractor shall ensure that all employees receive mandatory training as required by OSHA, Safety, Infection Control, JCAHO, etc. before commencing to perform under this contract.
The contractor shall provide to the contracting officer and/or the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) a copy of the training certificates and certification of signing the Rules of Behavior for each applicable employee within one (1) week of the timeframe required, is grounds for suspension or termination of all physical or electronic access privileges and removal from work on the contract until such time as the training and documents are complete.
The Contracting Officer is the only person authorized to approve changes or modify any of the requirements under this contract. In the event the contractor effects any such changes at the direction of any person other than the Contracting Officer, the change shall be considered to have been made without authority and no adjustment will be made in the contract price to cover any increase in costs incurred as a result thereof.
No contract will be awarded, nor payment made to any individual or entity that appears on the Governments Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS), nor the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List. No contract/order will be awarded to any individual or entity that is not registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) system. See https://beta.sam.gov/.
a. Contractors, contractor personnel, subcontractors, and subcontractor personnel shall be subject to the same Federal laws, regulations, standards, and VA Directives and Handbooks as VA and VA personnel regarding information and information system security.
b. If VA determines that the contractor has violated any of the information confidentiality, privacy, and security provisions of the contract, it shall be sufficient grounds for VA to withhold payment to the contractor or third party or terminate the contract for default or terminate for cause under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) part 12.
c. A contractor/subcontractor shall request logical (technical) or physical access to VA information and VA information systems for their employees, subcontractors, and affiliates only to the extent necessary to perform the services specified in the contract, agreement, or task order.
d. All contractors, subcontractors, and third-party servicers and associates working with VA information are subject to the same investigative requirements as those of VA appointees or employees who have access to the same types of information. The level and process of background security investigations for contractors must be in accordance with VA Directive and Handbook 0710, Personnel Suitability and Security Program. The Office for Operations, Security, and Preparedness is responsible for these policies and procedures.
a. The term security incident means an event that has, or could have, resulted in unauthorized access to, loss or damage to VA assets, or sensitive information, or an action that breaches VA security procedures. The contractor/subcontractor shall immediately notify the COR and simultaneously, the designated ISO and Privacy Officer for the contract of any known or suspected security/privacy incidents, or any unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information, including that contained in system(s) to which the contractor/subcontractor has access.
b. To the extent known by the contractor/subcontractor, the contractor/subcontractor s notice to VA shall identify the information involved, the circumstances surrounding the incident (including to whom, how, when, and where the VA information or assets were placed at risk or compromised), and any other information that the contractor/subcontractor considers relevant.
c. With respect to unsecured protected health information, the business associate is deemed to have discovered a data breach when the business associate knew or should have known of a breach of such information. Upon discovery, the business associate must notify the covered entity of the breach. Notifications need to be made in accordance with the executed business associate agreement.
d. In instances of theft or break-in or other criminal activity, the contractor/subcontractor must concurrently report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement entity (or entities) of jurisdiction, including the VA OIG and Security and Law Enforcement. The contractor, its employees, and its subcontractors and their employees shall cooperate with VA and any law enforcement authority responsible for the investigation and prosecution of any possible criminal law violation(s) associated with any incident. The contractor/subcontractor shall cooperate with VA in any civil litigation to recover VA information, obtain monetary or other compensation from a third party for damages arising from any incident, or obtain injunctive relief against any third party arising from, or related to, the incident.
a. Consistent with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. §5725, a contract may require access to sensitive personal information. If so, the contractor is liable to VA for liquidated damages in the event of a data breach or privacy incident involving any SPI the contractor/subcontractor processes or maintains under this contract. However, it is the policy of VA to forgo collection of liquidated damages in the event the contractor provides payment of actual damages in an amount determined to be adequate by the agency.
b. The contractor/subcontractor shall provide notice to VA of a security incident as set forth in the Security Incident Investigation section above. Upon such notification, VA must secure from a non-Department entity or the VA Office of Inspector General an independent risk analysis of the data breach to determine the level of risk associated with the data breach for the potential misuse of any sensitive personal information involved in the data breach. The term 'data breach' means the loss, theft, or other unauthorized access, or any access other than that incidental to the scope of employment, to data containing sensitive personal information, in electronic or printed form, that results in the potential compromise of the confidentiality or integrity of the data. Contractor shall fully cooperate with the entity performing the risk analysis. Failure to cooperate may be deemed a material breach and grounds for contract termination.
On a periodic basis, VA, including the Office of Inspector General, reserves the right to evaluate any or all of the security controls and privacy practices implemented by the contractor under the clauses contained within the contract. With 10 working-days notice, at the request of the government, the contractor must fully cooperate and assist in a government-sponsored security controls assessment at each location wherein VA information is processed or stored, or information systems are developed, operated, maintained, or used on behalf of VA, including those initiated by the Office of Inspector General. The government may conduct a security control assessment on shorter notice (to include unannounced assessments) as determined by VA in the event of a security incident or at any other time.
a. All contractor employees and subcontractor employees requiring access to VA information and VA information systems shall complete VA Privacy and Information Security Awareness and Rules of Behavior Training before being granted access to VA information and its systems.
(1) Sign and acknowledge (either manually or electronically) understanding of and responsibilities for compliance with the Rules of Behavior before being granted access to VA information and its systems.
b. The contractor shall provide to the contracting officer and/or the COR a copy of the training certificates and certification of signing the Rules of Behavior for each applicable employee within 1 week of the initiation of the contract and annually thereafter, as required.
c. Failure to complete the mandatory annual training and sign the Rules of Behavior annually, within the timeframe required, is grounds for suspension or termination of all physical or electronic access privileges and removal from work on the contract until such time as the training and documents are complete.
The Certification and Accreditation (C&A) requirements do not apply and a Security Accreditation Package is not required for this SOW.
All Contractor, Pharmaceutical Company Representative (PCR), and Healthcare Industry Representatives (HIR) will coordinate with Contracting Officer Representative for instructions so they are in compliance with James A. Haley Veterans Hospital policies listed on the JAHMC Document Management Center share point site:
HIR are required to report to MSDU (Room GC-003), immediately after entering the facility. HIR will be required to sign into the monitoring system and print a badge for proper identification. . The Healthcare Industry Representatives for Nutrition and Food Services, Office of Information and Technology, and Social Work Services are in included in this policy; vendors (HIR) for Pharmacy Services are to follow (HPM 11-91) policy. HIR must be sponsored by a physician, a Service Chief, or their designee, for a specified date and a specified case. HIR are not permitted in patient care areas or clinics unless a prior appointment has been made.
Pharmaceutical Company Representative (PCR) refers to anyone acting on behalf of a pharmaceutical company or its business partners for the purpose of promoting the use of items managed under the VA formulary process. These items primarily include drugs, but to a lesser extent also include any medical supplies, nutritional supplements, and similar commodities managed under the VA formulary process.
a. Sign-In: PCRs may visit VA Medical care facilities no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and stay no later than 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless they receive prior approval from both the Chief of the Service that they will be visiting and the Chief of Pharmacy. Representatives visiting the JAHVH must sign in at the Pharmacy Administrative Office (Located in Trailer 78) and wear a visitor s badge as well as their company s personal name badge while in the hospital.
Vendors: Reference Hospital Memorandum Policy Number 90-25 Healthcare Vendor Access and Competency.
Contractors and/or project managers: Will be issued a PIV/ID badge in accordance with the facility PIV Policy. Contactors will contact their assigned VA Contracting Officer Representative (COR) for coordination.
Contract Personnel/Sub-Contractors: Contractors are responsible for the daily accountability and identification of all personnel assigned to their respective contract including sub-contractors. Contractors will identify personnel using the following procedures as appropriate.
Construction Project contract personnel will report to the contractor for issuance of a temporary self-adhesive identification badge. This badge will be issued on a daily basis and must include the following information: Company name, project number, date and name of individual. Contractor will maintain a daily log of all personnel.
Contract personnel not involved in an actual construction project will report to police dispatch for issuance of a numbered badge. A driver s license or photo ID will be required each day upon entering the facility, in exchange for the badge, and will be given back once the badge is returned to police dispatch. The contractor will provide Police Service with a list of names for all sub-contract personnel requiring access to the facility. It is the responsibility of the contractor to update the list as necessary.
NPR OPC; CBOCs and Off-site Lease facilities with VA Police staffing: As above with check-in with VA Police.
Off-site Lease facilities w/o VA Police staffing: Coordinate with COR, Administrative Officer, or Service Point of Contact.
Contractor employees who work in or travel to VHA locations must comply with the following:
Documentation requirements:
If fully vaccinated, contractors shall show proof of vaccination.
NOTE: Acceptable proof of vaccination includes a signed record of immunization from a health care provider or pharmacy, a copy of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (CDC Form MLS-319813_r, published on September 3, 2020), or a copy of medical records documenting the vaccination.
If unvaccinated, contractors shall show negative COVID-19 test results dated within three calendar days prior to desired entry date. Test must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use or full approval. This includes tests available by a doctor s order or an FDA approved over-the-counter test that includes an affiliated telehealth service.
Documentation cited in this section shall be digitally or physically maintained on each contractor employee while in a VA facility and is subject to inspection prior to entry to VA facilities and after entry for spot inspections by Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) or other hospital personnel.
Documentation will not be collected by the VA; contractors shall, at all times, adhere to and ensure compliance with federal laws designed to protect contractor employee health information and personally identifiable information.Â
Contractor employees are subject to daily screening for COVID-19 and may be denied entry to VA facilities if they fail to pass screening protocols. As part of the screening process contractors may be asked screening questions found on the COVID-19 Screening Tool. Check regularly for updates.
Contractor employees who work away from VA locations, but who will have direct contact with VA patients shall self-screen utilizing the COVID-19 Screening Tool, in advance, each day that they will have direct patient contact and in accordance with their person or persons who coordinate COVID-19 workplace safety efforts at covered contractor workplaces. Contractors shall, at all times, adhere to and ensure compliance with federal laws designed to protect contractor employee health information and personally identifiable information.Â
Contractor must immediately notify their COR or Contracting Officer if contract performance is jeopardized due to contractor employees being denied entry into VA Facilities.
For indefinite delivery contracts: Contractor agrees to comply with VHA Supplemental Contract Requirements for any task or delivery orders issued prior to this modification when performance has already commenced.