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Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) System

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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Jul 08, 2022 10:30 am EDT
  • Original Response Date: Jul 22, 2022 10:00 am EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date:
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: 6630 - CHEMICAL ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS
  • NAICS Code:
    • 334516 - Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:
    Wright Patterson AFB , OH 45433


The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has a requirement to purchase one (1) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) System, similar in capabilities to the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Mass Spectrometer.

This is a Sources Sought (SS)/Request for Information (RFI) only. This is NOT a presolicitation or Request for Quote (RFQ) and is not to be construed as any commitment by the Government. This notice does not obligate the Government to award a contract and or pay for any quote preparation costs.  The Government will not accept quotes at this time. This notice is not an offer by the Government to enter into a contract or any agreement. Interested Small Business concerns must identify to the contracting officer their interest and capability to satisfy the Government's requirement by closing date listed. Responses will allow the Government to conduct an initial review of market capabilities in support of requirements identified in the attached draft Statement of Work (SOW).

NAICS Code: 334516 - Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing

SUBMISSION DETAILS: All interested parties are encouraged to submit a response to this SS/RFI. Capability packages should address the following questions:

  1. Company name, CAGE code, address, point of contact, phone number, and email address
  2. Identification of whether the company is currently designated as a Small Business as defined in FAR Part 19.1 and the appropriate category (e.g., 8(a), HubZone, etc.).
  3. Company description of relevant capability and experience to provide supplies/services in accordance with the minimum requirements or similar to the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Mass Spectrometer.
  4. Company's potential teammates/subcontractors (if required to ensure success)
  5. What, if any, risks or unknowns would hinder industries ability to meet the requirements?
  6. Do you have an active GSA contract/schedule with this particular item available for purchase?  If so, please include contract number and a copy of contract/schedule.

Capability packages and questions shall be sent via email to Ms. Lindsey Ewing at, by 22 July 2022 at 10:00 am Eastern Time.

The Government encourages you to submit any additional comments or suggestions that you would like to share. Please be advised that all submissions become Government property and will not be returned.

All correspondences sent via email shall contain a subject line that reads “SS-AFRL-PZLEQ-2022-0008, GC Mass Spectrometer.” Please note that email filters at Wright-Patterson AFB are designed to filter emails without subject lines or with suspicious subject lines or contents (i.e., .exe, or .zip files).  Therefore, if this subject line is not included, the email may not get through the email filters.  Also be advised that .zip or .exe files are not allowable attachments and may be deleted by the email filters at Wright-Patterson AFB.  If sending attachments with email, ensure only .pdf, .doc, docx, xls, or .xsls documents are sent.  The email filter may delete any other document type.


Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • CP 937 713 9906 2130 8TH ST BLDG 45
  • WRIGHT PATTERSON AFB , OH 45433-7541
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
