AFDW Industry Week 2023
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: May 08, 2023 11:00 pm EDT
- Original Published Date: Feb 09, 2023 04:19 pm EST
- Updated Response Date: May 12, 2023 08:00 am EDT
- Original Response Date: May 09, 2023 08:00 am EDT
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Updated Inactive Date: Dec 24, 2023
- Original Inactive Date: Jun 12, 2023
- Initiative:
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: JB Andrews , MD 20762USA
UPDATE #5: 8 May 2023 2300
In addition direct email invites to registrants today, we are providing the link for Industry Week virtual attendance via this update to ensure all registrants receive the necessary info to participate.
Webinar topic:
AFDW Industry Week 2023
Date and time:
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 8:00 AM | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Join link:
Webinar number:
2760 237 6207
Webinar password:
VeM6pBTwS72 (83667289 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone
+1-415-527-5035 United States Toll
Access code: 276 023 76207
**********END UPDATE #5************
UPDATE #4: 5 May 2023
AFDW Industry Week begins next week. Those that RSVP'd will receive a calendar invite with the WebEx link and final agenda.
For those that registered, thank you! With over 370 in person and virtual attendees we're excited for what this year's event has in store. For those that missed the suspense, after the event concludes we will post briefing material from our presenters here.
Given the volume of in-person registrations we're opening up overflow rooms at the Smart Center. When max capacity is reached in the main stage auditorium, attendees will be seated in nearby overflow rooms (also at the Smart Center) where we will live stream the event via WebEx.
Coffee, tea, water and light snacks will be available each morning in the atrium for a small landing fee. If interested, $5 payment can be made during check in at the registration table. Cash/Venmo payment preferred.
Food trucks will be available for lunch at the Smart Center Parking Lot Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and will be pay as you go. The Joint Base Andrews Food Court located at the Base Exchange also has an assortment of options and is less than 5 min drive from the venue. There are also local establishments off base, however be mindful of gate delays when returning to base.
Agenda for Industry Week:
- Tue, 09 May: 0745-0800: Welcome/admin/intro of Maj Gen Jackson
--- 0800-0815: Welcome by AFDW/CC Maj Gen Jackson
--- 0815- 0900: AFDW Mission Brief, Col Aaron Guill (AFDW/CD)
--- 0930-1045: Keynote Speaker, Ms. Leigh Anne Bierstine (PEO/CM)
--- 1215-1300: 89th AW Mission Partner Brief, Lt Col Jacob Hess
--- 1315-1400: 316th Wing Mission Partner Brief, Col Todd Randolph
--- 1400-1500: Moderated Panel (Industry Engagement with Senior Leaders) - SAF/MG, Ms. Theresa Terry, Ms. Wendy Kay, Deputy SAF/MG, Mr. Scott Calisti, Deputy AQC, Ms. Jennifer Miller, DAF Director of Staff
- Wed, 10 May: 0750-0800: Welcome/administrative notes
--- 0800-0805: Welcome by AFDW/PK, Col David Villarreal
--- 0805-0915: Keynote Speaker, Mr. Richard Lombardi (SAF/MG)
--- 0915-1000: 11th Wing Mission Brief, Col Catherine Logan (11th WG)
--- 1015-1100: DAF/CISO’s Blue Cyber Mission Partner Brief, Ms. Kelley Kiernan
--- 1230-1315: HAF/A1 Mission Partner Brief, Mr. Matthew Lowy
---1315-1400: SAF/SB Mission Partner Brief, Mr. Scott Kiser
---1415-1515: Moderated Panel (Small Business) – Mr. Christopher Jones, AFDW/SB, Mr. Corey Forshee, AFDW/SB, Ms. Juanita Hunt, 316th WG/SB, Mr. Larry Kagler, 11th WG/SB
- Thur, 11 May: 0750-0800: Welcome/administrative notes
--- 0800-0805: Welcome by AFDW/PK, Col David Villarreal
--- 0805-0915: Keynote Address, Mr. Wade Yamada (USSF)
--- 0930-1015: Moderated Panel (Future of HQ USSF) – AFDW/PK, Ms. Delashawn Johnson, CTIO, Col Kellie Brownlee, Digital Workforce Division Chief, CSRO, Maj Justine Pescetello-Parrr, Strategic Engagement Branch Chief, COO, Ms. Keisha Allen, IT Specialist, S2, Mr. Robert Brose, Special Projects
--- 1030-1115: SAF/SA Mission Partner Brief, Mr. Randall D. Hall
--- 1230-1315: 844th CG Mission Partner Brief, Col Vincent Lau
---1315-1400: GSA Mission Partner Brief, Mr. Matt Ocana
---1415-1500: SAF/CA Mission Partner Brief, Lt Col Daniel Lunsford
- Fri, 12 May: 0800-1500 Break-out Sessions for one-on-ones
**********END UPDATE #4***********
UPDATE #3: 18 April 2023
***Registration for the AFDW Industry Week is extended to 21 April 23.***
Please follow this link to register for the AFDW Industry Week Event. All personnel attending must individually register themselves via this link:
UPDATE #3 provides the current DAILY agenda. The hourly agenda will be posted here closer to the event.
Continue to check back here for more information!
2023 AFDW Industry Week Theme
Integrated by Design -- Connect with HQs Air Force, Space Force, AFDW, and Wing-level mission owners
As the contracting activity for Headquarters US Air Force, Space Force, Air Force District of Washington, and two operational Wings, AFDW Contracting (PK) is the NCR’s premier contracting organization. AFDW PK provides innovative business leadership across all levels of military operations and staff functions to man, train, and equip the world’s greatest Air and Space Force. During this year’s Industry Week, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from senior leaders to learn about their respective mission areas, and how each leader leverages contract support to execute daily operations. AFDW Industry Day will also feature Keynote Speakers, Moderated Panels, and Industry-Government one-one-one engagements.
AGENDA (subject to change):
Day 1 (9 May):
- Welcome Address- Maj Gen Joel Jackson, Commander, AFDW
- Mission Partner Brief -Col Aaron Guill, Deputy Commander, AFDW
- Keynote- Ms. Leigh Anne Bierstine, Deputy, Program Executive Officer for Combat and Mission Support, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics
- Mission Partner Brief – Lt Col Jacob Hess, 89th Airlift Wing
- Mission Partner Brief –Col Todd E. Randolph, Commander, 316th Wing (Joint Base Andrews)
- Panel – Industry Engagement with Senior Leaders, Moderator: Ms. Theresa Terry, SAF/MG
Day 2 (10 May):
- Keynote- Mr. Rich Lombardi, Deputy Undersecretary of the Air Force Management Office, Deputy Chief Management Officer of the Office of the Undersecretary of the Air Force
- Mission Partner Brief- Col Catherine M. Logan, Commander, 11th Wing (Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling)
- Mission Partner Brief- Kelley Kiernan, Chief Technology Officer DAF SBIR/STTR Program Office
- Mission Partner Brief- HAF/A1
- Mission Partner Brief- Mr. Scott Kiser, Director Air Force Small Business Programs
- Panel – Small Business, Moderator- Mr. Corey Forshee, AFDW/SB
Day 3 (11 May):
- Keynote- Mr. Bruce Hollywood, Associate Chief Operations Officer of the United States Space Force
- Mission Partner Brief- Lt Col Daniel Lunsford, SAF/CA
- Mission Partner Brief- Col Vincent Lau, Commander, 844th Communications Group
- Mission Partner Brief- Mr. Matt Ocana, GSA
- Panel: Future of HQs USSF, Moderator- Ms. Delashawn Johnson, Chief, USSF Support Division AFDW/PK
Day 4 (12 May):
- Individual Breakout Sessions with Mission Partners and Industry Members. Meetings throughout the week are also available.
**************END UPDATE 3*************
UPDATE #2: 6 April 2023
Welcome to AFDW Industry Week! Information and links will be updated here, so please continue to check back for updates.
UPDATE #2 provides forecasted requirements. For those interested in scheduling a one-on-one meeting with AFDW Government Personnel, please review the forecasted requirements and respond to the forthcoming scheduling request email to book a 30 minute time slot.
UPDATE #1: 7 March 2023
Registration for the AFDW Industry Week is now live! Register here:
Continue to check back here for more information!
The Air Force District of Washington (AFDW) will be hosting an Industry Week 9-12 May 2023 and like last year we're gearing up for another great event! We will use this site to share information so, check back frequently for the registration information and other helpful information.
Industry Week provides the Air Force District of Washington and its mission partners an opportunity to communicate their missions, outline future government needs and requirements (1-3 year horizon), and obtain insight into the private sector’s unique capabilities. Across four days we’ll have Keynote Speakers, Mission Partner Briefs, and Industry Engagements/One-on-Ones all with the goal(s) to increase industry/government collaboration, provide information on our missions, and outline future requirements. The intent is to execute an in-person event. The Smart Center on JBA has been reserved for our event.
Industry Week is free of charge and open to all businesses, small and large. Members of AFDW/PK, 11th and 316th Contracting Squadrons will be present with various Mission Partners throughout the National Capitol Region (NCR) to meet one on one with Industry partners. This event will be begin at 0800 each day and include keynote presentations from AFDW, Headquarters US Air Force, and Headquarters US Space Force Senior Leaders. If you have questions regarding the event please contact the following:- Maj Brandon Kido at or Capt Allison Hughes at Subsequent amendments to this notice will be issued with a registration link, updated agenda, details on in-person attendance and a listing of potential contracting opportunities.
We look forward to your participation!
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- JB ANDREWS , MD 20762-6604
Primary Point of Contact
- Brandon Kido
Secondary Point of Contact
- Capt Allison Hughes
- May 27, 2023 11:59 pm EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- May 05, 2023 07:16 am EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 26, 2023 02:54 pm EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 18, 2023 10:39 am EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 18, 2023 09:57 am EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 13, 2023 04:14 pm EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 10, 2023 09:01 am EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 07, 2023 04:00 pm EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Apr 06, 2023 09:30 am EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Mar 07, 2023 04:51 pm ESTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Feb 09, 2023 04:19 pm ESTSpecial Notice (Original)