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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: May 18, 2023 01:46 pm CDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: May 23, 2023 11:00 am CDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Jun 07, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 334516 - Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:
    Panama City Beach , FL 32407


All quotes submitted in response to this announcement shall be reviewed if submitted by the close date. Request for additional RFQ supporting documents must include capabilities statement, proof of past performance for similar work, and cage code.

The Navy Experimental Diving Unit Panama City Division (NEDU) has a requirement to procure modernization services for three mass spectrometers, MGA 1100 Medical Gas Analyzers. The Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division, FL (NSWC PCD) intends to award a sole source, firm fixed price purchase order using simplified acquisition procedures to MA Tech Services, Inc. for the technical support and equipment modernization.  This procurement is sole source for the following reasons: the equipment listed above is modernized by MA Tech Services, Inc., and they are the only source that meets this requirement for the following reasons:  NEDU currently owns three Perkin Elmer MGA 1100s that have been one of the key scientific data acquisition elements at NEDU since 1985; however, the electronics and user interface have become antiquated and far more costly to maintain. The custom modified MA Tech MGA 1100 keeps the desired response time, accuracy, and capabilities, but digitizes the control elements to simplify the user-needed knowledge to use and to calibrate unit. Market research has yielded no better-designed or accurate magnetic sector mass spectrometer than the MGA 1100; however, the system is almost impossible to maintain due to parts availability and service centers. MA Tech’s utilization of LabVIEW software interface removes these obsolete parts and service constraints, and falls in line with NEDU’s already existing backbone of National Instrument Products. This is a propriety mass spectrometer; other sources do not have the rights, equipment to manufacturer, or provide these listed systems. Other manufacturer’s mass spectrometers are not compatible with the established backbone components in use at NEDU. Use of another mass spectrometer would not support current OSF Medical Deck and Test Pool DAS Room equipment, therefore requiring a change from the original configuration, which would invalidate certification of equipment. Destination to the Naval Support Activity Panama City (NSA PC), 321 Bullfinch Road, Panama City, FL 32407.

  1. SCOPE

This Statement of Work (SOW) specifies the general requirement to upgrade the Naval Experimental Diving Unit’s (NEDU) three (3) MGA 1100 Medical Gas Analyzers, serial numbers 1009-R, 1164-R, H4CL0012GS-R. Modernization efforts include all necessary hardware to bring units up to date with current MATE MGA 1100 models and in accordance with Navy and DoD information technology Windows 11 requirements. NEDU uses the MGA 1100 Medical Gas Analyzer to capture the time critical, content essential, diver's gas (O2, CO2, N2, He and Argon) measurements while at depth during a research protocol and must maintain optimal performance to preempt a system failure.



The following documents form a part of this SOW to the extent specified herein. In the event of conflict between the documents referenced and the contents of this SOW, the SOW shall take precedence. Second tier and lower references, (i.e., those referenced in the primary references) shall be used for guidance only.

2.1 Military Standards


2.2 Military Specifications


2.3 Commercial Specifications



The contractor shall provide the following services for the MGA1100 Mass Spectrometer turbo units (serial numbers 1009-R, 1164-R, H4CL0012GS-R) located at the Navy Experimental Dive Unit (NEDU) in Panama City, Florida:

3.1 The contractor shall provide the following hardware products or services on each of the (3) MGA1100:

3.1.1 New smaller cabinet 36"x18"x18" (black).

3.1.2 The contractor shall provide new high gain electrometers.

3.1.3 The contractor shall provide new low gain electrometers.

3.1.4 The contractor shall provide new relay boards.

3.1.5 The contractor shall inspect analyzer power supplies and updated or replaced.

3.1.6 The contractor shall provide new isolation transformer.

3.1.7 The contractor shall provide new 12v power supply.

3.1.8 The contractor shall provide new wiring and related connectors.

3.1.9 The contractor shall provide a new Windows 11-compatible laptop.

3.1.10 The contractor shall inspect all other components.

3.1.11 The contractor shall provide re-calibration and tune-up once all upgrades are complete.

3.2 The contractor shall provide the following software products or services:

3.2.1 The contractor shall install MA TECH software on the new laptops after NEDU IT installed the DoD-approved version on Windows 11.

3.2.2 The contractor shall provide on-site integration support while NEDU IT personnel install DoD approved Windows 11 software, including virus protection and Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) application.

3.2.3 The contractor shall configure MA Tech software to be fully functional with DoD version of Windows 11.


4.1 Access to Government Facilities

The Government will provide the contractor access to all equipment required to complete maintenance services and Government facilities to accomplish statement of work tasking. The Contractor shall provide a list of employees who require access to these areas, including standard security clearance information for each person, to the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO) no later than three business days after the date of award. Access to Government buildings at Naval Support Activity Panama City (NSA PC) is from 0600 to 1800 Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Normal work hours are from 0700 to 1700, Monday through Friday. Contractor employees shall be under Government oversight at all times. Government oversight requires that a Government employee be present in the same building/facility whenever Contractor employee(s) are performing work under this task order. Contractor personnel are not allowed to access any Government buildings at NSA PC outside the hours of 0600 to 1800 without the express approval of the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO). When a Government facility is closed or early dismissal of Federal employees is directed due to severe weather, security threat, or a facility related problem that prevents personnel from working, onsite Contractor personnel regularly assigned to work at that facility should follow the same reporting and departure directions given to Government personnel.

4.2 Government Windows 11 Installation

The Government will have all necessary software and procedures on hand during delivery. Software installation will commence immediately upon Contractor technicians setting up, and operational checking each MGA 1100 units.

4.3 Access to Government Furnished Equipment

The Government intends to provide the contractor with all three MGA 1100 units at the initial pickup date.


Data shall be provided in accordance with the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) DD Form 1423.


All work, including all referenced deliverables, shall be completed between June 1st, 2023 and August 31st, 2023.


This task will involve access to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). Performance under this contract shall NOT require access to nor generate CLASSIFIED information.

7.1 Release of Information

(a) Release of information shall be in accordance with Section I, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Clause 252.204-7000, Disclosure of Information.

(b) All technical data provided to the Contractor by the Government will be protected from public disclosure in accordance with the markings contained thereon. All other information relating to the items to be delivered or services to be performed under this contract may not be disclosed by any means without prior approval of the appropriate NSWC PCD authority. Dissemination or public disclosure includes, but is not limited to, permitting access to such information by foreign nationals or by any other person or entity; publication of technical or scientific papers; advertising; or any other proposed public release. The Contractor shall provide adequate physical protection to such information to preclude access by any person or entity not authorized such access by the Government.

7.2 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

Controlled unclassified information (CUI) is official information that requires the application of controls and protective measures for a variety of reasons and has not been approved for public release, to include technical information, proprietary data, information requiring protection under the Privacy Act of 1974, and Government-developed privileged information involving the award of contracts. CUI is a categorical designation that refers to unclassified information that does not meet the standards for National Security Classification under Executive Order 13526, but is (a) pertinent to the national interest of the United States or to the important interests of entities outside the Federal Government, and (b) under law or policy requires protection from unauthorized disclosure, special handling safeguards, or prescribed limits on exchange or dissemination.

7.3 Minimum Requirements for Access to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

Prior to access, Contractor personnel requiring access to Department of the Navy (DoN) controlled unclassified information (CUI) or "user level access to DoN or DoD networks and information systems, system security and network defense systems, or to system resources providing visual access and/or ability to input, delete or otherwise manipulate sensitive information without controls to identify and deny sensitive information" contractors must have clearance eligibility, or submit an Electronic Questionnaire for Investigation Processing (SF 86) to NSWC PCD Security for processing and subsequent adjudication by the DoN Central Adjudication Facility.

7.4 Minimum Protection Requirements for Controlled Unclassified Information

Security classification guides and unclassified limited documents (e.g., For Official Use Only (FOUO), Distribution Statement Controlled) are not authorized for public release and, therefore, cannot be posted on a publicly accessible webserver or transmitted over the Internet unless appropriately encrypted.

7.5 CUI

CUI is a document designation, not a classification. This designation is used by Department of Defense (DoD) and a number of other federal agencies to identify information or material, which although unclassified, disclosure to the public of the information would reasonably be expected to cause a foreseeable harm to an interest protected by one or more provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This includes information that qualifies for protection pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. CUI must be marked, controlled and safeguarded in accordance with DoDM 5200.48 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

7.6 Security of Unclassified DoD Information on Non-DoD Information Systems (DoDI 8582.01) DoD Policy

Adequate security shall be provided for all unclassified DoD information on non-DoD information systems. Appropriate requirements shall be incorporated into all contracts, grants, and other legal agreements with non-DoD entities.

Information Safeguards are applicable to unclassified DoD information in the possession or control of non-DoD entities on non-DoD information systems, to the extent provided by the applicable contract, grant, or other legal agreement with the DoD.

Unclassified DoD information that has not been cleared for public release may be disseminated by the Contractor, grantee, or awardee to the extent required to further the contract, grant, or agreement objectives, provided that the information is disseminated within the scope of assigned duties and with a clear expectation that confidentiality will be preserved. Examples include:

(a) Non-public information provided to a Contractor (e.g., with a request for proposal).

(b) Information developed during the course of a contract, grant, or other legal agreement (e.g., draft documents, reports, or briefings and deliverables).

(c) Privileged information contained in transactions (e.g., privileged contract information, program schedules, contract-related event tracking).

It is recognized that adequate security will vary depending on the nature and sensitivity of the information on any given non-DoD information system. However, all unclassified DoD information in the possession or control of non-DoD entities on non-DoD information systems shall minimally be safeguarded as follows:

(a) Do not process unclassified DoD information on publically available computers (e.g., those available for use by the general public in kiosks or hotel business centers).

(b) Protect unclassified DoD information by at least one physical or electronic barrier (e.g., locked container or room, logical authentication or logon procedure) when not under direct individual control of an authorized user.

(c) At a minimum, overwrite media that have been used to process unclassified DoD information before external release or disposal.

(d) Encrypt all information that has been identified as CUI when it is stored on mobile computing devices such as laptops and personal digital assistants, compact disks, or authorized removable storage media such as thumb drives and compact disks, using the best encryption technology available to the Contractor or teaming partner.

(e) Limit transfer of unclassified DoD information to subcontractors or teaming partners with a need to know and obtain a commitment from them to protect the information they receive to at least the same level of protection as that specified in the contract or other written agreement.

(f) Transmit e-mail, text messages, and similar communications containing unclassified DoD information using technology and processes that provide the best level of privacy available, given facilities, conditions, and environment. Examples of recommended technologies or processes include closed networks, virtual private networks, public key-enabled encryption, and transport layer security.

(g) Encrypt organizational wireless connections and use encrypted wireless connections where available when traveling. If encrypted wireless is not available, encrypt document files (e.g., spreadsheet and word processing files), using at least application-provided password protected level encryption.

(h) Transmit voice and fax transmissions only when there is a reasonable assurance that access is limited to authorized recipients.

(i) Do not post unclassified DoD information to website pages that are publicly available or have access limited only by domain or Internet protocol restriction. Such information may be posted to website pages that control access by user identification and password, user certificates, or other technical means and provide protection via use of transport layer security or other equivalent technologies during transmission. Access control may be provided by the intranet (vice the website itself or the application it hosts).

(j) Provide protection against computer network intrusions and data exfiltration, minimally including:

(1) Current and regularly updated malware protection services, e.g., anti-virus, anti-spyware.

(2) Monitoring and control of both inbound and outbound network traffic (e.g., at the external boundary, sub-networks, individual hosts), including blocking unauthorized ingress, egress, and exfiltration through technologies such as firewalls and router policies, intrusion prevention or detection services, and host-based security services. Prompt application of security-relevant software patches, service packs, and hot fixes.

(k) Comply with other current Federal and DoD information protection and reporting requirements for specified categories of information (e.g., medical, proprietary, Critical Program Information (CPI), personally identifiable information, export controlled) as specified in contracts, grants, and other legal agreements.

(l) Report loss or unauthorized disclosure of unclassified DoD information in accordance with contract, grant, or other legal agreement requirements and mechanisms.

(m) Do not use external IT services (e.g., e-mail, content hosting, database, document processing) unless they provide at least the same level of protection as that specified in the contract or other written agreement.

7.7 Operations Security

Operations Security (OPSEC) is concerned with the protection of critical information: facts about intentions, capabilities, operations, or activities that are needed by adversaries or competitors to bring about failure or unacceptable consequences of mission accomplishment.

Critical information includes information regarding:

• Operations, missions, and exercises, test schedules or locations;

• Location/movement of sensitive information, equipment, or facilities;

• Force structure and readiness (e.g., recall rosters);

• Capabilities, vulnerabilities, limitations, security weaknesses;

• Intrusions/attacks of DoD networks or information systems;

• Network (and system) user identifications and passwords;

• Movements of key personnel or visitors (itineraries, agendas, etc.); and

• Security classification of equipment, systems, operations, etc.

The Contractor, subcontractors and their personnel shall employ the following countermeasures to mitigate the susceptibility of critical information to exploitation, when applicable:

• Practice OPSEC and facilitate OPSEC awareness;

• Immediately retrieve documents from printers assessable by the public;

• Shred sensitive and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) documents when no longer needed;

• Protect information from personnel without a need-to-know;

• When promulgating information, limit details to that essential for legitimacy;

During testing and evaluation, practice OPSEC methodologies of staging out of sight, desensitization, or speed of execution, whenever possible.


Technical documents generated under this purchase order shall be marked with Distribution Limitation Statement D. Word processing files shall have the statements included on the cover page of any resultant hard copy. All technical data gathered under this task order shall carry the following Distribution Limitation Statement and handling caveat:



  • Email quotes to on or before the closing date and time stated above.
  • The Government will not accept late quotes.
  • The Government will not accept quotes that are partial or incomplete
  • Provide CAGE code and Lead time on your quote.
  • Be able to invoice through Wide Area Workflow (WAWF).
  • If shipping is not included in the price include a line item for shipping.

**Review all Attachments Posted Prior to Submission of Quote**

All quotes submitted in response to this announcement shall be reviewed if submitted by the close date. Request for additional RFQ supporting documents must include capabilities statement, proof of past performance for similar work, and cage code.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PANAMA CITY BEACH , FL 32407-7001
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Jun 07, 2023 10:59 pm CDTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Original)