Department of Veterans Affairs
Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (TVHS)
Nashville Campus
Project Number 626-24-204
Upgrade Steam System
Introduction - This requirement will replace the failing condensate return skid pumps and their failing components, piping, and associated components as well as add venting as called out in the attached drawings and supporting documents in Building 1 at TVHS Nashville VA Medical Center, 1310 24th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37212. This solicitation will result in one award for the project. Contractor is responsible for all remaining work effort to provide an acceptable final product that meets the requirements of this Statement of Work (SOW) and drawings. All work performed under this SOW shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, codes, VA policies/regulations, specifications, and the SOW as outlined below:
SPS Flash Tank Piping Install SPS flash tank piping and pump.
The flash tank located in the sub-basement, which is serving the SPS pressure reducing valve station continues to have problems with water hammer and excessive noise. Upon further review of the system, the following items were identified: the tank is improperly piped, is not vented, and does not have a pump while it is trying to lift condensate. For this system to work properly the vent will be installed, a proper liquid drainer will be installed, and a pump will be selected/installed.
Electric Condensate Pump Skid Replacement - Install a properly sized electric condensate return system.
The electric condensate skid located in the sub-basement serves the building heating loop, water heaters and sterilizers. The system has not been able to keep up with demand and has issues with pump failure. Upon further review the tank temperature was elevated above 180 F, the pump alternator is bad, the vent piping is undersized, and the storage tank appears to be undersized. This system will need to be replaced with a properly sized condensate skid and a proper vent installation.
Acre Building Condensate Return Replace both flash tanks and pumping system.
The sub-basement of the ACRE building has multiple condensate return piping problems. The facility has been experiencing issues with backpressure that has caused pumping problems and piping failures. One of the flash tanks in this area doesn t have a pump, the venting from both tanks tie together and is undersized; therefore, the equalizing vent from the condensate pump is reduced in size, and the condensate pump mechanism needs to be repaired. Additionally, the condensate piping within this area is copper and has failed. Some of the fittings are Pro Press and are not holding pressure. These two systems will be separated and repaired: adding duplex pumping for redundancy and installing proper venting. The copper piping return system in this subbasement will be replaced with heavy fittings and heavy wall pipe (SCHD80 carbon steel forged).
Scope of Work
Boiler Room Mezzanine; steam traps # 6,#7, & #9 install proper drip legs. Upsize piping as needed.
Chiller Plant Low Pressure Steam (LPS) Supply; steam trap #25 remove dead leg from system.
Fan Room 4; AHU-18 repair the pumping (cap) mechanism on trap and correct piping. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 5; Clean Steam Generator install proper drip leg and separate return lines. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 1; PVR Station separate high and low-pressure return lines. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 1; AHU-5 correct humidifier s piping connections to manufactures installation recommendations. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 8; PRV Station separate steam trap #126 from the low-pressure steam system and install in high-pressure steam return system. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 6; entire area medium pressure steam offline. Return to operational status and connect to AHU 23 steam coil. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 3; PRV station steam traps #181 and #182 are tied together (mixed pressures) separate mixed pressure condensate return lines. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 16; PRV station install properly sized flash tank at pumping station. Upsize piping as required.
Clinical Sub-Basement throughout; various Remove old and install new Condensate Return Skid Pump (CRSP) capable of relieving 4,800 lbs/hr. SPS Install stand-alone secondary condensate return line to CRPS capable of removing 1600 lbs/hr with a minimum of 9,000 EDR (Equivalent Direct Radiation). Install a new vent line for the flash tank. Replace the existing liquid drainer with a proper liquid drainer (Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap). Remove the existing condensate return piping between the flash tank and the return main. Install outlet condensate piping from the liquid drainer to the proposed condensate pump. Install a properly sized electric condensate pump skid Connected skid vent piping to the flash tank vent line. Install SCHD80 carbon steel (forged) condensate piping, forged steel fittings and forged steel valves from skid to return main. Connect electricity to the skid. Insulate the condensate piping. Provide licensed mechanical engineer approved drawings and equipment schedules. Upsize piping as required.
Fan Room 1; CRPS Station Remove old and install new CRPS capable of removing 4,000 lbs./hr.
Fan Room 3; CRPS Station remove temporary vent and install proper vent to atmosphere on flash tank. Upsize piping as required.
Clinical Addition, Surgical Suite (OR); CRPS Station Remove old and install new CRPS capable of removing 4000lbs./hr. Upsize piping as required.
Sterile Processing Services (SPS); various - does not have a condensate pump and is currently piped incorrectly with a storage tank piped directly to the return main. The plumbing needs to be corrected, the storage tank needs to be removed and a pumping package Condensate pump (CP-4) needs to be added in subbasement to return condensate into the main correctly. Piping configuration to be determined onsite with contractor and COR coordination. Remove SPS condensate from the Clinical addition s condensate pump and pipe to a new pumping station serving only SPS. Install a new vent line for the flash tank. Replace the existing liquid drainer with a proper liquid drainer (Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap). Remove the existing condensate return piping between the flash tank and the return main. Install outlet condensate piping from the liquid drainer to the proposed condensate pump. Upsize piping as needed.
ACRE Building; various - Remove and install new CRSP capable of removing 8,400 lbs./hr. Building needs the replacement of a steam motive pump skid with an electric skid and the addition of a second electric package condensate pump (CP-6) to accommodate for the current condensate load. The existing pumping package and flash tanks needs to be removed and the piping needs to be corrected to CP-4 & CP-6. Remove both flash tanks and the single condensate pump. Remove failed copper condensate return piping. Piping cut back to a location with acceptable wall thickness, maximum of 20 . Upsize piping as required.
Provide start-up/commissioning report and installation approval. Check Pump Rotation, verify all lights, alarms, pump alternators and safeties are in proper working order. Verify that the electric pumps are discharging at the designed pressure. Verify that the vents and overflows are working as designed.
Provide, install, and commission control points to monitor status and alarm for all newly installed CRPS in the building automation system (BAS).
Install a proper venting system for the newly installed condensate return skids.
Guidelines and Standards
General guidelines include, but are not limited to the following specifications and regulations: Comply with current applicable state, local, & federal building codes as well as codes from other recognized authoritative bodies; including, but not limited to, Associated Air Balance Council (AABC), American Concrete Institute (ACI), Acoustical and Insulating Materials Association (AIMA), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Gypsum Association (GA), Hydraulic Institute (ANSI/HI for pump design, installation and testing), International Building Code (IBC), NEC, NFPA, National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA), and American Barriers Act (ABA).
All newly installed piping, fittings, and valves shall be SCHD80 carbon steel (forged).
Stamped drawings by a Professional Engineer (P.E.) or a Registered Architect (R.A.) are not required for this project.
Comply with VA Infection Control Standards. APPLICABLE STANDARDS: Latest published versions shall be used.
Mechanical systems ASHRAE and SMACNA Standards, Including ASHRAE 90.1.
National Electric Code, NFPA No. 70, NFPA 99, NFPA 110
National Electric Safety Code (ANSI C2).
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 101) Life Safety Code.
International Building Code (IBC).
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS)
International Mechanical Code (IMS).
International Plumbing Code (IPC).
Applicable State, City and County codes and regulations.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards
Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards
General Requirements
Contractor will coordinate all work through the VA COR.
The contractor s superintendent will always be on site during the performance of the contract work.
Contractor s subcontractor(s) must have previous experience installing steam system and steam system components.
Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, components, supplies, supervision, and professional knowledge to perform the job. When furnish , provide , install or similar term is used, it shall mean a complete installation that is ready for use.
The contractor shall identify all employees that will be working under the awarded contract. The contractor personnel shall include employees, sub-contractors, suppliers, and delivery personnel entering the medical center. Those employees shall bring photo ID to obtain a VA Contractor identification badge that shall be always worn above the belt while on medical center property. Contractor s employees shall return all I.D. badges to designated personnel at the end of the period of performance of the contract. Lost badges will result in a surcharge.
The safety manager is responsible for safety inspections of all contract operation and will be identified to the contractor. All VA and OSHA safety regulations shall be observed during the performance of work identified on this contract. Provide signage and barricades, as required, to maintain safety and protection of work around project work site.
The contractor shall visit the job site to thoroughly familiarize himself with all the details of this work and working conditions. The contractor shall also verify all dimensions in the field and shall advise the Contracting Officer and COR of any discrepancy before performing any work. The contractor shall be specifically responsible for the coordination and proper relation of his work to the building, structure, phasing and ensure the safety of employees and workmen.
Contractor shall not allow smoking in any building. Smoking is not permitted on the VA Campus.
Contractor will take adequate precautions to protect all adjacent equipment, concrete pads and walkways in the work area from spills, drips, runs and damage from the use of power tools.
Parking is limited at TVHS, Nashville Campus. The Contractor does not have assigned parking and is responsible for parking. Space will be made available for temporary unloading and loading of materials. The contractor will have space for 1 vehicle inside their small staging area. Drivers should be particularly concerned with Pedestrian traffic, Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Seat Belt use is mandatory on all VA grounds.
At all times, the Contractor shall keep the work area, including any areas where materials/equipment is being stored, free from accumulations of waste materials. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove any rubbish and contractor owned materials, equipment, tools, scaffolding, and temporary measures.
When items, equipment, or materials are shown to be demolished, remove all appurtenances and patch back as necessary using materials consistent with adjacent site preparation. Do not leave any abandoned components or utility feeds. Remove utilities feeds back to the source or an active line, main, or main branch.
Building service equipment and systems shall be provided by nationally recognized manufacturers that produces and distributes mechanical products across the United States for 5 years or more. Manufacturers must have local vender representatives within a 300-mile driving distance, capable of responding to issues the same day.
Due to space limitations, contractor will be provided limited space for a staging area. The contractor shall immediately remove equipment/materials/supplies from the site when it is no longer needed or actively being installed/used. The contractor is responsible for the proper disposal of all waste.
Work Constraints
Minimize disruptions to medical center operations. Medical center normal hours of operation are from 7am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. Noise producing work that may disrupt adjacent services / operations shall be performed after-hours.
Portions of the work will require shutdowns. After-hours work will be required to complete this project and maintain the schedule. Shutdowns are to be planned and COR notified at least five (5) days in advance.
The federal holidays are listed below:
January 1st New Year s Day
Third Monday in January Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Third Monday in February Washington s Birthday
Last Monday in May Memorial Day
Juneteenth June 19th
July 4th Independence Day
First Monday in September Labor Day
Second Monday in October Columbus Day
November 11th Veterans Day
Last Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day
December 25th Christmas Day
The facility will be occupied during this project. The Contractor shall fully cooperate with the other contractors and with Government employees and shall carefully adapt scheduling and performing the work under this contract to accommodate the additional work (of others), heeding any direction that may be provided by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall not commit or permit any act that will interfere with the performance of work by any other contractor or by Government employees.
Minimum conduit size shall be ¾ inch. Provide compression couplings on conduit 2 inches and smaller.
Mechanical couplings and grooved pipe are not acceptable. Pipe shall be welded and insulated with flanges limited to component connections. Pipe shall be supported independently of all other mechanical system pipes. Do not reuse piping, piping sections, components, valves, flanges, gauges, ports, strainers, hangers, sensors, and control devices.
Hardware and equipment shall be comprised of new products the manufacturer is currently.
manufacturing, have spare parts available for at least five years after completion of contract.
The Nashville Campus is in a seismic zone. Provide seismic precautions / bracing, such as seismic hangers, spring isolators, kickers, cable braces and flexible connections.
Label all equipment, piping, valves, points, and electrical boxes/components. Use UV resistance vinyl labels. Provide arrow labels to indicate the direction of flow.
Provide adequate access and work areas for service and maintenance.
Temporary utilities (power, HVAC, lighting, etc.) will be required to support building use and functions during this project.
Submittals must be given to the VA withing within 10 days of contract award. Contractor s and contractor s commissioning agent shall review and stamp all materials / submittals before submission to the COR. VA will review and act upon submittals within 7 calendar days. Submittals must be approved by all parties prior to the performance of work or installation.
Submit a schedule within 10 days after NTP. Address VA comments and revise the schedule within 7 days of the VA comments. Schedule shall be cost loaded and have multiple activity line items (more than 30 activities) and indicate the critical path, early start / late start dates and float. If the schedule slips 20 days, submit a revised schedule to the COR and CO, indicating the reasons for the slippage and suggesting actions to remedy the schedule slippage.
The contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a coordinated schedule indicating the sequence of operations for review prior to commencement of the work. Currently the VA hospital is open from Monday thru Friday 0600-1800 for normal operating hours. Any work outside these hours and on Federal Holidays must be requested at least 72 business hours in advance and then approved by the contracting officer. Work in critical areas of operation will be conducted during off hours, nights, or weekends and will be coordinated between the Contractor, COR and space occupants/users.
Egress: Do not close or obstruct walkways, corridors, or other occupied facilities without written permission from the contracting officer.
Life Safety: When demolition occurs in or near an occupied space, measures must be taken to protect the indoor air quality, reduce noise, limit vibration from cutting or chopping, reduce odors emanating from demolition debris, and mitigate dust infiltration from airborne particles and foot traffic. Use water mist, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in the air. Do not use water when it may damage existing construction or create hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding, and pollution. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials, and promptly dispose of them off-site. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. Avoid unsightly conditions by cleaning adjacent structures and architectural finishes. Eliminate tractable dirt by wet-mopping floors and wiping down walls and doors of the demolition enclosure. Provide walk-off mats from the area of work to prevent dust from being tracked onto adjacent floor finishes. Do not use public corridors, lobbies, or hallways as staging areas. Damage to adjacent construction during demolition must be repaired and restored within 48 hours by the contractor.
Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off any utilities as necessitated by the project. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving occupied or operating facilities unless authorized in writing by the contracting officer. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with respective providers. Provide at least 72 hours notice to the government if a shutdown of service is required during the changeover. Maintain services to remain and protect them against damage during the project.
Contractor shall conduct an intensive field survey of all existing conditions. The contractor should survey existing conditions and correlate their work requirements accordingly. Contractor shall verify all dimensions, calculations, and code requirements for all elements of work. The contractor is ultimately responsible for constructability and providing a complete and usable product at the completion of the project.
Record drawings may be provided to the contractor as a courtesy at the discretion of the Government, but their accuracy is not guaranteed. The contractor shall do their own field investigations of the utilities and other items in the area and base his work accordingly. The Government assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the Contractor based on the information made available by the Government. Nor does the Government assume responsibility for any understanding reached or representation made concerning conditions which can affect the work by any of its officers or agents before the execution of this contract, unless that understanding, or representation is expressly stated in this contract. These record drawings bear no such representation or understanding.
Asbestos-Containing Building Material (ACBM):
ACBM is not anticipated during this project. However, if suspected ACBM is encountered, work in the immediate vicinity must stop and the Contracting Officer (CO) and COR must be notified. After consultation with VA personnel, the CO will direct further action to be taken. Work should proceed uninterrupted in unaffected areas of the project.
The presence of lead on painted surfaces is not expected.
Work Completion
Upon completing a segment of work (related to a location/task/objective), the Contractor shall leave the work area in a clean, neat, and orderly condition satisfactory to the Contracting Officer or the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).
Upon completion of a segment of work, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the COR that all work is complete, and the system is fully functional.
Comply with manufacturer s requirements.
Correct and re-inspect any QC listed issues prior to requesting final inspection.
Contractor shall provide authorized start-up and installation checklist. Comply with manufacturer s requirements. Manufacturer s representative shall be on-site during start-up.
Request for final inspection shall be submitted in writing to contracting officer and COR 14 days in advance of inspection date.
Provide a stamped QC report and certification prior to requesting final inspection. Report shall document the work, inspections, corrective actions, and approval of each assembly.
Provide as-built drawings and M&O manuals. Each trap assembly location shall be indicated on a drawing and referenced in a corresponding table. The table shall indicate the work at each location, including the items replaced, model numbers, and characteristics.
The contractor shall provide a final stamped, commissioning/certification report, noting all corrections, and certifying the work/systems as complete, compliant, and fully functional. Commissioning shall continue through optimization and seasonal tuning.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be provided, to include (but not limited to) spare parts list, operator s manual, and contractors contact information. Include 3 binders to contain all the information/ warranties and one electronic copy.
Warranty: Contractor shall provide a one-year warranty on workmanship of the entire project in addition to any manufacturer s warranty on materials installed. The contractor will provide any commercial warranty on materials or equipment included in the construction that exceeds this one-year, all-inclusive warranty. The commercial warranty will be issued to the Government.
Period of Performance shall be 120 calendar days from notice to proceed.
PART VI Attachments
Combined Steam Drawings
Flash Tank installation (typical)
Condensate return skid pump connection diagram (typical)
Steam Components General requirements.
Pump selection basis of design
Nashville VA Steam components name and location KEY