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Guam Defense System (GDS) Integrated Battle Management REQUEST FOR INFORMATION

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Sep 05, 2024 12:56 pm CDT
  • Original Response Date: Oct 04, 2024 12:00 pm CDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date: Oct 19, 2024
  • Initiative:


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 541715 - Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)
  • Place of Performance:
    Redstone Arsenal , AL



Guam Defense System Joint Program Office (GDS JPO) is seeking information on the capabilities and concepts of potential small and large businesses to develop an integrated battle manager that can seamlessly operate over existing Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) command and control systems to provide an engagement coordination (EC) function. The Government will use industry’s technical responses from this RFI to support capability forecasts, program planning and market research.  This notice does not constitute Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposals, or Request for Quotes.

Participation in this market research is strictly voluntary. The Government will not reimburse respondents for any costs associated with responses to this notice, including costs associated with participation in a potential industry day or follow-on meetings.

1. Overview

a.  Project Context: Guam’s strategic importance requires advanced air and missile defense protection. The GDS JPO plans to develop and deliver a GDS system-of-systems comprised of deployed, in-production, and in-development IAMD systems that will be delivered to Guam in phases. The significant and critical development item for the GDS is the enhanced integration of the IAMD systems’ distinct command and control elements.

b.  Concept Description:  The GDS JPO envisions that enhanced integration of the IAMD systems’ distinct command and control elements can be achieved through coordination and collaboration of defense planning and engagement operations across weapon fire control boundaries. The JPO holds that a feasible engineering approach to achieving this coordination and collaboration is through the development of an application layer that overlays the existing IAMD command and control functions to  effectively and efficiently design defenses and conduct engagements. The GDS JPO intends to create a Government-owned Government Reference Architecture (GRA) to define and manage interfaces and interoperability.

2.  Requested Information

This RFI addresses the INDOPACOM threat set to include ballistic, hypersonic, and cruise missiles. Concepts should include design drivers and interdependencies between command‑and‑control elements and the user. Submissions should consider effectiveness, survivability, and costs. Identification of commercial, Other Government Agency and technology readiness levels, as appropriate, should be identified with substantiation. Include any assumptions used regarding the command‑and‑control systems or dependencies on other weapon systems. Specific questions requiring controlled unclassified information will be provided in a Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) appendix upon successful confirmation of the offeror’s ability to process CUI.


3.  Response Guidelines

     a.  Submissions shall adhere to the following:

(1) Not to exceed 25 pages.

(2) Single spaced, 12-point Arial font with at least one-inch margins on 8 1/2” X 11” size paper.

(3) Tables, drawings and header/footer information shall be 10-point Arial font or larger and will be included in the total page count.

(4) The Government anticipates the receipt of UNCLASSIFIED capability statements in response to this RFI; however, if the offeror believes classified information is necessary to present capabilities and/or an approach, then a written request must be submitted to the Government POCs listed below in 3a(6) not less than five calendar days BEFORE the due date (October 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central Time). If approved by the Government, then a separate written classified annex may be included in the offeror’s response. This annex may not exceed the classification of collateral SECRET and must be delivered in accordance with the 32 CFR Part 2117, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Responses shall not contain any information above SECRET or contain any restrictive markings (e.g., special access program (SAP), NATO, CNWDI, WNTEL, etc.) The CONFIDENTIAL marking is reserved as a security marking in accordance with AR 380-5 and the NISPOM and shall not be used as a marking for company proprietary information. The classified annex will count against the offeror’s page count limitation.

(5) Clearly identify and mark proprietary data restrictions on a page-by-page basis.

(6) All questions, requests and submissions should be provided to the following Government POCs: Hillary Roy, at, and Sydney Horn, at

     b. The Government review team reserves the right to request clarification to enhance our understanding of the respondent's submittal.

     c. Interested sources responding to this RFI must have at minimum a secret facility clearance and demonstrated expertise in some of the following areas:  development of technically sophisticated weapon system algorithms or components, strong software development, configuration management and quality controls, prototype experience, test experience, and the ability to support multiple concurrent weapon system integration activities.

d. Provide company data to include name; address; point of contact; email address, CAGE code; socio-economic status under NAICS 541715 (e.g., other than small business (SB), woman-owned SB, veteran-owned SB, etc.). If a SB, discuss your firm’s ability to perform at least 51% of the requirement. Responses from SB concerns will aid the Government in determining if any future efforts regarding this topic can be set-aside should the Government decide to issue a contract.

e. Additional technical information for the scope detailed above is available upon submission of a CAGE code to the Government POCs listed in 3a(6) above. Upon validating the offeror’s ability to access CUI, the Government will send a technical CUI appendix via email.

f. Companies who wish to respond to this RFI should send responses via email to the POCs listed in paragraph 3a(6) not later than Friday, October 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central Time. Any responses submitted after this time will not be considered.

4.  Non-Government Personnel

The Government may use Contractor Support Personnel (CSP) as subject matter experts in the review and assessment of responses to include marked or unmarked proprietary information. The CSP will be required to submit to the Government a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and the NDA will be on file with the Government. The submission of a response to this RFI constitutes the respondent’s acknowledgement and agreement that the information provided in their submission, included marked and unmarked proprietary or acquisition sensitive information, may be disclosed by the Government to the CSP.

Offerors are advised that employees of the firms identified below may serve as non-government advisors in the review and evaluation of capability statements. Such firms are expressly prohibited from competing on the potential subject acquisition.

KODA Technologies; 620 Discovery Drive Building 2, Suite 100 Huntsville, AL 35806-2816; (256) 900-1002

Radiance Technologies, 310 Bob Health Dr., Huntsville, AL 35806, (256) 704-3400

Capstone Research Corporation, 1525 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 105, Huntsville, AL 35806, (256) 836-4550

5. Industry Engagement

          a. Optional Meetings: Based upon the scope and breadth of the responses received, the GDS JPO may elect to schedule an industry day to clarify information. The GDS JPO reserves the ability to conduct individual meetings to discuss specific concepts and capabilities.

          b. Submission of Questions: The GDS JPO understands that industry may have questions to help clarify requirements. The GDS JPO will accept the submission of questions through 18 September 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central Time in the same format as the response. Send questions to the Government POCs listed in section 3a(6).

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • REDSTONE ARSENAL , AL 35898-0000
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
