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Near Space Network (NSN) Services

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Dec 06, 2022 05:20 pm EST
  • Original Published Date: Jun 29, 2022 01:10 pm EDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Sep 30, 2022 06:00 pm EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Jul 29, 2022 04:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: DG10 - IT AND TELECOM - NETWORK AS A SERVICE
  • NAICS Code:
    • 517410 - Satellite Telecommunications
  • Place of Performance:


Amendment #11 - The purpose of this amendment is to update the Near Space Network (NSN) Services elibrary by replacing the “Lunar Relay Services Requirements Document (SRD) 11-4-2022 (Rev A)” document with the updated “Lunar Relay Services Requirements Document (SRD) 12-5-2022 (Rev B)” document.

Amendment #10 - The purposes of this amendment are to update the Near Space Network (NSN) Services elibrary by replacing the “LCRNS SRD 10-18-2022.pdf” document with the updated “Lunar Relay Services Requirements Document (SRD) 11-4-2022 (Rev A)” document, and to inform industry that the anticipated release date for the final RFP is approximately early to mid-December 2022.

Amendment #9 - The purpose of this amendment is to update the Near Space Network (NSN) Services elibrary by replacing the “LCRNS SRD.pdf” document with the updated “LCRNS SRD 10-18-2022.pdf” document.

Amendment #8 - The purposes of this amendment are to post the charts presented at the second NSN Services Industry Day held on September 28, 2022, along with the Attendees List to the "Attachments/Links" section.

Amendment #7 - The LunaNet Interoperability Specification Document Version 4 has been posted under the "Near Space Network (NSN) Services, elibrary."

Amendment #6 - Below is the agenda for the second NSN Services Procurement Industry Day scheduled for September 28, 2022.  Please note that the end time has been revised from 12:30 PM ET to 12:00 PM ET.

Agenda: Industry Day (10:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET)


Camille Thurston, NSN Provider Integration Manager

15 minutes (10:00-10:15)

Keynote #1

Badri Younes, Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation

15 minutes (10:15-10:30)

Keynote #2

Robert J. Menrad, Associate Director of Exploration and Space Communications (ESC) Projects Division

15 minutes (10:30 -10:45)

NSN Services Procurement Update

Vir Thanvi, ESC Deputy Program Manager

1 hour (10:45-11:45)

Closing Remarks

Camille Thurston, NSN Provider Integration Manager

15 minutes (11:45-12:00)

Amendment #5 - NASA published the draft Request for Proposal (dRFP) for the Near Space Network (NSN) Services procurement on June 29, 2022, and subsequently held an Industry Day on July 27, 2022.  NASA is pleased to announce a second Industry Day for its NSN Services procurement.  This event will be entirely virtual and will provide interested vendors with additional information regarding the overall NSN Services procurement. 

This virtual event will be held on September 28, 2022 from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET.  Vendors interested in participating in this virtual event shall register on Eventbrite using the link below:

The link to dial into the virtual second Industry Day will be e-mailed to all registered attendees approximately one hour prior to the start time on September 28, 2022.

An agenda will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

Upon completion of the second Industry Day, vendors may submit questions/comments up until 6:00 pm ET on September 30, 2022, to the Contracting Officer via e-mail:  Please do not re-submit any previously submitted questions/comments as they have been received by the government and are under review.

Amendment #4 – The purpose of this amendment is to issue revised RTOs 1 and 2 to clarify the original RTOs that were released with the DRFP.  Please note that for RTO 2, as indicated at Industry Day, the Lunar requirements are maturing and they will be finalized with the final RFP.  Therefore, “Enclosure BB.1 – RTO1 DTE Validation.pdf” and “Enclosure BB.2 – RTO2 Relay Validation.pdf” are replaced with “Enclosure BB.1 -RTO1 DTE Validation Rev 1.pdf” and “Enclosure BB.2 – RTO2 Relay Validation Rev 1.pdf,” respectively.  These documents are posted under the "Attachments/Links" section.

Amendment #3 - The purposes of this amendment are as follows: (1) to replace the originally posted DRFP Cover Letter with a revised version to reflect the changes set forth in Amendment #1, and (2) to post the list of Industry Day attendees.  These documents are posted under the "Attachments/Links" section.

Amendment #2 - The purpose of this amendment is to post the charts presented at the NSN Services Industry Day held on July 27, 2022, to the "Attachments/Links" section.

Amendment #1 – The purposes of this amendment are to provide updates to the DRFP Cover Letter and to provide supplemental procedures/instructions for Industry Day as follows:

1.  The first paragraph of DRFP Cover letter is revised as follows:


“You are invited to review and comment on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC) NSN Services solicitation.  The NSN Services contract will provide for acquisition of Communications and Navigation services to support multiple customer missions across the full Near Space Network portfolio to include Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), Geostationary Orbit (GEO), and Lunar orbital regimes.  The objective is to foster the commercialization of the Near-Space region through increased private sector participation in providing communications and navigation services in the Near Space region. The Statement of Work, Attachment A, describes the scope of the requirement.”


“You are invited to review and comment on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC) NSN Services solicitation.  The principal purpose of this NSN Services procurement is to acquire communication and navigation services for missions in near-space region (surface of Earth to 2 Million Km) for NASA and other federal agencies under two distinct categories:

  • Category 1 - Near Space Direct-To-Earth (DTE), which covers communication and navigation services for customer missions, spacecraft or payloads up to 2 million kilometers from Earth.
  • Category 2 - Near Space Relay, which covers communication and navigation services for customer missions, spacecraft or payloads up to 2 million kilometers from Earth.

The objective is to foster the commercialization of the Near-Space region through increased private sector participation in providing communications and navigation services in the Near Space region, including lunar communications & navigation services (DTE and relay) to support the NASA Artemis program. The Statement of Work, Attachment A, describes the scope of the requirement.”

2. DRFP Cover letter, page 3, the table for Category “2.0 Near Space Relay,” is revised to uncheck the blocks under the “Initial RFP” column for sub-categories “2.1.1, Earth Proximity Relay (Unclassified)” and “2.3.1 xCislunar Relay (Unclassified).”

3. Industry Day Supplemental Procedures/Instructions

The NSN Services Industry Day will be conducted both in person and virtually to accommodate concerns regarding the COVID pandemic, travel, and any related restrictions.  It is up to prospective offerors to choose whether they will participate in person or virtually.

In Person Attendance

The Industry Day Presentation will begin at 10:00 AM EST and conclude at approximately 3:00 PM EST on July 27, 2022, at the NASA Goddard Visitor Center located at 9432 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD, 20771.  Offerors, individuals, or interested parties who plan to attend the Industry Day must provide the Contracting Officer ( and the Project Representative (* in writing, at a minimum, full name of the attendee(s), identification of nationality (U.S. or specify other nation citizenship), Lawful Permanent Resident Numbers in the case of foreign nationals, affiliation and full office address/phone number. Please provide requests for in-person attendance by NLT 6:00 PM EST on July 25, 2022.  Due to space limitations, if you intend to attend in person, representation of any potential Offeror may not exceed three (3) company representatives/persons per Offeror. 

*If you have previously submitted your request for in-person attendance to the Contracting Officer prior to the posting date of this notice, then you do not have to re-submit your request.

Virtual Attendance

To attend virtually, please register by NLT 6:00 PM EST on July 25, 2022 at the following link:

Once you complete the registration to attend virtually, the TEAMS Link will be e-mailed to you approximately one hour prior to the start of the event on July 27, 2022.

During the course of the presentation, please e-mail any questions to the Contracting Officer at 

All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Original Posting

You are invited to review and comment on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC) NSN Services solicitation.  The NSN Services contract will provide for acquisition of Communications and Navigation services to support multiple customer missions across the full Near Space Network portfolio to include Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), Geostationary Orbit (GEO), and Lunar orbital regimes.  The objective is to foster the commercialization of the Near-Space region through increased private sector participation in providing communications and navigation services in the Near Space region. The Statement of Work, Attachment A, describes the scope of the requirement.

The award of NSN Services contracts will be based on the offeror’s ability to meet the specific technical acceptability standards set forth in this DRFP.  Technical Acceptability is the most important factor and will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis.  Proposals that fail to meet any of the technical acceptability standards identified in Section L of the RFP will be considered “Unacceptable” and will not be eligible for contract award (see DRFP provision “M.4  TECHNICAL ACCEPTABILITY STANDARDS EVALUATION FACTOR” for details on “Potentially Acceptable” proposals).  For those offerors who meet all the technical acceptability standards, Past Performance and Price will be evaluated.  Past Performance will be evaluated on a Level of Confidence basis.  A price analysis will be conducted in accordance with FAR 15.305(a)(1) to ensure that a "fair and reasonable" price is paid by the Government. The proposed price will be evaluated at the master IDIQ contract level to determine reasonableness both from the perspective of a firm fixed-price validation effort and for a not-to-exceed price per minute of operational communications services.  Past Performance is approximately equal in importance to Price for evaluation purposes.

Potential offerors are encouraged to comment on all aspects of the draft solicitation, including the requirements, schedules, proposal instructions, and evaluation approaches, any perceived safety, occupational health, security (including information technology security), environmental, export control, and/or other programmatic risk issues associated with performance of the work.  Potential offerors should identify any unnecessary or inefficient requirements, and are also encouraged to comment on the DRFP CLIN structure, any unique terms and conditions, the clarity of the Representative Task Order (RTO) requirements and their ability to effectively price each RTO, and the Section M Evaluation Criteria. 

Any comments regarding the DRFP should be submitted electronically in writing, to Sang Lee, Contracting Officer, at, within 30, calendar days after the release of this DRFP.  Industry questions that may potentially be addressed at the NSN Industry Day will need to be submitted to the Contracting Officer NLT July 20, 2022.  If a respondent believes their comments contain confidential, proprietary, competition sensitive, or business information, those questions/comments shall be marked appropriately.  However, questions that are marked as containing confidential, proprietary, competition sensitive or business information will not be provided a Government response.  The Government will consider all comments received in preparation of the Final RFP.  To the extent a comment leads the Government to revise the acquisition approach or requirements, the change will be reflected in the Final RFP.  Some DRFP questions and comments may receive a posted response to the GPE if the Contracting Officer determines that a response would facilitate additional understanding of the solicitation.  The Government may also respond via the GPE to comments and/or questions received following the issuance of the Final Request for Proposal (RFP).

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • GREENBELT MD 20771
  • GREENBELT , MD 20771
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
