REQUEST FOR SF 330 s for
A/E MEP services at the CAPT James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (FHCC)
3001 Green Bay Rd, North Chicago IL, 60064
This is a request for SF330s for a single award Firm-Fixed Price contract for A/E MEP professional services at the FHCC under NAICS 541330 necessary to accommodate the Replace Fire Alarm System 556-25-109.
The Architect/Engineer shall provide professional services for assessment, design, specification, and construction period services for the following: Plan removal and replacement of the current West Campus fire alarm system to meet current NFPA and VA requirements. This includes all fire alarm panels, strobes, annunciators, pull stations and new fiber optic circuits for communications between building fire alarm control units. Current layout and distribution of strobes/annunciators/pull stations do not meet current code due to inadequate coverage and layout.
Pursuant to Public Law 109-461, this solicitation is set-aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) firms. In accordance with VAAR 819.7003(b), at the time of submission of bid, the bidder must represent that it is a SDVOSB concern, a small business concern under the NAICS code assigned to the acquisition, and is CVE verified for eligibility in the VIP database.
Attention to Special Notice of VAAR Clause 852.219-75 VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting - Certificate of Compliance for Services and Construction. Failure of offeror to attest and sign the certificate of compliance shall render the offeror's SF330 submission technically unacceptable outright and the offeror shall not be eligible for award. (See page 6 below)
THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. NO SOLICITATION PACKAGE WILL BE ISSUED via SAM. A request for proposal will be issued directly to the top-rated firm for which negotiations will commence in accordance with FAR Part 36.606. The anticipated A/E design services, to be awarded, will be procured in accordance with the Selection of Architects and Engineers Act (Public Law 92-582), Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36.6.
Design Period of Performance: 206 calendar days from Notice to Proceed.
Construction Period Services: Not to exceed 5 years from Notice to Proceed.
Contract Type: Firm-Fixed-Price
Estimated Magnitude of Construction: Between $20,000,000 and $25,000,000
NAICS Code: 541330 - Engineering Services
Size Standard: $26 Million
Attention to Special Notice Proof of SAM registration. Offerors are required to submit proof of SAM registry with their SF330 submission. Failure of offeror to submit proof of SAM registration shall render the offeror's SF330 submission technically unacceptable outright and the offeror shall not be eligible for award.
SAM: in accordance with FAR 19.301-1, at the time of SF330 submission and prior to award of any contract, the offeror must represent to the contracting officer that it is a Small Business concern under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to the acquisition. Additionally, all eligible firms must be registered and current in the System for Award Management (SAM) database to be evaluated and eligible for contract award. If the firm is not registered in SAM, you may register online at
The following factors are included in the Request for SF 330s and will be used to evaluate firms. The factors are listed in descending order of importance, in accordance with FAR 36.602-1 and VAAM M836.602-1. The evaluation will consider how each factor is addressed and how it is formatted to coincide with the selection criteria.
Primary Selection Criteria:
1. Specialized experience and technical competence: Specialized experience in health care facility and associated grounds and structures design and construction period services.
Specialized experience includes healthcare facility specific Code and industry standards such as NFPA 99, ASHRAE 170, and others listed at Design & Construction Procedures (PG-18-3) Topic 01 available at CFM TIL (
Include Government and private experience detailing each projects size, scope, and complexity, and experience with project phasing, and infection control planning to maintain hospital operations during construction. Of particular importance will be describing the contributing disciplines of your firm, and your processes, and how your work enabled positive outcomes for the example clients.
The evaluation will consider the management approach, coordination of disciplines and consultants, quality control procedures, prior experience of the prime firm and any key consultants working together on relevant projects, and familiarity with VA Design Guides/Manuals, Master Specifications, and other applicable standards.
2. Professional experience and qualifications: Discipline leads, and senior architects and engineers must have graduated from an ABET accredited program, maintain current licensure, and possess no less than five years professional experience in the discipline of their assigned responsibility (i.e. only licensed electrical engineers can design electrical systems). Expect resumes to be fact-checked. Submitting false information will adversely affect scoring.
Personnel proposed for assignment to this contract possess a current registered architect or professional engineer license by a US state, the District of Columbia, or US Territory. Provide professional license jurisdiction of issue and license numbers and/or proof of licensure.
Include the vertical transportation planning expert along with the credentials of his or her employer as described at PG-18-3 Topic 18. All studies and designs are to be provided by independent, experienced, and qualified consultant that normally performs Vertical Transportation Studies and Design as a standard part of their services, as prescribed at PG-18-10 Elevator Design Manual. Clarification: There is no industry certification named Medical Transport Logistics Consultant. Provide the prescribed qualifications and submission of same.
Physical Security Consultant lead must hold the Physical Security Professional (PSP) certification issued by ASIS International. Telecom network SME responsible for compliant planning must hold a current BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) certification. Review the current Physical Security and Resiliency Design Manual for more required certifications and their applicability. DO NOT submit alternative certifications or other documentation other than those prescribed, issued by the organizations prescribed. There is no alternative physical security specialist. Only ASIS PSP. Absence of prescribed certifications is nonresponsive.
Cost estimates prepared by the (in-house) design professionals developing the work are preferred over contracted estimating services who only add to the cost and duration of design efforts.
Evaluation will consider truthful information regarding education, certifications, training, registration, relevant experience, and longevity with the firm.
Offer must include the following statement of SDVOSB compliance when submitting the personnel proposed to perform the work under this requirement:
I [signatory authority]______________________, [company] __________________ certify that the team proposed to perform under this requirement demonstrates the capability of 50% SDVOSB performance in compliance of 48 CFR 852.219-10.
3. Capacity to accomplish the work in the required time, including maintaining project schedules, budgets, and quality compliance. Firm(s) will be required and expected to have the capacity to simultaneously manage and staff multiple assignments of various size, scope, and complexity.
Evaluation will consider the firm s plan and ability to meet the schedule of the overall project, as well as the available capacity of personnel in key disciplines. Provide the available capacity of required disciplines by providing current project workload, inclusive of all projects awarded during the previous 12 months and the full potential value of any current indefinite delivery contracts. Note that responses to this factor almost always present the same result, therefore AE firms will do well to describe how they will ensure schedule, budget, and quality compliance. Don t provide marketing statements or academic descriptions of the terms. Provide your actual process and how it (uniquely) benefits clients. Include examples of these successes along with contact information.
4. Past performance on contracts with government agencies in terms of cost control, schedule adherence, and quality of work. Include complete, unedited CPARS reports or Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQs) if CPARS data is not available for example projects (similar past engagements).
It is optimal for submissions to align the parts of this submission. Example projects should be supported by CPARS for that project, submitted staff and consultant team history in that project, and more to affect a package of sorts. Submitting team members who didn t contribute to example projects only results in more questions and little benefit.
Government Past Performance Information Systems may be accessed. Evaluating past performance and experience may include information provided by the firm, customer inquiries, Government databases, publicly available sources, and additional projects in CPARS or IPPS. Failure to provide requested data, accessible points of contact with valid phone numbers will result in reduced scores.
5. Knowledge of the locality: Specific knowledge of local conditions or project site features, such as geological features, climatic conditions, local construction methods, market conditions, medical center structures, and key stakeholders. Project experiences at this location are the target response, not NWS or USGS data. We recommend against presenting projects that went badly, or were cancelled, or required to be redesigned by others as examples.
6. Inclusion of SDVOSB, VOSB, and then small/disadvantaged businesses.
Secondary Selection Criteria:
7. Reputation and standing of the firm and its principal officials with respect to professional conduct and performance, general management, and cooperation with all project stakeholders. Factor also includes consideration of past improper or incomplete architectural and engineering services. Submission of information about office locations, staff, past experience, and other criteria offers evidence against the reputation of the firm.
PLEASE NOTE: The AE Evaluation Board must be provided with complete and accurate information for ALL evaluation factors above in order to rank interested and eligible firms. Therefore, the AE firm must expand upon, as it deems necessary, on any evaluation factor not well demonstrated or addressed with Part 1A to Part IG and Part II of the SF330. The AE firm shall use Part IH and/or use additional sheets to supplement/address all evaluation factors to clearly demonstrate its qualifications.
Additionally, keep in mind the submission requirement restrictions outlined below when addressing evaluation factors.
SELECTION PROCESS: in accordance with FAR 36.6, SF330s will be evaluated by the evaluation board using the evaluation factors identified in this announcement. After SF330s have been evaluated, discussions/interviews will be held with at least three of the most highly qualified firms. After discussions conclude, the evaluation board will evaluate the qualifications of the firms using the same evaluation factors, taking into consideration both the SF330 submission and subsequent discussions, to select the most preferred firm from the firms considered to be the most highly qualified. Negotiations will then begin with the most preferred firm.
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: interested and eligible firms should submit their current SF330 as follows:
One (1) electronic pdf copy to and
a. Size limitation is 10MB;
The SF330s are due on February 24, 2025 at 4:30 PM (CST).
Acceptable electronic formats (software) for submission of SF330 packages:
(a) Files readable using the current Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF);
(b) Files in Adobe PDF Files: When scanning documents scanner resolution should be set to 200 dots per inch, or greater.
(c) SF330s shall be provided on standard letter size 8-1/2 by 11-inch paper, limited to a maximum of seventy-five (75), single-sided, single-spaced, and numbered pages. If more than seventy-five (75) single-sided pages are submitted, all pages after seventy-five (75) pages may not be evaluated. The font for text shall be Times New Roman 12-point or larger.
(d) Please note that we can no longer accept .zip files due to increasing security concerns.
The SF330 can be downloaded through the GSA Forms Library at:, type in SF330 in the Find a Form block and click on search.
No Fax Responses will be accepted: personal visits for discussing this announcement will not be entertained or scheduled. Questions may be directed only by e-mail to and VA Primary Points of Contact: Stacy Hoover, NCO 12 Contracting Officer,
VAAR 852.219-75 Requirement
(a) Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127(l)(2), the offeror certifies that
(1) If awarded a contract (see FAR 2.101 definition), it will comply with the limitations on subcontracting requirement as provided in the solicitation and the resultant contract, as follows: [Contracting Officer check the appropriate box below based on the predominant NAICS code assigned to the instant acquisition as set forth in FAR 19.102.]
(i) [X ] Services. In the case of a contract for services (except construction), the contractor will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not certified SDVOSBs listed in the SBA certification database as set forth in 852.219-73 or certified VOSBs listed in the SBA certification database as set forth in 852.219-74. Any work that a similarly situated certified SDVOSB/VOSB subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 50% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Other direct costs may be excluded to the extent they are not the principal purpose of the acquisition and small business concerns do not provide the service as set forth in 13 CFR 125.6.
(ii) [] General construction. In the case of a contract for general construction, the contractor will not pay more than 85% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not certified SDVOSBs listed in the SBA certification database as set forth in 852.219-73 or certified VOSBs listed in the SBA certification database as set forth in 852.219-74. Any work that a similarly situated certified SDBOSB/VOSB subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 85% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted.
(iii) [ ] Special trade construction contractors. In the case of a contract for special trade contractors, the contractor will not pay more than 75% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not certified SDVOSBs listed in the SBA certification database as set forth in 852.219-73 or certified VOSBs listed in the SBA certification database as set forth in 852.219-74. Any work that a similarly situated certified SDBOSB/VOSB subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 75% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted.
(2) The offeror acknowledges that this certification concerns a matter within the jurisdiction of an Agency of the United States. The offeror further acknowledges that this certification is subject to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, and, as such, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent certification may render the offeror subject to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including prosecution.
(3) If VA determines that an SDVOSB/VOSB awarded a contract pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127 did not act in good faith, such SDVOSB/VOSB shall be subject to any or all of the following:
(i) Referral to the VA Suspension and Debarment Committee;
(ii) A fine under section 16(g)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 645(g)(1)); and
(iii) Prosecution for violating 18 U.S.C. 1001.
(b) The offeror represents and understands that by submission of its offer and award of a contract it may be required to provide copies of documents or records to VA that VA may review to determine whether the offeror complied with the limitations on subcontracting requirement specified in the contract. Contracting officers may, at their discretion, require the contractor to demonstrate its compliance with the limitations on subcontracting at any time during performance and upon completion of a contract if the information regarding such compliance is not already available to the contracting officer. Evidence of compliance includes, but is not limited to, invoices, copies of subcontracts, or a list of the value of tasks performed.
(c) The offeror further agrees to cooperate fully and make available any documents or records as may be required to enable VA to determine compliance with the limitations on subcontracting requirement. The offeror understands that failure to provide documents as requested by VA may result in remedial action as the Government deems appropriate.
(d) Offeror completed certification/fill-in required. The formal certification must be completed, signed and returned with the offeror s bid, quotation, or proposal. The Government will not consider offers for award from offerors that do not provide the certification, and all such responses will be deemed ineligible for evaluation and award.
I hereby certify that if awarded the contract, ____________________________________________ [insert name of offeror] will comply with the limitations on subcontracting specified in this clause and in the resultant contract. I further certify that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of _______________________________________________________________[insert name of offeror].
Printed Name of Signee: __________________________________
Printed Title of Signee: __________________________________
Signature: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
Company Name: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________