The purpose of this amendment is to answer questions, correct a typo in Section E.8 and to extend the due time for the proposals to 9/23/2024 at 9:00AM EST.
Note: The answers provided below are for informational purposes, to assist potential offerors in preparing proposals/quotes, and such answers do not themselves constitute an amendment to the Solicitation. Where questions and answers necessitated such an amendment, such changes have been or will be incorporated into a formal amendment to the Solicitation. To the extent that any answers provided below conflict in any way with the Solicitation and any Amendments, the final solicitation takes precedence.
1) RFQ B.4, CLINS 006 to 014, 1006 to 1014, etc. The CLINS reference PWS Section 5.4.3 to 5.4.11, which are not the correct references. Please confirm that the references to PWS 5.4.3 to 5.4.11 should be 5.7 to 5.15. Question/Request: Please confirm and/or update RFQ B.5 sections to reflect these revisions.
The last verification date refers to the most recent time the VA confirmed the individual item was reviewed and validated in the tracker tool.
2) FQ E.8.2, Quote Submission Instructions, Page 209 The Government requires the Offer to provide "certification of Advanced Technology Partner (ATP) ," for which there are many ATP designations. Question/Request: Please confirm that one of the following designations is acceptable for submission in meeting the Government's requirement:
-- Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialization
-- Advanced SP Architecture Specialization
-- Advanced Enterprise Networks Architecture Specialization
-- Advanced Security Architecture Specialization
-- Advanced Customer Experience Specialization
YES, any of these are acceptable, VA requires 1.
3) RFQ E.8.2, Quote Submission Instructions, Page 209 RFQ E.8.2 states that Offerors must meet all the requirements listed in Section B.4, Price Schedule and Section B.4, Product Description and have each requirement outlined in their quote, to include a description of the items being offered in sufficient detail to evaluate conformance with the requirements in the RFQ." Question/Request: Please confirm that "B.4, Product Description" should be B.5 (not B.4), Product Description, and updated the RFQ accordingly.
Correct, this language is changed to Section B.5.
RFQ E.7, Basis for Award, Page 209 RFQ E.7 states that the total evaluated price shall be the sum of all proposed CLIN(s)/SLIN(s) set forth in Section B.4 of the solicitation. Question/Request: Will the optional CLINS (6001-9005) be included in the calculation of the "total Evaluated Price"?
Yes optional tasks are part of the evaluated price.
RFQ B.4, CLINS 0002, 1002, 2002, 3002 Question/Request: Will the pricing for the Install Bands that are not included (bands 1 to 10, 12 to 14) in the LPTA evaluation be evaluated?
Band Pricing should be linear, but the band that the IB service list price falls into shall be utilized in the evaluation.
RFQ E.8, Quote Submission Instructions RFQ E.8 states: Please be advised that timeliness is determined by the date and time an Offeror s proposal is received by the Government not when an Offeror attempted transmission. It also states, Your response must be received by the closing date of the solicitation.
Per the September 18, 2024, amendment to the RFQ, the closing date/time is Monday, September 23, at 8 am Eastern. Will the government be available on September 23 prior to 8 am Eastern to verify receipt of quotes? What is an acceptable method of verifying the Government s date and time of receipt of quotes which are transmitted outside of normal workdays/hours?
Yes there will be someone to confirm submission. Due date and time is updated to 9:00AM
Quotes shall be submitted via email to and by the date in time listed on
WARNING: Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your proposals! Late proposals will not be accepted for evaluation. To avoid submission of late proposals, we recommend the transmission of your proposal file 24 hours prior to the required proposal due date and time. Please be advised that timeliness is determined by the date and time an Offeror s proposal is received by the Government not when an Offeror attempted transmission. Offerors are encouraged to review and ensure that sufficient bandwidth is available on their end of the transmission.
The quote shall be submitted in accordance with FAR 52.212-1 as supplemented by the below:
1. Offerors shall complete Section B.4 Price Schedule with prices for all items in the solicitation and submit with your quote; if none enter $0.
2. Offerors must meet all the requirements listed in Section B.4, Price Schedule and Section B.5, Product Description and have each requirement outlined in their quote, to include a description of the items being offered in sufficient detail to evaluate conformance with the requirements in the RFQ. The contractor shall provide in their quote certification that they are a Cisco Gold Partner, and certification of Advanced Technology Partner on the team. Offeror shall also provide detail on its Inventory Management Portal. No assumptions of compatibility will be made on the part of the VA. Failure to list all requirements in their entirety in an Offeror s quote will result in a noncompliant quote.
3. Offerors must submit a quote on an all or none basis. All offerors are cautioned that any deviation from the Government s minimum terms and conditions set forth in this Solicitation may result in your offer being deemed by the Government to be non-conforming to the requirements and excluded from consideration for award.
4. Offerors shall submit a signed OEM letter certifying that they are a Cisco Gold Partner for all products and services offered.
5. Offerors shall submit their small business subcontracting plan.