Pre-Solicitation Notice for notice of intent to award a sole source contract. This is not a solicitation. The Department of Veterans Affairs, Salt Lake City VA Medical Center intends to negotiate on a sole source basis, pursuant to FAR 6.302-1, with The Geneva Foundation for R&D MRI Technologist and Program Manager Services for a twelve (12) month base period and three (3) annual option years to obtain the expert services of Geneva s MRI Technologist and Program Manager to conduct R&D work on-site at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for an ongoing multi-site research study. The SLC VA is facilitating a multi-site research study to include the Washington DC VA in support of the VA funded research study: Development of a Practical Quantitative Non-contrast Approach for Cerebrovascular MRI .  The SLC VA requires the use of the same exact MRI equipment with Siemens MR software for research integrity purposes at all the sites, and the only one near the DC VA is located at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Walter Reed utilizes the expert services of Geneva s MRI Technologist and Program Manager to conduct the R&D work on-site and provide support to the Principal Investigator with the multi-site study ensuring that all proposed objectives are met in accordance with approved study protocols. These positions are critical to the coordination of this VA multi-site study using Walter Reed s specialized equipment for study data integrity and continuity, and the only known staff Walter Reed authorizes to provide this R&D support is Geneva s. Hiring a different company is not feasible and would delay the critical research trial and create a duplication of effort. Â
No solicitation will be posted to Contract Opportunities as this is a notice of intent to procure on a sole source basis and is not a request for competitive quotes; however, any responsible source who can provide an equivalent service with the features described above, may submit a capability statement to the contracting office no later than Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 3:00 PM, EDT. Interest/capability statements which specifically detail how your service meets the requirement may be sent to Shannon Hukriede at No telephone responses will be accepted. A determination not to compete the proposed requirement based upon the responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government.