REQUEST FOR SF330 - Project 578-375 for the Expansion and Renovation of the Sterile Processing Service (SPS) located in the basement of Building 200 at the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Affairs Hospital (EHVAH), 5000 S. Fifth Avenue, Hines, IL 60141
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Program Contracting Activity Central (PCAC) is seeking sources and intends to award a firm-fixed price design contract for Architect-Engineering (A-E) services for Project 578-375 for the Expansion and Renovation of the Sterile Processing Service (SPS) located in the basement of Building 200 at the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Affairs Hospital (EHVAH), 5000 S. Fifth Avenue, Hines, IL 60141. The A/E shall provide investigative and feasibility design services, schematic design drawings, design development drawings, construction documents, final bid documents, specifications, calculations, cost estimates, narratives, bidding support services, solicitation support services, and construction period services for all facets of work and disciplines/trades to facilitate the expansion and renovation of the Sterile Processing Service within Building 200 at the EHVAH.
The A-E Services contract that is anticipated to be awarded will be procured in accordance with the Selection of Architects and Engineers Statute [formerly known as the Brooks Architect Engineer Act], Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36.6 Architectural and Engineering Services, VA Acquisition Regulation 836.6, and VA Acquisition Manual M836.6 Architect-Engineer Services. In accordance with FAR 36.209, Construction Contracts with Architect-Engineer Firms, no contract for the construction of a project shall be awarded to the firm that designed the project or its subsidiaries or affiliates, except with the approval of the head of the agency or authorized representative.
This project is a 100% Set-Aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) concerns. The NAICS Code for this procurement is 541330 Engineering Services and the annual small business size standard is $25.5M. A full design team is required to complete this project. The projected award date for the anticipated A-E contract is on or before early November 2023.
The VAAR Magnitude of Construction for this project is between $10M and $20M.
A-E Part One Services (also known as Design Phase Services) for this design project include all professional and technical expertise to conduct field investigations, develop viable options for schematic design, pre-design preliminaries, design drawings, specifications, cost estimates and a complete set of construction contract bid documents as well as, utilize the previously commissioned study by EHVHA to explore options to address SPS in Building 200. This project will draw upon the findings and the selected option in the study to facilitate a construction project to expand the facility infrastructure of Minor Design project #578-375 to Expand Sterile Processing System Building 200 at the Edward Hines Jr, VA Hospital, Hines EHVHA currently with approximately 7,000 SF. The Resource Allocation Plan projects the area needed for the service to be approximately 24,556 SF by 2027. There are numerous FCA deficiencies this project will address. The current location and layout are not optimal with regard to operational adjacencies and efficiency.
The A-E shall investigate the current conditions of the space including Sterile Processing Service, Ambulatory Surgery (adjacent to SPS), Hines Emergency Department (ED) above (on the first floor), The courtyard between Building 200 and Building 228. Design for expansion and renovation of the Sterile Processing Service within Building 200. The existing SPS space (A on page 3) in Building 200 is ~ 7,000 SF. The existing ambulatory surgery is B1 on page 3. The eastern side of ambulatory surgery is vacant and unused (C1 on page 3) due to a foundation wall leak. The section of ambulatory surgery to remain unimpacted is B2 on page 4. The portion of ambulatory surgery restored (C2 on page 4) is ~ 2,415 SF. The portion converted from ambulatory surgery to SPS (D on page 4) is ~4,000 SF. Expanding the basement outward (E on page 5) to encompass the courtyard will yield an additional ~6,200 SF. Hines is considering expanding the ED into the courtyard on the first floor as part of a future project. The ED expansion is not part of this project s scope but will impact the construction of the SPS expansion into the courtyard area. Phase the design so the construction work does not interfere with the daily operations of the Hospital and its surrounding clinics. SPS and its neighboring services must remain operational during construction.
A-E Part Two Services of this design project (also known as Construction Period Services) responding to construction contractor Requests For Information (RFIs) during the solicitation (solicitation support) and construction phases of the construction project, attendance at pre-bid, post-award and commissioning kick off construction project conferences, review of construction material submittals and shop drawings, approximately 4 site visits per month during construction (both scheduled and emergent) to ensure compliance with the design drawings and specifications, preparation of site visit reports, coordination with project commissioning requirements, review of any construction project modifications for cost and technical acceptability, attendance and participation during the final acceptance inspection, preparation of the punch list and preparation of record drawings of the completed construction project based on the construction contractor s as-built drawings. The A-E shall prepare a submittal log to be utilized by the VA during construction period services, maintain RFI log and provide meeting minutes for weekly construction meetings throughout the duration of construction. Additionally, the AE shall include 3rd party commissioning services for all new equipment, specifically MEP, door/security, life safety requirements, among others. The AE shall develop a commissioning plan and provide as part of the construction solicitation. All Part Two Services are optional line items and will not be exercised at the time of award.
The A-E shall be solely responsible for the management, including all associated labor, equipment, materials, mailing costs, and inspection, to meet the requirements of the design project. The A-E shall further provide meeting minutes for all meetings held under this design project.
The A-E shall be professionally licensed in any state in the United States. The A-E is responsible for all services to complete the deliverables listed in the Statement of Work (SOW) (See SOW Hines Expand SPS Building 200 Final 5-25-23). The deliverables outlined in the SOW are inclusive of the following: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan, Basis of Design (10%), Schematic Design (35%), Design Development (65%), Construction Documents (95%), Final Bid Documents (100%), Solicitation Support Services, and Construction Period Services.
Please note that the 264-calendar-day period of performance for the design completion begins with the issuance of the Notice of Award (NOA) and that a Notice to Proceed (NTP) will not be issued for the completion of a design project. The construction period services will be option items that will be exercised after the award of the construction project. The period of performance for construction period services will match the period of performance for the construction project.
Firms submitting SF330s in response to this announcement, not later than the closing date and time specified herein and in accordance with submission requirements, will be considered for evaluation. SF330s will be evaluated in accordance with the selection criteria listed below to determine the most highly qualified firms for this particular requirement. The Government will notify and conduct discussions with a minimum of three of the most highly qualified firms. All firms not invited to participate in discussions will be notified at this time.
Discussions will be held with the most highly qualified firms in the form determined to be most advantageous and economical by the Contracting Officer. The form of discussions will be the same for all firms. For this procurement, the discussions will be conducted via written response. The firms invited to participate in discussions will be notified by email and provided further instructions, to include any questions or topics to address. Following the completion of discussions, the firms will be evaluated, rated, and ranked based on the selection criteria for the written response. The highest rated firm will be selected, and the solicitation will subsequently be issued. The final evaluation and ranking will consider the information obtained via discussions for each firm.
The solicitation will be issued to the highest rated firm as a Request for Fee Proposal (RFP). A site visit will be authorized for the highest rated firm during the negotiation process. An award will then be made as long as the negotiation of rates and hours leads to a determination of a fair and reasonable final contract price. If negotiations with the highest rated firm are unsuccessful, the firm will be notified that negotiations have been terminated. Negotiations will then be initiated with the next highest rated firm, and so on until award can be made.
The following are listed in descending order of importance:
Primary Selection Criteria:
Professional Qualifications (sections C through E) necessary for satisfactory performance of required service. The design firm and A-E on staff representing the project or signing drawings in each discipline must be licensed to practice in any one of the United States of America. Provide Professional License numbers and/or proof of Licensure.
The evaluation shall consider the specific experience (minimum of five (5) years) and qualifications (i.e., education, training, registration, certifications, overall relevant experience, and longevity with the firm as full-time employees) of personnel proposed for assignment to the project, and their record of working together as a team when evaluating professional qualifications. The lead designer in each discipline must be registered but does not have to be registered in the particular state where the project is located.
Key positions and disciplines required for this project include, but are not limited, to:
Architect (LEED certified),
CAD Technician,
Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD),
Interior Designer,
Civil Engineer,
Electrical Engineer,
Fire Protection Engineer,
Mechanical Engineer,
Plumbing Engineer,
Project Manager,
Specifications Writer,
Quality Assurance,
Structural Engineer,
Commissioning Agent, and
Physical Security Specialists.
Offer must include the following statement of SDVOSB compliance when submitting the personnel proposed to perform the work under this requirement:
I [signatory authority]______________________, [company] __________________, certify that the SDVOSB prime contractor will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to the prime for contract performance to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs in compliance of VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) 852.219-75.
The information provided in sections C through E of SF 330 will be used to evaluate this evaluation factor. Do not include this information in section H, unless it is pertinent to support the information listed in the other sections.
Specialized experience and technical competence (sections F, G, and H) in the design and construction period services shall be provided for expanding the Sterile Processing System at Bldg. 200. Network infrastructure installation, renovations, or upgrades. Projects experience should include upgrading large scale (multi-building with multiple generational OIT systems) fiber optics, data cable, structured cabling, electrical distribution design, electrical upgrades, uninterruptable power systems (UPS), electrical bonding, building management systems/building automation systems (BMS/BAS), HVAC, IT room renovations/expansion/relocations, Data Centers/Server Rooms reconfiguration, and physical security upgrades, duct bank and direct boring operations. Other specialized experience includes experience in critical path scheduling, fire protection, construction infection control protocols, energy conservation, transition, and sustainable design practices.
Include a minimum of three (3) and no more than five (5) Government and private experience projects similar in size, scope and complexity, and experience with the types of projects above.
Section G will used to evaluate the prior experience of the prime firm and any key subcontractors working together on the provided relevant projects.
The evaluation shall also consider narratives addressing the following topics in Section H. Simply restating this list in Section H will not be sufficient. The narrative of how the firm addresses each of these will be evaluated.
The management approach
The coordination of disciplines and subcontractors
Quality control procedures, and
Familiarity with VA Design Guides/Manuals, Master Specifications, and other applicable standards.
The information provided in sections F and G of SF 330 will be used to evaluate this evaluation factor. Do not include this information in section H, unless it is pertinent to support the information listed in the other sections.
Capacity (section H) to accomplish work in the required time. The evaluation will consider the firm s ability to meet the schedule of the overall project, as well as the available capacity of key disciplines to perform the work in the required time. Provide the available capacity of key disciplines by providing current project workload, inclusive of all projects awarded by the VA during the previous 12 months and the full potential value of any current indefinite delivery contracts. Offeror shall clearly state their available capacity presenting workload percentages for the key disciplines and/or team members. Also, the offeror must provide the completion percentages and expected completion date for the VA projects awarded in the previous 12 months. The information for this factor shall be provided in Section H of the SF 330. Please ensure the capacity applies toward the team/personnel provided in the SF 330
Past performance (section H) on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. CPARS data or PPQs, see attached PPQ (if no CPARS data is available) must be provided for projects submitted under Fac-tor 1 (Specialized Experience). CPARS data and PPQs do not count to-ward the page limitation. Government Past Performance Information Systems may be accessed. Evaluating past performance and experience may include information provided by the firm, customer inquiries, Government databases, and publicly available sources. Failure to provide requested data, accessible points of contact or valid phone numbers could result in a firm being considered less qualified.
The following information is required for all projects: contract/task order number, project title, prime firm, start date, and completion date. Evaluations may also include additional performance related from the firm, customer inquiries, Government databases, publicly available sources, and additional projects in CPARS.
Note: We recommend you contact every reference listed and let them know we may contact them for information.
Knowledge of Locality (section H), to include specific knowledge of certain local conditions or project site features, such as geological features, climatic conditions, working with and local construction methods or local laws and regulations. The information for this factor shall be provided in Section H of the SF 330.
Note that the intent of this factor is to showcase a firm s understanding of the site and locality, and not where the firm is located and how they would travel to the site. Information related to the firm s location, shall be provided in section H, under Secondary Selection Criteria Factor 1.
Construction Period Services: Experience in construction period services (section H) to include:
Professional field inspections during the construction period
Review of construction submittals.
Coordination with project commissioning requirements.
Support in answering requests for information during the construction period.
Support of construction contract changes to include drafting statements of work and cost estimates.
Attendance at weekly conference calls.
Providing minutes of meeting between the A-E, VA, and Contractors
Pre-final inspection site visits.
Generation of punch-list reports, and
Production of as-built documentation.
The information for this factor shall be provided in Section H of the SF 330.
Secondary Selection Criteria: Geographic Location - Location of the firm, as measured by the driving distance (miles) between the Offeror s principal business location and:
Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital
Department of Veterans Affairs
5000 S. Fifth Avenue
Building 2, Room 117
Hines, IL 60141-5000
The secondary selection criterion is used as a tiebreaker, if necessary, in ranking the most highly qualified firms following the completion of the SF330 evaluations. The secondary selection criterion will not be applied when determining a firm s SF330 submission Excellent, Good, Acceptable, Marginal, or Unacceptable.
The information for this factor shall be provided in Section H of the SF330.
In accordance with FAR 36.602-3(c), discussions will be conducted in the form of a written response to questions developed by the TEB. The selected firms will be invited to respond to written questions related to criteria in the SF330s. The instructions for the written responses will be provided to the selected firms only. Each selected firm will be evaluated based on their responses to the questions asked. The highest-ranked firm will be selected based on their written response. The previous SF330 evaluations are not applicable during the written response phase of the Selection Process.
The below information contains the instructions and format that shall be followed for the submission of the SF330 Statement of Qualifications:
Submit ONE (1) SF330 Statement of Qualifications to Lucretia Maloney at and William Henkel at
The submission must include the SF330, Architect/Engineer Qualifications (form is available on-line at
The SF330 submission is due by 2:00 PM ET ON October 19, 2023.
The SF330 shall be submitted in one email and have a file size no larger than 5 MB. No hard copies will be accepted.
The subject line of the email shall read: SF330 Expansion of Sterile Processing System Building 200 - Minor Hines, IL
The SF330 submission shall not exceed a total of FIFTY-FIVE (55) pages. This includes CPARS and/or PPQs and any other relevant information. Any pages submitted by an offeror that exceed the limit will not be considered during the evaluation. Each page shall be in Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 font, single spaced. The title page, table of contents, and Part II of the SF330 Form will NOT count toward the page limitation.
A PPQ from previous projects may be submitted for this project. If significant portions of a project have been completed since the previous PPQ was filled out, a new PPQ should be submitted to accurately assess the project. *Important Note: For this procurement, all PPQs should be completed by the evaluator and returned to the A-E firm. The submitting A-E firm must incorporate completed PPQs into the SF330 document. PPQs should not be submitted by the evaluator directly to VHA PCAC.
Within the SF330 submissions, firms must provide a document that includes the following information (This document will not count towards the page limitation of the SF330):
1) Cage Code; 2) Dun & Bradstreet Number; 3) Tax ID Number; 4) The E-mail and physical address and Phone number of the Primary Point of Contact; 5) A copy of the firms Vet Biz Registry (
All questions shall be submitted to with the subject line Sterile Processing System Building 200 - Minor Hines RFI . The cutoff date for question submissions is 2:00 PM ET ON September 28, 2023. Questions will be answered through amendments to the Pre-Sol Notice posted to Contract Opportunities.
NOTE: This procurement is 100% set-aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) concerns. Offers received from other than SDVOSBs will not be considered. All SDVOSB must be listed as verified by the VA s Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) ( Offerors must be verified by CVE and visible in the Vendor Information Portal (VIP) database ( at the time of the SF330 Submission, Interview presentation Submission or Interview Presentation (as applicable), and at the time of Award. Failure to be BOTH visible and verified at these times will result in the offeror being deemed unacceptable and ineligible for award.
All prime firms are required to meet the NAICS code requirement specified for this project. The Contracting Officer shall verify the NAICS Code in VIP and/or the System for Award Management (SAM). Failure to meet the NAICS code requirement may result in the rejection of the SF330 submission.
All Joint Ventures must be CVE verified at time of the SF330 Submission, Interview presentation Submission or Interview Presentation (as applicable) and at the time of Award. They must also submit agreements that comply with 13CFR 125.15 prior to contract award.
SF330 submissions received after the date and time specified will not be considered. Late proposal rules per FAR 15.208 will be followed for late submittals. Firms not providing the required information may not be evaluated. All information must be included in the SF330 submission package.
It is the offeror s responsibility to check the Contract Opportunities website at for any revisions to this announcement prior to submission of SF330s.