Special Notice – GVS OTA, W15QKN-17-9-1025 RPP 23-01, Robotic Combat Vehicle (Light) (RCV(L)) Full System Prototype (FSP)
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
- Original Published Date: Nov 10, 2022 01:32 pm EST
- Original Response Date: Dec 23, 2022 03:00 pm EST
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance:
Army Contracting Command – Detroit Arsenal (ACC-DTA)
Special Notice – GVS OTA, W15QKN-17-9-1025 RPP 23-01, Robotic Combat Vehicle (Light) (RCV(L)) Full System Prototype (FSP)
Industry Day / Request for Information (RFI) Posting / Draft Performance Specification (PSPEC) Release / / Request for Prototype Proposal (RPP)
Industry Day
The Government will not reimburse contractors for any costs associated with preparing or submitting a response to this notice. Participation in the RCV(L) FSP Industry Day is voluntary. The Government will not reimburse the RCV(L) FSP Industry Day attendees for any costs associated with their participation. This Industry Day and/or the information presented herein will not obligate the Government in any manner. The posted information is provided for planning purposes only. It does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or RPP nor does it restrict the Government as to its acquisition approach for the RCV(L) FSP procurement.
The Product Manager (PdM) for RCV located at Detroit Arsenal (DTA) would like to invite interested industry members to participate in the RCV(L) FSP Industry Day to be held 07 December 2022, from 0800-1600 EST at the Velocity Center in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The purpose of the Industry Day is to provide an overview of the RCV(L) program and solicit feedback regarding industry capabilities for program requirements ahead of any future solicitation. In order to enhance market research, the Government will offer one-on-one industry sessions to interested potential prime offerors that submit a response to the upcoming Request for Information (RFI). The Government, upon its own discretion, reserves the right not to grant a session to any requestee.
Although this Industry Day is open to interested industry members, only United States citizens are invited to participate. Please see the “RCV(L) FSP INDUSTRY DAY Instructions” document for registration instructions.
Request for Information (RFI)
A copy of the RFI should be requested with the subject “RPP 23-01 RFI request” to Joseph Ibrahim at joseph.m.ibrahim.civ@army.mil. A copy of the contractor’s DD2345 should be included in that request. Questions and inquiries are encouraged. Please submit all responses to the RFI with the subject “RPP 23-01 RFI Responses” to Joseph Ibrahim at joseph.m.ibrahim.civ@army.mil no later than 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on 23 November 2022. The Government intends to provide responses to submitted questions during the Industry Day. The Government will take into consideration responses to the RFI submitted after 23 November 2022 and prior to 3:00pm EST on 06 December 2022 during development of the acquisition strategy for RPP 23-01.
The Government intends to make available the DRAFT RCV(L) FSP Performance Specifications (PSPEC) on or after 18 November 2022. A copy of the DRAFT PSPEC should be requested with the subject “RPP 23-01 DRAFT PSPEC request” to Joseph Ibrahim at joseph.m.ibrahim.civ@army.mil. A copy of the contractor’s DD2345 should be included in that request. Questions and inquiries are encouraged. All questions shall be submitted to Joseph Ibrahim no later than 3:00pm EST on 23 November 2022 to be addressed at Industry Day. The Government will take into consideration questions and comments to the DRAFT PSPEC submitted after 23 November 2022 and prior to 3:00pm EST on 23 December 2022 during development of the acquisition strategy for RPP 23-01.
Request for Prototype Proposals (RPP) Overview
The Government intends to issue a RPP for the Robotic Combat Vehicle (Light) (RCV(L)) Full System Prototype (FSP) under the Ground Vehicle Systems (GVS) Other Transaction Agreement (OTA), W15QKN-17-9-1025. The GVS OTA was entered into between the Army Contracting Command (ACC) and the National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) on 26 September 2017, in support of Ground Vehicle Systems related Research and Development prototype projects. The Government will utilize the GVS OTA to award this effort.
The intent of this project is to prove out a concept while supporting design maturation and software development. The RCV(L) FSP will be used for Government evaluation and Limited User Test. The scope of the project is to be based on a Non-Developmental Item (NDI) or Modified NDI platform based on currently existing systems. RCV(L) FSP will follow a multi-phase procurement strategy.
Phase I: Platform Prototype Design and Build
Phase II: Full System Prototype (FSP) Design and Build
Phase III: Possible Follow-On Production
Phase I:
The Government anticipates awarding up to three (3) prototype task assignments as a result of the proposal evaluations from the RPP. It is anticipated that each task assignment will consist of a scope of work that will include the delivery of two (2) RCV(L) platforms as Prototype Demonstrators that will be assessed on meeting a defined PSPEC while integrating with Government’s required payloads and Government Furnished Software (GFS) autonomy package, mission module payload (Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) lethality system and unmanned aerial system), and Government Furnished Information (GFI) defining the architectural constraints.
Phase II:
Based on test analysis of up to the three (3) selected contactors from Phase I, the Government will select one (1) contractor to develop, prototype, and deliver nine (9) FSPs for developmental testing and a Limited User Test. The FSP will focus on integrating the RCV system boundary, which consists of an unmanned combat vehicle platform, mounted control station and dismounted controller, autonomy and control station software, resilient communications, and multi-domain payloads.
Phase III: Follow-On Production
The Government anticipates pursuing a Follow-on Production effort under the authority of 10.U.S.C. 4022(f)), which states that, upon a determination that the competitively awarded prototype project has been successfully completed, the prototype project may result in the award of a follow-on production contract or transaction without the use of competitive procedures. The follow-on production effort will be administered outside of the GVS OTA. The anticipated Follow-on Production quantity and value will be included in the RPP release.
NOTE: A prototype project will not be awarded in response to this announcement. The purpose of this announcement is to provide industry advanced notification of the Government's intent to host an Industry Day and the Government’s intent to release an RPP to the NAMC membership. For information on the NAMC and/or how to become a member, visit the following website: www.NAMConsortium.org.
The Government point of contact for this effort is Joseph Ibrahim, joseph.m.ibrahim.civ@army.mil.
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- Joseph Ibrahim
- joseph.m.ibrahim.civ@army.mil