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Request for Information (RFI) for Food Support for DLA Troop Support (CONUS SPV) - Oklahoma, N.TX Area, Military and Federally Funded Customers - (LTC) 2025

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Nov 03, 2022 04:00 pm EDT
  • Original Published Date: Nov 03, 2022 03:57 pm EDT
  • Updated Response Date: Dec 05, 2022 04:00 pm EST
  • Original Response Date: Dec 05, 2022 04:00 pm EST
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Jan 30, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date: Jan 30, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: 9999 - MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS
  • NAICS Code:
    • 424410 - General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers
  • Place of Performance:


This is a request for information (RFI). This is not a solicitation for proposals and there is no solicitation available at this time. The Government will not pay for any information received in response to this RFI, nor will the Government compensate any respondent for any cost incurred in developing the information provided to the Government. This RFI does not constitute a commitment from the Government and any information provided in response to this RFI will be used for informational purposes only. Any proprietary information submitted will be protected if appropriately marked. Vendor participation is not a promise for future business with the Government. The purpose of this RFI is to conduct Market Research.

Background: DLA Troop Support expects to begin issuing solicitations for Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV) contracts supporting various regions within the contiguous United States (CONUS). DLA Troop Support’s CONUS SPV contractors are responsible for providing full-line food and beverage item distribution support for garrison type feeding to military, federally funded, and other authorized customers in the regions covered by each contract. DLA Troop Support SPV contractors provide food products such as canned items, dry items, chill items, ultra-high temperature (UHT) dairy items, frozen bakery products, frozen meats, frozen seafood and poultry, ice cream, eggs and other dairy products under the contracts. Information on current DLA Troop Support CONUS SPV contracts can be found at:

DLA Troop Support's CONUS Subsistence Prime Vendor (CONUS SPV) Program is interested in your comments regarding food support for the below customers in the Oklahoma and Northern Texas area.

  1. Altus AFB, OK
  2. Tinker AFB, OK
  3. Oklahoma National Army and Air Guard and Reserve Units
  4. Camp Gruber Joint Training Center, OK
  5. Fort Sill, OK
  6. Sheppard AFB, TX
  7. Fort Worth NAS, TX

Discussion: DLA Troop Support may incorporate changes in acquisition strategy in this generation of CONUS SPV solicitations.

  1. Use of Best Value (Tradeoff) source selection procedures, with all evaluation factors and significant subfactors that will affect contract award, including their relative importance, clearly stated in the solicitation.
  2. Use of tiered pricing periods instead of structuring contracts with a base period and option period(s).

For this acquisition pricing will be Contract Unit Price = Delivered Price – rebates/discounts (government, including NAPA, or other) + Distribution Price

Following are specific questions to consider:

  1. Can you support any or all of the customers listed above? Many of the customers expect delivery 48 hours after placing their orders.  Are there any location limitations in meeting this delivery schedule?
  2. Do you have preferred delivery set-ups (routes, grouping of customers) to provide complete food support throughout the state?
  3. Some of our customers are remotely located and require smaller pack-size items.  Can this requirement be provided?  Can you provide service to them, regardless of weather conditions?  What method of shipping would be used?
  4. Would there be customers who could not be supported if an emergency order is needed (either same day or next day)?
  5. Please confirm if your facility is capable and willing to complete a long-term 5-year contract. 
  6. We encourage and appreciate your participation; please share your ideas regarding these issues.  Your written comments, suggestions, and ideas regarding support for our customers will be treated as confidential and for Government use only. Please provide your responses via mail or email, by November , 2022 at 3:00 p.m. EST to the following mailing address or email address:  Patricia Griffith at or Denise Bowerman at

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PHILADELPHIA , PA 19111-5096
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
