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Environmental MATOC

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Nov 01, 2023 01:29 pm EDT
  • Original Published Date: Sep 11, 2023 10:21 am EDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Dec 20, 2023 01:00 pm EST
  • Original Date Offers Due: Oct 11, 2023 01:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Oct 31, 2024
  • Original Inactive Date: Sep 10, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 541330 - Engineering Services
  • Place of Performance:



Unrestricted Architect-Engineer (A-E) Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) targeting seven (7) firm-fixed-price Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts to provide Environmental Engineering services primarily within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Great Lakes and Ohio River Division's Mission Boundaries, although services may be required nationwide.

This notice is unrestricted and being solicited for full and open competition.

This suite of IDIQ contracts will be in the form of an A-E MATOC to meet the Brooks Act Competition Requirements outlined in CECT-ZA Memorandum “Updated Procedures for the Selection of Task Orders on Architect-Engineer (A-E) Indefinite Delivery Contracts (IDCs)”, 2023 .

Once the MATOC is established, projects will be awarded by individual task orders competed among all of the awarded IDIQ contracts.  The ordering period for the MATOC will be five (5) years with no options.  

The MATOC will have a shared not to exceed capacity of $40,000,000. 

Each IDIQ contract will include a minimum guarantee of $10,000. 

Studies, designs, and other A-E services under this contract are anticipated to range from approximately $100,000 to $1,000,000 per task order.

The proposed services are for a variety of A-E services for various environmental support projects which are nationwide.  The A-E services required will include professional services to support military and civil environmental programs for several federal agencies including but not limited to the Army, Army Reserves, National Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, other Department of Defense Services, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other Federal Agencies.

Contracts awarded as a result of this announcement will be administered by the Louisville District; however, the Contracting Officer reserves the right to approve capacity requests from other Districts outside of the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD) mission boundaries to support the USACE missions, when advantageous to the Government.  The estimated award date is May 2024[D2] .

If a large business is selected to enter into negotiations for an IDIQ contract, the firm will be required to present an acceptable Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with Public Law 95- 507 prior to award of the contract.

In accordance with FAR 36.604 and supplements thereto, and upon final acceptance or termination, all task orders above $35,000 will receive a performance evaluation.  A performance evaluation may be prepared for lesser task orders and interim performance evaluations may be prepared at any time.  Performance evaluations will be maintained for use in future source selections for Architect-Engineer services.


Firms must be capable of performing work on a wide variety of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) sites in addition to other environmental sites in a manner that complies with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and within timeframes required. Specific needs will be determined based upon project requirements and as described in each task order.  A-E services required under this contract include, but are not limited to: performing environmental services for environmental projects conducted in accordance with federal laws and regulations, including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Clean Water Act (CWA) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other federal programs; performing environmental services for environmental projects conducted in accordance with State and Local environmental laws and regulations. Examples of environmental services to be conducted include, but are not limited to, site assessments and investigations; remedial investigations; feasibility studies; remedial designs; other engineering studies and reports; Environmental Condition of Property reports; environmental baseline studies; NEPA analyses and reports; archaeological investigations and mitigation studies; biological evaluations and assessments; wetlands determinations and mitigation studies; groundwater and other modeling; contaminant fate and transport analyses; surveying and mapping; community relations; resource and regulatory agency coordination; environmental infrastructure studies and designs (e.g. sanitary/industrial sewers and water treatment facilities) construction-phase services (engineering-design during construction, checking shop drawings); preparation of plans and specifications; value engineering screenings and studies; sustainability screenings and studies; evaluations of reasonably foreseeable renewable energy sources; pilot studies; human health and ecological risk assessments; hazard evaluations; field inspections; development of Data Quality Objectives; chemical quality assurance and quality control; sampling and analysis of soil, sediment, rock, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, air, other environmental media, and building materials; subsurface explorations; laboratory analyses (e.g., water, soil, lead paint, asbestos); cost estimating and engineering; and working on a variety of hazardous waste and other environmental projects, including radioactive and mixed waste, energy conservation, sustainable remediation, pollution prevention, waste reduction, reuse of recovered materials, underground storage tanks and fueling systems, habitat restoration and mitigation, and sites potentially contaminated with military munitions. The munitions services consist of conducting preliminary assessments, site inspections, remedial investigations, and feasibility studies.  For on-site investigations, firms must provide personnel with current health and safety training, as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and adhere to all USACE requirements for Health and Safety.

Task orders will be issued with a project/site specific Scope of Work (e.g., Statement of Work, Performance Work Statement, Statement of Objectives) under the general scope of the contract. The most highly qualified firm will be selected for each task order as determined through the TORN process. A Request for Proposal will be issued to the firm found most highly qualified for each task order. Typically, requests for proposals issued for individual task orders will include a Statement of Work, Performance Work Statement, or Statement of Objectives that describe the locations(s), character and extent of services required, technical requirements in addition to the requirements contained within Section C of the IDIQ contract, and a general schedule.


The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance. Items (A) thru (D) are primary criteria and (E) is a secondary criteria.  Secondary criteria will only be used as 'tie-breakers' among firms that are technically equal based on primary criteria.


(A) Professional Qualifications: Based on the Resumes presented in Section E of the Standard Form 330, firms will be evaluated in terms of professional qualifications and technical competence in types of work specifically included within the "Project Information" section above.  The evaluation of the resumes will consider education, training, registration, certifications, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm.  Experience on the resumes should be within the last 10 years to be considered relevant.  Resumes will be rated more favorably when they demonstrate specialized experience and technical competence with the following areas (in no particular order of importance):

  • Projects executed for USACE.
  • HTRW investigation and/or remediation within LRD boundaries (specifically the following states: IL, IN, KY, MI, NY, OH, PA, TN, and WV).
  • Investigation and/or remediation of environmental media contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
  • Investigation and/or remediation of environmental media (e.g., soil groundwater) contaminated with chlorinated solvents and explosives constituents.
  • Investigation and/or remediation at National Priorities List [NPL] sites.
  • Investigation and/or remediation of contaminants in complex geologic and hydrogeologic settings. Specific experience with technologies and methods for generating enhanced conceptual site models (including but not limited to environmental sequence stratigraphy) will be rated more favorably.
  • Specialized experience in design of soil and groundwater investigations and/or remediation systems.
  • Investigation and/or remediation of sites with vapor intrusion issues.
  • Obtaining site closure for HTRW projects and receiving No Further Action (NFA) status (or equivalent).

The following disciplines shall be represented in Section E of the SF 330 of the offeror’s proposal, in the order listed below.  If more resumes are submitted than requested, the information will be evaluated on the basis of the first individual submitted for a particular discipline.

  • One (1) resume is required for a professional qualified by education, training, certification, and/or specialized experience as a Program Manager.
  • Three (3) resumes are required for professionals qualified by education, training, certification, and/or specialized experience as a Project Manager.
  • Three (3) resumes are required for each of the following disciplines: Environmental Engineer and Geologist. Professional registration (Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist) is required for each resume.
  • One (1) resume is required for each of the following disciplines. Professional registration is required for each resume (hydrogeologist may be a Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist).
    • Civil Engineer. Civil Engineers that demonstrate experience in design of landfill remediations, in-situ remedial solutions, design of groundwater sampling well networks, etc. will be rated more favorably.
    • Chemical Engineer. Chemical Engineers that demonstrate experience in chemical process design for environmental remediation technologies will be rated more favorably.
    • Hydrogeologist
    • Geotechnical Engineer. Geotechnical Engineers that demonstrate experience in the design of slope stability for environmental projects, and geotechnical/construction aspects of design of remedial solutions, etc. will be rated more favorably.
  • One (1) resume is required for a professional qualified by education, training, certification, and/or specialized experience in each of the following disciplines:
    • Human Health Risk Assessor. Risk Assessors that demonstrate experience in developing Uniform Federal Policy – Quality Assurance Project Plans (UFP-QAPPs) and performing risk assessment in accordance with the Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) will be rated more favorably.
    • Ecological Risk Assessor. Risk Assessors that demonstrate experience developing UFP-QAPPs and performing risk assessment in accordance with the Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) will be rated more favorably.
    • Chemist. Chemists should possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. Chemists that demonstrate experience with UFP-QAPPs, the DOD Quality Systems Manual, FUDSCHEM and eQAPPs, and data validation will be rated more favorably.
    • American Board of Health Physics-certified health physicist (with radiological emphasis)
    • Geophysicist
    • Corporate Health and Safety Manager. This position shall be filled by a certified industrial hygienist accredited by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.

All Engineers shall have a degree from an ABET-accredited university. Offerors should include university information in Section E, Box 16, of the SF330. The states of professional registration (including license numbers) and certification of each team member must be included on each resume in Section E of SF 330. Each resume should indicate the project role of the proposed individual. Each proposed individual may not be assigned more than one project role. While not required, reference numbers for disciplines with multiple resumes (such as Geologist #1, #2, #3) are requested.

(B) Specialized experience and Technical Competence: Based on the projects presented in Section F of the SF 330, firms will be evaluated in terms of specialized experience and technical competence in types of work specifically included within the "Project Information" section above. A project is defined as a single contract or task order, or as multiple task orders supporting one installation/facility or customer (these task orders are not required to fall under a single IDIQ[D3] ). A single contract may be a single IDIQ (i.e., D-type contract) or a single project-specific contract (i.e., C-type contract).  All projects submitted must be at least 75% complete (the 75% complete requirement does not apply to selection criterion A, Professional Qualifications). If the project has multiple task orders, each task order associated with the project must be at least 75% complete. Percent complete is based upon actual work performed, not percentage billed.  The percentage complete must be clearly stated for each project submitted, or the project will not be evaluated. Each offeror shall submit no more than 10 projects, and no more than 3 pages per project.  At least one project shall have a value of $500,000 or greater, and no projects shall have a value of less than $150,000. Projects shall have been completed within the last 7 years to be considered. If the offeror was a subcontractor on the project, the project description should clearly identify the work completed by the offeror and not the project as a whole. Projects will be rated more favorably when they demonstrate specialized experience and technical competence with the following areas (in no particular order of importance):

  • Projects executed for USACE.
  • HTRW investigation and/or remediation within LRD boundaries (specifically the following states: IL, IN, KY, MI, NY, OH, PA, TN, and WV).
  • Investigation and/or remediation of environmental media contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
  • Investigation and/or remediation of environmental media (e.g., soil groundwater) contaminated with chlorinated solvents and explosives constituents.
  • Investigation and/or remediation at National Priorities List [NPL] sites.
  • Investigation and/or remediation of contaminants in complex geologic and hydrogeologic settings. Specific experience with technologies and methods for generating enhanced conceptual site models (including but not limited to environmental sequence stratigraphy) will be rated more favorably.
  • Specialized experience in design of soil and groundwater investigations and/or remediation systems.
  • Investigation and/or remediation of sites with vapor intrusion issues.
  • Obtaining site closure for HTRW projects and receiving No Further Action (NFA) status (or equivalent).

(C) Past Performance: The Government’s evaluation of past performance will consider (1) the performance evaluations provided in Section H of the SF 330 for the projects presented in Section F of the SF 330 (The offeror’s proposal shall include the AVAILABLE CPARS for the projects presented in Section F of the SF 330 and the included CPARS will NOT be included in the page count limit. Past Performance Questionnaires [PPQs] are not required but may be included only for projects without a CPARS evaluation; like CPARS evaluations, PPQs will NOT be included in the page count limit), (2) any performance evaluations in CPARS for the DUNS Numbers of any firms or offices listed in the SF 330 or for any of the projects included in Section F of the SF 330, and (3) if not already considered, the overall past performance on IDIQ contracts provided in the IDIQ additional consideration information included in Section H of the SF 330. Performance evaluations completed by the Contracting Officer’s Representative or equivalent role on the contract are preferred. While all performance evaluations may be considered, those for projects listed in Section F of the SF 330 and projects with similar scopes of work to those listed in Section F of the SF 330 will be rated more favorably when evaluating past performance.

(D) Capacity to Execute Multiple Task Orders within the Required Time: Firms shall demonstrate their plan for successfully executing multiple task orders concurrently while maintaining quality and schedule.  A firm shall be evaluated on the available capacity of key disciplines from the prime firm and its teaming members. Include this information in Section H of the SF 330.

(E) Small Business Participation: Firms shall demonstrate their plan for involving Small Business, HUBZone Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Veteran-Owned Small Business, and Woman-Owned Small Business team members. This plan shall, at a minimum, include the approach for involving small businesses, the anticipated percentages of total contract dollars and subcontracted contract dollars to be awarded to small businesses, and a breakdown of the proposed extent of participation of the various small business categories as a percentage of anticipated subcontracted dollars. Include this information in Section H of the SF 330. A formal Small Business Subcontracting Plan prepared in accordance with FAR sections 19.704 and 52.219-9 is not required at this time and should not be provided.

Other Requirements: The Section D organizational chart shall show the inter-relationships of management and various team components (including subcontractors). The organizational chart shall be no larger than 11" x 17". An 11" x 17" paper will count as one page for Section D.

Section G of the SF 330 shall include a single matrix that displays, for each resume on the proposed team, their role/discipline in this contract, involvement in example projects listed in Section F of the SF 330 (with an example projects key), degree, years of experience (total and with current firm), state(s) of professional registration/certification, and specialized experience/technical competence categories (see list of categories in Sections 3(A) and 3(B)). The Section G matrix shall be provided on a single page no larger than 11” x 17”. An 11" x 17" paper will count as one page for the Section G matrix. Page margins and/or font size may be decreased for the Section G matrix to fit the requested information on a single 11” x 17” page. However, no additional information except what has been explicitly requested shall be presented in the Section G matrix. 

In Section H of the SF 330, the offeror must also include a brief Design Quality Management Plan including an explanation of the offeror’s management approach, management of subcontractors (if applicable), quality control procedures, and procedures to ensure that internal resources are not overcommitted. Also include a narrative regarding the effectiveness of the proposed team (including management structure; coordination of disciplines, offices, and/or subcontractors; and prior working relationships). In Section H of the SF 330, the offeror shall also indicate the estimated percentage of involvement of each firm included in the proposed team.


ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THIS PROPOSAL ANNOUNCEMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE)-  No paper copies, CD-ROMs or facsimile submissions will be accepted.  

Instructions on how to create a vendor account will be posted to and can be located at:

Instructions on how to submit an offer will be posted to and can be located at:

NOTE: DO NOT enter Privacy Act Data (Personal Identification Information (PII)) in the File Description.)

For contractual/technical questions, please use the ProjNet link and inquiry key listed below. Technical Points of Contact shall not be contacted prior to award.

Upload Completion & Deadline: Interested parties shall submit responses no later than the date specified on the solicitation document. The time & date of proposal receipt will be the upload completion / delivery time & date recorded within PIEE Solicitation Module site. Do not assume that electronic submission will occur instantaneously. Large files (e.g. 10MB or more) will take some time to upload. Offerors should time their upload effort with prudence by not waiting until the last few minutes—this will allow for unexpected delays in the transmittal process. Offerors are encouraged to keep a copy of the upload confirmation for their record. Submissions after the deadline will be considered late and will be processed in accordance with FAR 15.208.

File Naming Convention: To ensure your submission is received and processed appropriately, it is important that interested parties CAREFULLY ensure their electronic files adhere to the following naming convention:

  • W912QR23R0040-FIRMNAME- Description of document

Each file name shall begin with the solicitation number followed by the firm’s name and a brief file description.  Please see the example above.  The proposal shall be submitted as one (1) electronic file using Microsoft Word (.docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf).  Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work shall submit one (1) copy of the SF 330, Part I, and one (1) copy of the SF330, Part II for the prime firm.  Each branch office that will have a key role in the proposed contract must also submit a copy of the SF 330 Part II.  Responding firms must submit a current and accurate SF 330, Part II, for each proposed sub consultant.  Any firm with an electronic mailbox responding to the solicitation should identify such address in the SF 330, Part I.

File Organization: Although hard copies are not accepted, each file shall be clearly indexed, and logically assembled.  For SF 330 Part Is, font shall be Arial or Arial Narrow and font size shall be 12 or larger. For SF 330 Part IIs, font shall be Arial or Arial Narrow and font size shall be 10 or larger. Font size for all tables/matrices, graphs, and exhibits shall be 10 or larger. Page margins and/or font size may be decreased for the Section G matrix to fit the requested information on a single 11” x 17” page. The SF 330 shall be no longer than 75 pages in length (excluding the SF 330, Part IIs) and Section H shall be 10 pages or less in length (the 10-page limit for Section H is included within the 75-page limit). A cover, section dividers, and table of contents will not count against the 75-page limit; however, all other pages will count against the 75-page limit unless otherwise noted in this Presolicitation Notice. Pages shall be letter sized (larger page sizes, such as 11” x 17” foldouts, will be counted as two pages except for an organizational chart page and the Section G matrix, which will each be counted as one page).  Proposals shall be in a narrative format, organized and titled so that each section of the proposal follows the order and format of the factors.  Information presented should be organized so as to pertain to only the evaluation factor in the section that the information is presented.  Information pertaining to more than one evaluation factor should be repeated in the section for each factor.

Upload Completion & Deadline: Interested parties shall submit responses no later than the date specified on the solicitation document.  The time and date of proposal receipt will be the upload completion / delivery time and date recorded within PIEE. Do not assume that electronic submission will occur instantaneously.  Large files (e.g. 10MB or more) will take some time to upload.  Offerors should time their upload effort with prudence by not waiting until the last few minutes—this will allow for unexpected delays in the transmittal process. Offerors are encouraged to keep a copy of the upload confirmation for their record. Submissions after the deadline will be considered late and will be processed in accordance with FAR 15.208.

Electronic Files: Files shall be in their native format (i.e. doc, xls, ppt, etc.), or if in pdf format, shall be in searchable text.  Text and graphics portfolios of the electronic copies shall be in a format readable by Microsoft Office or Adobe applications.  Data submitted in a spreadsheet format shall be readable by MS Excel (all cells and formulas should be unlocked).

Any information, presented in a proposal that the Offeror wants safeguarded from disclosure to other parties must be identified and labeled in accordance with the requirements of Provision “FAR 52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors – Competitive Acquisition (Jan 2017),” subparagraph (e), which can be found at  The Government will endeavor to honor the restrictions against release requested by Offerors, to the extent permitted under United States law and regulations.

Release of firm status will occur within 10 days after approval of any selection.  All responses on SF 330 to this announcement must be received no later than 1:00 PM Eastern on Wednesday, 20 December 2023.

No other general notification to firms under consideration for this project will be made.  Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted.  Solicitation packages are not provided and no additional project information will be given to firms during the announcement period.


To be eligible for award, a firm must have a Unique Entity Identifier and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database, via the SAM Internet site at Training tools are available on the SAM website to help you get familiar with SAM.  Start by going to, and then click on the SAM HELP tab.  Under User Help you will find the full User Guide as well as Quick Start Guides and Helpful Hints that will help you create an account, migrate your roles, perform updates, and search for the information you need.  These guides can also be viewed on  Please identify the Unique Entity Identifier of the office(s) performing the work in Block 5 of the SF 330, Part I.  Unique Entity Identifier may be obtained by contacting (866) 705-5711, or via the internet at


Technical inquiries and questions relating to proposal procedures or bonds are to be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at  As noted below, offerors shall not submit their proposals via ProjNet.  Offerors shall submit their proposals in accordance with the provisions stated in the solicitation.

To submit and review bid inquiry items, bidders will need to be a current registered user or self-register into system.

Project:  Environmental AE MATOC Unrestricted

Quick Add Key: HWXCB8-SBBVFH

Specific Instructions for ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access:

1. From the ProjNet home page linked above, click on Quick Add on the upper right side of the screen.

2. Identify the Agency. This should be marked as USACE.

3. Key. Enter the Bidder Inquiry Key listed above.

4. Email. Enter the email address you would like to use for communication.

5. Select Continue. A page will then open stating a user account was not found and will ask you to create one using the provided form.

6. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Company, City, State, Phone, Email, Secret Question, Secret Answer, and Time Zone. Make sure to remember your Secret Question and Answer as they will be used from this point on to access the ProjNet system.

7. Select Add User. Once this is completed you are now registered within ProjNet and are currently logged into the system.

Specific Instructions for Future ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access:

1. For future access to ProjNet, you will not be emailed any type of password.  You will utilize your Secret Question and Secret Answer to log in.

2. From the ProjNet home page linked above, click on Quick Add on the upper right side of the screen.

3. Identify the Agency. This should be marked as USACE.

4. Key. Enter the Bidder Inquiry Key listed above.

5. Email. Enter the email address you used to register previously in ProjNet.

6. Select Continue. A page will then open asking you to enter the answer to your Secret Question.

7. Enter your Secret Answer and click Login.  Once this is completed you are now logged into the system.

8. From this page you may view all bidder inquiries or add an inquiry.

Bidders will receive an acknowledgement of their question via email, followed by an answer to their question after it has been processed by our technical team.

Offerors are requested to review the specification in its entirety and to review the Bidder Inquiry System for answers to questions prior to submission of a new inquiry.

The call center operates weekdays from 8AM to 5PM U.S. Central Time Zone (Chicago).  The telephone number for the Call Center is 800-428-HELP.

Information concerning the status of the evaluation and/or award will NOT be available after receipt of bids/proposals.


1. Offerors shall not submit their proposals via ProjNet, but in accordance with the provisions stated in the Presolicitation notice.  Any questions regarding acceptable means of submitting offers shall be made directly to the Contract Specialist identified in the Presolicitation notice.

2. Government responses to technical inquiries and questions relating to proposal procedures that are submitted to ProjNet in accordance with the procedures above are not binding on the Government unless an amendment is issued on  In the case of any conflicts, the last posted notice or, if applicable, amendment posted to governs.  Any changes or revisions to the Presolicitation notice will be issued on

3. The ability to enter technical inquiries and questions relating to proposal procedures will be disabled five (5) calendar days prior to the closing date stated in the solicitation.  No Government responses will be entered into the ProjNet system within two (2) calendar days prior to the closing date stated in the solicitation.


Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • LOUISVILLE , KY 40202-2230
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
