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Rehabilitate Damia and Zoor Sha'asha'a irrigation networks

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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: May 11, 2022 02:36 pm EEST
  • Original Date Offers Due: Jun 07, 2022 12:00 am EEST
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Jun 22, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 5413 - Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services
  • Place of Performance:



  No (FARA/2/2022)

Engineering services for the preparation of studies, designs, documentation, and Supervision works to Rehabilitate Damia and Zoor Sha'asha'a irrigation networks


The Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) / Ministry of Water and Irrigation) invites Jordanian consulting company listed as First Grade-A in water and sewage to submit their proposals for the preparation of studies, designs and tender documents and supervision works for the project of Implementation of Water Loss Reduction Activities and Enhancing the Controlling and Monitoring Systems in the Jordan Valley.

The international consultant shall provide a registration certificate showing that his firm has been registered and established at least ten years before issuing this RFP. And shall provide a proven general experience of minimum of 7 years in the water and wastewater field

 This Contract will be funded by a grant from the USAID. All works under this contract as per the scope of works and the tender documents will be awarded to one qualified consultant. The consultant shall be according to USAID geographical code #937 (The United States, the recipient country, and developing countries other than advanced developing countries, but excluding any countries that is prohibited source).

Scope of Work:

Preparation of studies, designs, documentation, and supervise the project execution for the Project of Implementation:

      1. Project 1: Rehabilitate Damia and Zoor Sha'asha'a irrigation networks.
      2. Project 2: Rehabilitate the existing warehouse in Al-Karamah.
  1. The Tender Documents can be purchased, starting on Wednesday 11th May, 2022.

The price of one copy of the tender documents is (125) one hundred and twenty-five Jordanian dinars (non-refundable fee), the bidder must provide the tenderly department with a copy of financial receipt and a copy of the valid qualification certificate when submitting proposal. The last date for purchasing Tender Documents is (Monday 23th May) at 2:00 p.m. (Amman Local Time).

  1. Site visit is scheduled to be on Tuesday 24th May 2022.  Bidders are requested to gather at Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) offices 2nd floor at (9:00 am (Jordan local time) and for coordination, bidders can call (0795922242). Bidders are responsible for their own transportation to the site. Tenderers are responsible to take all necessary COVID-19 safety measures on their expense during the site visit.

  1. Inquiries related to the Tender Documents shall be sent to JVA in writing by fax or email to the following address no later than Thursday 26th May 2022. Response to inquiries will be issued via addenda to the Tender Documents and will be circulated to the interested bidders.

Interested bidders are requested to follow up the issuance of such addenda to the Tender Documents or answers to inquiries through JVA website, or collect it from JVA offices by an Authorized Representative.

  1. Bid Guarantee, Technical Proposal, Financial Proposal shall be delivered in three sealed envelopes, marked as envelope (1) The Bid Guarantee, envelope No. 2 “Technical Proposal,” and envelope No.3 Financial Proposal.

The Employer will not be responsible for lost and/ or undelivered documents sent by mail, FedEx or similar means.

  1. The bidder shall prepare his proposals in One Original, two hard copies and One Soft copy of the documents and clearly marked "ORIGINAL" and "COPY" as appropriate. Technical and Financial Proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Technical Proposal” or “Financial Proposal” followed by the name and Number of the assignment. In addition to the Bid Guarantee in original form shall be placed in a Separate Envelope sealed envelope clearly marked “Bid Guarantee”

Followed by the name and Number of the assignment. The envelopes containing the Technical Proposals, Financial Proposals, and “Bid Guarantee shall be placed into an outer envelope and sealed. Endorsed: Confidential/ Tender Documents for Tender No FARA/1/2022 for “Engineering services for the preparation of studies, designs, documentation and supervise the project execution of FARA Projects”. And addressed to The Chairman of the Special Procurement Committee/JVA.

  1. The Bid Guarantee “/ Bid Bond shall be in the amount of (7000) Seven Thousands JOD only, valid for 120 days starting from the submission date of bids, issued by a Jordanian bank or by a foreign bank through a correspondent bank located in Jordan, and shall be acceptable to the Employer, in the name of the Secretary General of the Jordan Valley Authority. Tenders not accompanied with the required Security/Guarantee (appendix No.3) shall be rejected. A certified cheque will be rejected.

  1. Her Excellency the Secretary General of Jordan Valley Authority is the authorized for contract signing.

  1.  The Special Procurement Committee - JVA reserves the right to cancel the tender without stating the reasons and without thereby incurring any liability to bidders.

  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 12:00 noon, Tuesday 7th June, 2022 (Jordan local time). Late bids will be rejected nevertheless the reason.

  1. Proposals will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at the address above at 1:00 p.m. the same day (the submission date).
  2. Issuance of this invitation does not in any way obligate the JVA to award the contract nor does it commit the JVA to pay for the cost incurred in preparation and delivery of this bid.
  3. The Special Procurement Committee - JVA reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and reject all Bids at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to bidders.

Ministry of Water and Irrigation

Jordan Valley Authority 3rd floor

Amman, Jordan.

Fax +962 - 065680957  


Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • 6050 Amman Pl Department of State
  • Washington , DC 20521
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Jun 22, 2022 06:55 am EESTSolicitation (Original)