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Prequalification of Sources Forensics Laboratory Gillem Enclave, Georgia

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Nov 02, 2023 02:52 pm EDT
  • Original Published Date: Oct 30, 2023 01:12 pm EDT
  • Updated Response Date: Nov 20, 2023 02:00 pm EST
  • Original Response Date: Nov 20, 2023 02:00 pm EST
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Dec 31, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date: Dec 31, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
  • Place of Performance:
    Forest Park , GA 30297


Prequalification of Sources

Forensics Laboratory Gillem Enclave, Georgia

US Army Corp of Engineers, Savannah District


This is a PREQUALIFICATION OF SOURCES announcement, issued in accordance with DFARS 236.272 and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Acquisition Instruction (UAI) 5136.272. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this announcement or any follow up information requests. Respondents will be notified of the results of the prequalification process before the Invitation for Bid is released the first week of December 2023.


A site visit will NOT be conducted during the Prequalification phase of this solicitation.


Construct a Forensic Laboratory. Primary facilities include administration areas, laboratory space, facility support area, covered hardstand (mobile laboratory area), organizational vehicle parking, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) installation, mass notification system, and Utility Monitoring and Control System (UMCS) connections.  Measures in accordance with the Department of Defense (DoD) Minimum Antiterrorism for Buildings standards will be provided, plus enhanced AT/FP measures. Comprehensive building and furnishings related interior design services are required. Access for individuals with disabilities will be provided. Cyber Security Measures will be incorporated into this project. Sustainability/Energy measures will be provided. Facilities will be designed to a minimum life of 40 years in accordance with DoD's Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 1-200-02) including energy efficiencies, building envelope and integrated building systems performance.  Air Conditioning (Estimated 236 Tons).

The design of the facility includes Risk Management Framework as required per DODI 8500.01 and 8510.01. The criteria include UFC 4-010-06 “Cybersecurity of Facility Related Control Systems” and ECB’s 2015-14 and 2018-11 for cybersecurity measures of the following systems:

a.         Electronic security systems (ESS)

b.         Energy monitoring and control systems (EMCS)

c.         Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

d.         Industrial control systems (ICS)

e.         Fire and Life Safety Systems.

Supporting facilities will include site development, utilities, limited back-up power source, and connections, lighting, paving, parking, walks, curbs and gutters, storm drainage, information systems, landscaping, and signage. Heating and air conditioning will be provided by self-contained system.

The objective of the Prequalification of Sources List (PSL) is to identify and select responding firms that demonstrate the technical requirements and proven competency of the technical requirements to successfully perform the work required for the subject project.

The selection process will be objective in that responding firms either meet or fail to meet the criteria as set forth in the instructions contained on page 2 of the attached Cover Page.. Fairlure to meet any one of the Technical Requirements will result in non-selection.

The PSL will be used to solicit one firm-fixed price construction contract with a Construction Magnitude between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000.

Process for Prequalification: CESAS intends to utilize a “Go/No Go” rating system for the prequalification. The prospective offerors will submit a limited package on Requirements 1 and 2 as well as a completed Prequalification Submission Cover page. A “Go” must be received on both requirements to move on to the Solicitation for the Gillem Lab. There will be no limit to the number of contractors that can be prequalified for the solicitation.

Requirement 1: Technical Experience-

Submit up to four, but not less than two, recent and relevant new build construction projects where your firm acted as the Prime Contractor with similar technical complexities to the subject forensics laboratory project. If the Offeror is a joint venture, the projects do not have to have been performed by the joint venture submitting the prequalification package. The projects could have been performed by either company in the joint venture however they must have performed as the prime contractor on the contract.

Relevant projects shall have a minimum total contract value of $60M. Relevant projects are defined as, but not limited to: hospitals, forensic laboratories, facilities with SCIFs requiring accreditation as well as NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) assessment, or other facilities with complex construction techniques (nuclear facilities; specialized electronics laboratories/facilities) where you demonstrate the below specialized technical competencies via a narrative and an attached section of the specifications from the new build construction project showing the following technical requirements:

  1. Complicated HVAC controls for laboratory environments that work to control multiple different pressurized environments and conform to specific American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHARAE) standards;
  2. Experience with dosimeters process by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)
  3. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) construction IAW UFC 4-010-05;
  4. Technical competency having built a project which required accreditation for cybersecurity IAW DoD 8500.01 and 6 step Risk Management Framework IAW DoD 8510.01;
  5. Satisfactorily met LEED Silver Certifiable project experience. 

Requirement 2 (proven Competency of Technical Requirements) –

In accordance with DFARS 236.272 (a)(2): Requirement 2 limits offerors to those with proven competence in performing the technical requirements in Requirement 1. CPARS and PPQ’s, if a non-Federal project, shall be used to confirm a record of satisfactory or above performance on the projects submitted for Requirement 1 (Technical Experience) to demonstrate the proven competency for the “Technical Requirements” contained within said projects met contractual requirements in a satisfactory or above manner. A Satisfactory or above rating means there were no significant weaknesses identified.

For Requirement 2 to be considered a “Go” or “Acceptable” all projects submitted for Requirement 1 must have the most recent CPARS or PPQs and they shall have Satisfactory ratings or above on said projects in Quality. Any below Satisfactory ratings for any project in Quality shall result in an “Unacceptable” rating for Requirement 2.

See Gillem Forensic Lab Pre-qualification Cover Page for full instructions. The below ProNet key is for any questions regarding the prequalification phase.


ProjNet Instructions

Specific Instructions for Initial ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access.

(1) From the ProjNet home page, click on Quick Add on the upper right side of the screen.

(2) Identify the Agency as USACE.

(3) Key. Enter the Bidder Inquiry Key listed above.

(4) Email. Enter the email address you would like to use for communication.

(5) Click Continue. A page will then open saying that a user account was not found and will ask you to create one using the provided form.

(6) Enter your First Name, Last Name, Company, City, State, Phone, Email, Secret Question, secret Answer, and Time Zone. Remember your Secret Question and Answer as they will be used from this point on to access the ProjNet system.

(7) Click Add User. Once this is completed you are now registered within ProjNet and are  currently logged into the system.Interested parties shall submit questions concerning this announcement via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at

To submit and review inquiry items, prospective vendors will need to use the Bidder

Inquiry Key presented below and follow the instructions listed below the key for access. A prospective vendor who submits a comment or question will receive an acknowledgement via email, followed by an answer after it has been processed by our technical team. All timely questions and approved answers will be made available through ProjNet.


TITLE OF PROJECT: PN 88967 Forensics Laboratory Gillem Enclave, Georgia

Bidder Inquiry Key: EQ56VU-WZJDXK

The Bidder Inquiry call center can be contacted with questions concerning the use of Bidder Inquiry. The call center operates weekdays from 8am to 5pm Central time. The telephone number for the call center is 800-4289-HELP.


Interested firms shall respond to this Prequalification of Sources announcement no later than 20 November 2023 at 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) to be eligible for consideration for the upcoming solicitation. All interested firms must be actively registered at to be eligible for award of federal contracts. Email your electronic response to Brett Zeigler at and Tonja Dreke at  Responses to this Prequalification of Sources announcement shall not exceed 15MB, shall contain the cover sheet included with this announcement, and shall conform to the instructions outlined on the cover sheet. 


Gillem Forensic Lab Pre-qualification Cover Page-Includes full instructions (Updated 31 Oct 2023)

PPQ (PDF and Word versions attached)

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • SAVANNAH , GA 31401-3604
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
