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Z2DZ--671-21-144 Replace 7th Floor Roof - Construction

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Oct 13, 2022 04:50 pm CDT
  • Original Published Date: Sep 29, 2022 07:55 am CDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Nov 04, 2022 03:00 pm CDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Oct 18, 2022 01:00 pm CDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Dec 04, 2022
  • Original Inactive Date: Jan 16, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 238160 - Roofing Contractors
  • Place of Performance:


PROJECT NAME: PROJECT #671-21-144 REPLACE 7th FLOOR ROOF, SAN ANTONIO, VAMC (RFIs DUE 10-14-22 by 4:00 P.M.) SOLICITATION NUMBER: #36C25722B0041/36C257-22-B-0041 BIDs DUE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2022 @ 3:00 P.M., CST #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 36C25722B0041, REPLACE 7TH FLOOR ROOF, PROJECT 671-21-144; QUESTIONS #1 - #28, McGOLDRICK CONSTRUCTION: Please provide as-built drawings of the existing roof including the architectural roof plan and cut sections. Response: See Attached is what we have available. Is the slope of the roof built into the existing concrete to remain?  If it is, is tapered insulation required?  Response: Refer to as-builts What is the existing to remain concrete elevation at: Response: Refer to as-builts ridge line? roof drain? Edge of Roof? Penthouse? What is the thickness of the existing rigid insulation at: Response: Refer to as-builts ridge line? roof drain? Edge of Roof? Penthouse? None of the provided roof details show tapered insulation but tapered is mentioned in keynote 1/A1.0.  Is keynote 1 a typo?  If tapered insulation is required, please clarify to all bidders by providing revised roof details by amendment (showing tapered insulation where applicable).  Response: Not a typo. Detail F7/A2.0 indicates tapered insulation. Due to unknown existing tapering. Tapered insulation maybe required. We understand that R8 is the total rigid insulation requirement for the new roof system per GN6/A1.0. Response: Where we have crickets and ridges then it will be more than R8 minimum. Keynote 17/A1.0 Horizontal Fall Protection System is used in specific locations on the roof.  The cable system is not shown.  The identified post locations (KN17) and the locations of the existing penthouses preclude the use of cabling between all posts.  If horizontal cabling is required, please provide a layout of where cabling is required and between which posts.  Response: See amendment drawing, (refer to question #1). Do the horizontal fall protection post base plates screw to the concrete deck?  Please provide plan detail by amendment. Response: Use manufacturer s standard details. Will TB tests for each onsite worker be required for this project? Response: Yes At mechanical penthouse louvers, there were signs that read Warning Biohazard , Caution Radiation Area , and Chemical Hazard .   What type of biohazards, radiation and chemical hazards exist near the louvers of the mechanical penthouses? Response: This is old signage. Functions for the areas those exhaust servers have changed. There should be no hazard exhaust coming from these louvers, so it is currently believed at this time that those exhaust can be shut down when work is being performed in this immediate area. Is working in the vicinity of these louvers safe? Response: Yes, see above. Will VA turn off the biohazard/radiation/chemical generating equipment while construction workers are present on that side of the penthouse?  Response: See above. We should be able to shut them down if need be. If any biohazards, radiation, or chemical hazards exist with the roof top mounted exhaust fans, including the ones with very tall stacks labeled Vector , please indicate what the hazards are and if they are safe to work on by amendment. Response: This is Chemotherapy exhaust. Because of the tall stacks it should be safe to work on. Alternate #2 scope of work includes survey and replacement of damaged parts of the lightning protection system up to and including the complete system.  We understand that if the lightning protection system contractor determines that the complete system does not require replacement in Alternate #2, then only specific parts will be replaced.  If this is not a correct understanding, please clarify to all by amendment. Response: That is correct, but the entire system will still need to be re-certified for the replaced parts as stated in Gen. Note #8. If Alternate #2 is intended to include Lightning Protection work in Not in Contract (NIC) areas of roof, please clarify by amendment.  Response: See Question #12 response Will crane use be allowed during normal working hours during the week? Response: No, weekends only. Can the dumpster be located at the loading dock?  Can the dumpster location be identified by amendment? Response: A dumpster location in the loading dock area should not be an issue, however an exact location cannot be determined at this time. Please confirm that roof exhaust fans requiring any repair to their curbs will be shut down during that period.  Is there a maximum number of days for the outage and will the outage be performed during standard working hours or after hours? Response: If curb repairs are required, shutdowns will need to take place on the weekend when the service is closed. They cannot be shut down during the week. We understand that wood blocking referred to in keynotes 3/AD1.0 and 3/A1.0 is existing wood blocking to remain.  If this is not a correct understanding and new wood blocking is required at these specific locations, please clarify otherwise by amendment. Response: See amendment drawing. (refer to question #1). Per the site visit, we understand that cranes can be set up in the loading dock area.  Response: Yes, on the weekend only. Is the existing light weight concrete over metal decking a structural light weight concrete or an insulating light weight concrete? Response: VA to provide existing test core analysis done on the adjacent roof work. What is the psi of the existing light weight concrete? Response: VA to provide existing test core analysis done on the adjacent roof work. We assume any repair of any encountered failed or failing lightweight concrete in metal deck will be handled as a differing site condition once demolition of the roof has been accomplished (if encountered).  Response: Patch and repair will be negotiated. General Note 5 on AD1.0 indicates to remove any rusted bolts and replace with galvanized bolts.  What bolts might these be? Response: In general roof curb bolts at exhaust fans, lightning rods & cables, roof drains, and prefabricated metal stairs. General note 2 on A1.0 indicates In the event of a broken lighting cable, contractor is to bring it to the attention of the resident engineer before reinstallation of cable.   Please clarify what lighting cable is being referred to. Response: See Keynote #16 referenced Gen. Note #8 survey, replace damaged parts ALL 7th Floor roof lightning protection systems. If a specific paint is required for painting of the red safety line, please provide specification or basis of design by amendment to all bidders. Response: See Section 09 91 00 Painting for basis of design product and submittal requirements. If VA requires new roof curbs at the existing electrical disconnects, please clarify by amendment. Response: If the roof curbs are discovered to be rotted during the removal of old roofing system; then, they are to be replaced with new roof curbs. This will need to be reported to the VA. Keynote 4/AD1.0 Remove base flashing, cant, sealant and counterflashing is shown in the Not in Contract Section of the roof.  We understand this is a typo and the keynote should be located on the other side of the penthouse where the new roofing is required.  If this is not a correct understanding, please clarify otherwise to all bidders by amendment. Response: Keynote 4 has been deleted. See amendment drawing. (refer to question #1). We request a copy of the site visit attendees list. VA Contracting: The sign-in sheet is provided with this amendment. We request a telephone number or a zoom link by amendment so that contractors can participate in a traditional bid opening while maintaining COVID distancing procedures.  This has been provided by other federal agencies and seems to work well. VA Contracting: Contracting shall conduct submission of bids/offers, as indicated in the solicitation. 36C25722B0041, REPLACE 7TH FLOOR ROOF, PROJECT 671-21-144; QUESTIONS #1 - #28, 10/10/2022 @ 4:55 PM, CDT: Add Alternate #1 states REPLACE ROOF CURBS. REPLACE EXISTING ROOF CURBS WITH NEW CURBS WHERE DAMAGED, OR IN POOR CONDITION, OR HEIGHT BELOW MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS.   What is the minimum roof curb height per code requirements?  Response: Minimum is 8 . What is the thickness of the existing lightweight concrete? Response: Refer to as-builts 3M Fall Protection is one of the bases of design manufacturers for Section 11 81 29 Horizontal Fall Protection.  3M sales rep indicates they do not provide project specific shop drawings, certification of installation, and other specification requirements.  The other manufacturer listed in the specs appears to meet much more of the requirements.  Please clarify if 3M Fall Protection should be deleted from specification paragraph 2.1.A.1 as an acceptable manufacturer as they do not meet important specification requirements. Response: Use other acceptable manufacturer. We request the deadline of questions be extended until a week after VA responses are provided to contractor questions as there are sometimes questions that arise from answers provided. VA Contracting: CO shall not extend any deadline for submission and response to timely submitted RFIs.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • 5441 Babcock Road Suite 302
  • San Antonio , TX 78240
  • USA

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