The purpose of this mod to previous pre-sol is to provide responses to the technical questions received and to extend the due date for SF 330 submission.
Question 1:
With the due date of 01/17 falling on a federal holiday, will the VA consider changing the due date?
VA Response to Question 1:
Yes, the VA is extending the due date for SF 330 submission to January 18, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET to accommodate the holiday. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Question 2:
Could you please provide further insight for us on whether there will be new facility construction for this project? Or will it all be internal renovation?
VA Response to Question 2:
It is planned to be all internal facility renovation. There may be new fiber required to be pulled throughout campus to meet the new standard, but no new building construction. This applies to all seven projects.
Question 3:
Say, I m reviewing the VISN 9 EHRM opportunity and each SOW references some attachments (see picture below). I m having some trouble finding them. Can you help me track those down? I ve looked at the scopes and I m not having much luck.
VA Response to Question 3:
As the Request for SF 330s mentions in section 2, paragraph 2, final SOWs, SOW attachments, and site-specific documentation will be provided to selected A-E firms with the requests for written responses. The last line in the screen capture that was submitted with this question also provides this information about the SOW attachments.
The attachments that are provided with this posting are listed on the last page of the Request for SF 330s. No other documents were included.
Question 4a:
Are firms allowed to indicate which of the 7 locations we would like to be assigned? Or will the VA assign locations after reviewing each SF330 submission?
Question 4b:
Also, will firms be assigned more than one location? Or is it the intent to assign a different firm to each location?
VA Response to Question 4a:
As the Request for SF 330s states in section 4, paragraph 1, if a firm is not interested in being considered for any one or more of the seven projects, exclusion from evaluation(s) for the specified project(s) can be requested in section A of the SF 330 submission.
Firms cannot indicate an order of preference for the sites, but they may inform the VA if there are any sites that they are not interested in. All SF 330 submissions will be screened and removed from consideration for any projects indicated in section A.
The Request for SF 330s also states in section 4, paragraph 4, if a firm is no longer interested in being considered for a project for which they have been shortlisted, they will notify the VA upon receipt of the request for written responses.
If a firm is initially interested in a project and not excluded from SF 330 evaluation, but later decides to be removed from consideration, they will inform the VA if and when they are invited to participate in Phase II written responses for that project. If they are not selected by that site for Phase II, then there is no need to inform the VA of discontinued interest.
The Request for SF 330s states in section 4, paragraph 2, each site will designate its own A-E Technical Evaluation Board (TEB) to evaluate the submissions as they apply to their specific project. Each board will determine the highest rated firms independently of the other sites included in this notice. Therefore, the evaluation ratings and rankings as well as the selected firms will vary from site to site.
The VA will not assign locations, but each site will individually consider all firms that submit their SF 330 package. The Request for SF 330s is the only part of the selection process being conducted collectively. Once SF 330 submissions have been received, they will be distributed to each of the seven sites. From that point on, although the same process outlined in the Presolicitation Notice will be followed, each site will conduct the evaluation and selection process entirely independently of the other sites.
VA Response to Question 4b:
The Request for SF 330s states in section 6, paragraph 1, the selected firms will be invited on a site-by-site basis to present their written responses to predetermined questions. The ratings, rankings, and number of firms selected will vary from one project to the next. Firms will receive a separate notification for each of the seven projects, as the firms selected for each project are determined independently. Any firm selected for Phase II discussions for multiple projects in this notice must submit their written responses for each project separately. The highest-ranked firm for each project will be selected based on their ratings from the written responses.
Because each site will make their own determinations, it is possible for a firm to be shortlisted for multiple projects, and even selected as the highest-rated firm for more than one project. It is also possible that no two sites select the same A-E firm.
Question 5:
Are PPQs or CPARs required for each project submitted in Section F?
VA Response to Question 5:
As stated in the Request for SF 330s, the past performance will be evaluated for all projects provided in section F, to include a review of Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) ratings. Provide performance reports for all projects submitted in section F. If there is no CPARS data available, Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQs) will be accepted. A Neutral rating will be selected if the past performance information (CPAR, PPQ, letter of recommendation, or any similar performance review) for the projects submitted in section F is missing or insufficient for a determination on past performance to be made.
Question 6:
To confirm, only 5 projects are requested in Section F?
VA Response to Question 6:
Correct. As stated in the Request for SF 330s, include no more than five Government and/or private experience projects.
Question 7:
Would the VA consider granting an extension to the deadline since answers to questions will likely fall on January 4 or 5 giving us only a week and a half to assemble the SF330?
VA Response to Question 7:
The VA does not consider it necessary to extend the due date, other than the one-day extension to accommodate the holiday on 1/17/22. Adequate time has been allowed and the responses have been posted in a timely manner.