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RFI: Development of Live, Virtual, and Constructive Operational Training (LVC-OT) Capabilities to Enhance the Operational Training Infrastructure (OTI)

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Aug 02, 2024 12:52 pm MDT
  • Original Response Date: Sep 01, 2024 05:00 pm MDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date: Sep 16, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code:
  • NAICS Code:
  • Place of Performance:
    Hill AFB , UT 84056



The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) HBZ Program Office is conducting market research to obtain information regarding software (SW) and hardware (HW) development capabilities in support of range training systems and flying operations for the United States Air Force (USAF).  The purpose of this request for information (RFI) is to identify and analyze Department of Defense (DoD), private industry and University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC) ability to support LMOC’s continued development of Live, Virtual and Constructive - Operational Training (LVC-OT) capabilities that enhance the Operational Training Infrastructure (OTI) for the USAF until a depot source of repair can be established.


This is not a request for proposal (RFP). This RFI is issued solely for market research purposes.

Responders are advised the USG will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this RFI. All costs associated with responding to this RFI will be solely at the responder's expense. Not responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if issued. 

This notice shall not be construed as a commitment by the USG to issue a solicitation or ultimately award a contract, nor does it restrict the USG to a particular acquisition approach. The information, data, comments, or reactions obtained may be used as research for future solicitations. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the review from this RFI. Responses will be used in the context of this RFI or related potential future solicitations and will be held and used for these purposes only. Submissions will not be returned to the respondent.


All information received in response to this RFI that is marked PROPRIETARY will be handled accordingly. The USG shall not be liable or suffer any consequential damage for any proprietary information not identified. Proprietary information or trade secrets must be clearly identified. It is the responsibility of respondents to clearly mark submitted information with appropriate restrictive markings. The USG will not use any proprietary information submitted to establish the capability, requirements, approach, or solution so to inadvertently restrict competition.


The LMOC platform integrates and links live combat training systems across Combat Air Forces (CAF) ranges to enhance aircrew training and simplify the operation and control of training equipment and systems.  The LMOC platform integrates the LVC-OT enterprise, from exercise scheduling, scenario development, mission planning and preparation, briefing, execution, mission reconstruction and debrief, data analysis and archive.  The LMOC platform provides standardized capabilities and connectivity, implemented within the Risk Management Framework (RMF) to provide a cybersecure, multi-level security (MLS) training environment.  The LMOC program office has implemented an agile HW and SW development environment which facilitates local and distributed development and provides HBZ with easy access to the backlog as the ‘product owner’ to control and adjust priorities as needed.

The LMOC platform provides the following features:  

  • Live monitoring of combat training missions.
  • Recording of live combat training missions.
  • Ingestion of track data from common sources.
  • Display of mission space (map) with range boundary overlays and range resource placements.
  • Display of target pairing with weapons engagement.
  • Screen sharing to allow multiple screens and data entry for the various operator roles (safety, mission support, range training officer (RTO) etc.).
  • Display of saved mission files for debrief and training evaluation.
  • mission information is displayed on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)/government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) monitors/projectors of various sizes.
  • Display of all types of mission assets to include - aircraft, ground troops, surface-to-air missiles (SAM’s), radar, etc.
  • Displayed mission asset icons represent the type of asset.

The system enables interoperability through its ability to post-mission merge aircraft data with data from other Air Combat Training Systems (ACTS) and then present the merged data in a post-mission debrief. Test and training ranges utilize a wireless data link for sharing participant Global Positioning System (GPS) based time-space-position information.


Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) developed the LMOC platform based on USAF requirements in the 2017 Range Infrastructure Modernization Communications (RIMCOMM) Capability Based Assessment (CBA).  The RIMCOMM CBA documented, evaluated, and addressed capability gaps and shortfalls in USAF training range infrastructure management.  It was determined existing Air Force live training range infrastructure was unable to produce an integrated and comprehensive air/surface picture which provides real time operations command and control of the training range infrastructure. The range infrastructure limited the USAF’s ability to efficiently manage live training and maximize learning during post mission debriefs. The existing USAF live training range infrastructure could not effectively implement interoperability standards across platforms in a networked training environment. Finally, the Air Force live training range infrastructure could not integrate existing and emerging range capabilities to provide the ability to support the integration of live, virtual, and constructive training.

The USAF contracted with GTRI to successfully develop a SW solution using COTS HW to modernize the training range infrastructure. Operational LMOC platforms have been deployed at over 30 sites to date with plans for over 30 more sites. The USAF has unlimited data rights for the LMOC data and has either government purpose rights or commercial licenses for commercial SW. The Government maintains its rights for technical data on Government owned SW..

Companies responding to this RFI must have the following minimum qualifications:

  • A United States (US) company with no foreign ownership, control, or influence.
  • Facilities that can support DoD classified technical work, document storage and voice or video reach back to USG sponsor.
  • US security clearances, up to Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Special Access Required (SAR), for applicable employees.
  • Proven past performance in complex aircrew training SW technology projects and transition of those projects to products that support DoD programs of record.


  1. AFLCMC/HBZ is seeking a commercial partner to continue LMOC SW development and support HW and SW integration, testing and deployment until a depot source of repair is established.
  2. Specifically, that the commercial partner will perform numerous tasks, including analysis, design, modeling and simulation (M&S), SW development, systems engineering, systems prototyping, and testing across multiple platforms with a common, modular, secure, open-systems approach.  The contractor shall participate in technical exchange meetings and provide verbal and written recommendations.  The contractor shall support LMOC fielding, training exercises, and technical guidance. General tasks are detailed below, and specific taskings are listed in the attached draft performance work statement. 
    1. Provide research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) for LMOC SW and HW.
    2. Procure HW and SW that supports LMOC development and deployment.
    3. Provide upgrades, maintenance, and support to existing and deployed LMOC platforms.


  1. General Information
    1. Capable parties are requested to respond to this RFI with a white paper no greater than 20 pages in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat formats. 
    2. Advertisement-type information should not be included in the white paper response.
    3. Responses may contain proprietary information, but all information shall be unclassified. Proprietary information must be clearly marked.
      • Submissions will be reviewed for USG purposes associated with this RFI and potential future solicitations only.  Employees of commercial firms and UARCs under contract with the USG may provide administrative and technical evaluation support that requires access to the proprietary information within the response. Such employees have executed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) prohibiting them from disclosing any information submitted by other respondents/contractors or using such information for any purpose other than that for which it was furnished.
    4. White papers shall specify whether relevant accomplishments were made under USG funded research and development contracts, independent research and development (IRAD), or past performance of other related activities.
    5. The USG will not provide comments on responses.
  2. Response Contents
  • Section 1 – Company Information
    • The white paper response shall provide administrative information, including the following as a minimum per the below table. Respondents must indicate their status as a foreign-owned/foreign-controlled firm and any contemplated use of foreign national employees on a potential effort. This information shall be included as part of the title page. 
      • Company Name and Mailing Address
      • Overnight Delivery Address (If Different from Mailing Address)
      • Company CAGE Code and DUNS
      • POC (Name, Email, Phone)
      • Foreign Owned or Foreign Controlled Status
  • Section 2 – RFI Technical Response
    • Please refer to the draft performance work statement (PWS) attached to this announcement for context to focus the technical response. The white paper shall address experience with the following tasks:
      • Analyzing, developing, maintaining, and upgrading Department of Defense (DoD) range system SW.
      • Developing SW that enhances live USAF training and effectively integrates live aircraft and systems with a synthetic training environment.
      • Developing modeling and simulation SW.
      • SW technology descriptions with sufficient detail to allow for evaluation of the technology solutions and transition paths.Estimated SW technology maturity.
      • Procuring, assembling, and deploying COTS/GOTS HW and SW.
      • Integrating a variety of SW within DoD range systems.
      • Developing program cybersecurity strategies and processing accreditations through DoD channels.
      • Performing DoD range system SW/HW test and evaluations.
      • Ability to perform system sustainment activities, including SW patching, SW upgrades and deployment, and HW refreshes.


Responders shall submit white paper responses electronically. Please contact the contracting officer, Nathan Noorlander, at to requested a DoD Safe ( drop-off for submissions with proprietary information. Submissions without proprietary information may be sent directly by email to


All questions or clarifications regarding this announcement shall be submitted in writing via email to the contracting officer, Nathan Noorlander, at

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • CP 801 586-8482 6039 WARDLEIGH RD BLDG 1206
  • HILL AFB , UT 84056-5838
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Sep 16, 2024 09:55 pm MDTSources Sought (Original)