Rapid Sustainment Office (RSO) Industry Day Special Notice
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
- Original Published Date: Oct 18, 2022 02:09 pm EDT
- Original Response Date: Oct 31, 2022 05:00 pm EDT
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance:
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s (AFLCMC) Rapid Sustainment Office (RSO) is hosting an Informational Industry Day Event and is in search of mature and proven technology solutions, designed to improve and modernize maintenance and logistics operations across the United States Air Force (USAF) with the potential to be fielded across the service. The RSO is seeking innovative solutions that fall within the RSO Technology Focus Areas (TFA):
o Advanced Manufacturing (AM)
o Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML)
o Automation & Robotics (Auto/Robo)
o Data & Digital Environments (D&DE)
o Rapid & Austere Maintenance Environments (Rapid/Aus)
Awareness and potential application of these technologies will allow the RSO to further improve mission readiness, increase global maintenance capabilities in both contested /threatened and peer/friendly environments, and continue to positively impact overall life cycle sustainment costs.
The RSO’s Specific areas of interest are:
1. Technologies to assess and diagnose material health across aircraft platforms and associated maintenance and logistics systems, to inform repair decisions and streamline processes while minimizing aircraft and personnel downtime.
2. Technologies to enable agile production and repair of replacement parts.
3. Technologies to enable heightened maintenance operations in various types of environments and support the need for modular, deployable, and self-sustainable systems with minimal material and/or logistics footprint.
4. Technologies to enable instantaneous action or decision making, whether through real-time subject matter expert or technical support; access to needed data such as an organized task knowledge library; enhanced communication modes or avenues between the depot, flightline, base operations shops and all associated personnel; and/or the ability to single-handedly manage all documentation requirements.
5. Technologies to enable swift stand-up of critical maintenance capabilities in austere locations, including both contested/threatened and peer/friendly environments to accelerate dispersed establishment, agile operations, and continuous throughput in various operating locations.
Dates: December 6, 2022
Time: Appointments Only
Event Location: This Informational Industry Day event will be held at the RSO Directorate
located off-base from WPAFB in Beavercreek, Ohio. There will be no virtual option for
attendance. Additional information will be forthcoming.
If your company would like to participate in the Industry Day, please email a (8 ½ X 11, 10pt
minimum font) Cover Sheet, one page Summary of Capabilities, and company point of contact to
aflcmc.ro.productmanagement@us.af.mil by 5pm ET on Monday, October 31, 2022.
Cover Page to Include:
o Who/Where are you? List your company name, project name, location (city/state) and team credentials (e.g., PI, project management, engineering, and business development).
o Applicable RSO Technology Focus Area. One TFA per submittal.
o What is your solution/technology? No more than 2 sentence technical summary of the effort.
o Are you leveraging commercial? If so, what is the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) of the commercial product (see https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/703694.pdf) and what is the beginning and target at end of a potential military adaptation effort? List non-defense commercial customers and sales, if applicable.
o What problem does your solution/technology aim to solve? Briefly describe the specific problem/opportunity your technology/solution aims to resolve.
One Page Summary of Capabilities should include:
o Technical Abstract: Include a brief technical abstract of no more than 200 words describing the technology or proposed solution, including discussion of anticipated benefits and potential commercial applications. This should include a brief description of the program objective(s) and the effort.
o Anticipated Benefits/Potential Commercial Applications of the Research or Development: The first line of the ‘Anticipated Benefits’ section should follow the following format: We will solve/solved [ problem] by providing [advantage], to help [ End-user] accomplish [ End-User’s goal]. We will recognize profit by charging [non-defense commercial customers] to get [non-defense commercial benefit]. Be very explicit regarding the proposed AF end user, the proposed AF customer (if different, which is likely), and anticipated benefits.
o Additional Information: As applicable.
The RSO will evaluate your submission based on current needs and applicability to focus areas. If your company is selected to attend the Industry Day, you will be notified by Wednesday, November 16, 2022.
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- Regina Anderson
- regina.anderson.3@us.af.mil