Assistance Listings Grid Infrastructure Deployment and Resilience
The Grid Deployment Office (GDO) works to catalyze the development of new and upgraded electric infrastructure across the country by maintaining and investing in critical generation facilities; developing and upgrading high-capacity electric transmission lines nationwide; and deploying transmission and distribution technologies.
Examples of Funded Projects
Not Applicable.
Assistance Listing Description
Financial Information
Obligation(s) | FY 23 | FY 24 (est.) | FY 25 (est.) |
Cooperative Agreements Total | $4,400,000 | $1,920,336,000 | $2,914,000,000 |
Project Grants Total | $79,588,242 | $1,835,000,000 | $2,270,000,000 |
Formula Grants Total | $670,393,785 | $561,000,000 | $550,000,000 |
Totals | $754,382,027 | $4,316,336,000 | $5,734,000,000 |
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Awards range from approximately $50,000 - $450,000,000 with an average award size of $6,500,000
Not Applicable.
Account Identification
Criteria for Applying
Types of Assistance
B - Cooperative Agreements, B - Project Grants, A - Formula Grants
Credentials and Documentation
Applicant Eligibility
State (includes District of Columbia, public institutions of higher education and hospitals), Local (includes State-designated lndian Tribes, excludes institutions of higher education and hospitals, Public nonprofit institution/organization (includes institutions of higher education and hospitals), Profit organization, Private nonprofit institution/organization (includes institutions of higher education and hospitals), Federally Recognized lndian Tribal Governments, Native American Organizations (includes lndian groups, cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, associations), Indian/Native American Tribally Designated OrganizationAll types of domestic entities are eligible to apply, such as profit organizations, private nonprofit institutions/organizations, universities, research organizations, state and local governments, and Indian Tribes, unless the funding opportunity announcement contains a "Determination of Restricted Eligibility". All information regarding eligibility requirements will be included in the specific funding opportunity announcement
Beneficiary Eligibility
Beneficiary eligibility is the same as applicant eligibility.Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
The time period is dependent upon notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) requirements and the individual project award. Method of awarding/releasing assistance: financial assistance grant and cooperative agreement award documents Method of awarding/releasing assistance: Electronic funds transfer Method of awarding/releasing assistance: Funding will be used to catalyze the development of new and upgraded electric infrastructure across the country by maintaining and investing in critical generation facilities; developing and upgrading high-capacity electric transmission lines nationwide; and deploying transmission and distribution technologies
Use of Assistance
Energy, Science and Technology, Planning, Economic DevelopmentThe specific notice of funding opportunity will describe how the assistance will be used for those selected for an award.Any restrictions will be specifically identified within the notice of funding opportunity.Any discretionary funds would be awarded via a competitive announcement.Loans may be issued under the Transmission Facilitation Program
Applying for Assistance
Deadlines will be specifically identified within the notice of funding opportunity.
Preapplication Coordination
Preapplication coordination is required. Environmental impact information is not required for this program. This program is excluded from coverage under E.O. 12372. Any pre-application coordination will be identified within the specific notice of funding opportunity.
Application Procedures
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program. Any steps for applying for assistance will be identified within the notice of funding opportunity.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Evaluation and selection criteria, as well as the process and timeline, will be discussed within the specific notice of funding opportunity.
Award Procedure
All applications which pass an initial review will receive an objective merit review. The objective merit review will be based on evaluation criteria set forth in the competitive notice of funding opportunity.
Date Range for Approval/Disapproval
60-120 days
Grants and Cooperative Agreements may be modified or extended as detailed within the award terms and conditions
All information regarding appeals will be included in the specific notice of funding opportunity.
Compliance Requirements
Policy Requirements
Subpart B, General provisions
Subpart C, Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards
Subpart D, Post Federal; Award Requirements
Subpart E, Cost Principles
Subpart F, Audit Requirements
Not Applicable
Additional Information:
Progress Reports: All reporting requirements will be specifically identified within the notice of funding opportunity, and if selected for an award, the award's terms and conditions. Expenditure Reports: All reporting requirements will be specifically identified within the notice of funding opportunity, and if selected for an award, the award's terms and conditions.
Any record requirements will specifically be identified within the notice of funding opportunity or the award's terms and conditions. Records retention per 2 CFR 200
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Not Applicable.
Formula and Matching Requirements
Contact Information
Regional or Local Locations:
See Regional Assistance Locations.Headquarters Office:
- 2024Published
Grid Infrastructure Deployment and Resilience
- 2023Published
Grid Infrastructure Deployment and Resilience
- 2022Published
Grid Infrastructure Deployment and Resilience