Assistance Listings Great Lakes Restoration
To provide technical and financial assistance to implement the highest priority actions in order to protect and restore the Great Lakes. Priority actions are to: identify, protect, conserve, manage, enhance or restore habitat or species on both public and private lands within the Great Lakes Basin.
Examples of Funded Projects
Fiscal Year 2024: Program has not yet selected projects for FY24 funding. Program anticipates funding projects that contribute to the protection and restoration of fish and wildlife habitat and species in the Great Lakes Basin. Funded activities will directly address the goals and objectives identified in the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III (can be found at
Fiscal Year 2025: Restoration, protection and enhancement of coastal, terrestrial and wetland habitat for migratory birds and nearshore aquatic species; Restoration of riverine habitats to improve aquatic habitat connectivity for fish and other aquatic organisms; Prevention, early detection and control of invasive species such as Invasive carps; Restoration of native aquatic species, such as Lake Trout and Lake Sturgeon, to self-sustaining levels.
Financial Information
Obligation(s) | FY 23 | FY 24 (est.) | FY 25 (est.) |
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements) Total | $35,148,701 | $30,000,000 | $30,000,000 |
Totals | $35,148,701 | $30,000,000 | $30,000,000 |
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Projects may range from $1,000 to $1,000,000, or greater.
Fiscal Year 2024: Projects not yet selected for funding. Anticipate continuing to fund projects to address aquatic invasive species, environmental contaminants, and protection and restoration of fish, wildlife, and their habitats in the Great Lakes.
Fiscal Year 2025: No current data available.
Account Identification
Criteria for Applying
Types of Assistance
B - Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements)
Credentials and Documentation
Applicant Eligibility
Federal, State, Native American Organizations (includes lndian groups, cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, associations), Individual/Family, Public nonprofit institution/organization (includes institutions of higher education and hospitals), Local (includes State-designated lndian Tribes, excludes institutions of higher education and hospitalsProgram-specific.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Federal, Native American Organizations, StateBeneficiary eligibility is the same as applicant eligibility.Program-specific.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative places restrictions on the time permitted to spend the funds awarded. The Regional Office Contact Person can further explain the restrictions placed on the time period in which to fully expend the funds awarded under the project. Method of awarding/releasing assistance: Program obligates funds and sends a notice of award to successful applicants. Recipients request funds in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles, unless otherwise dictated by program-specific legislation or special award terms. Program will include any special payment terms and conditions in the notice of award.
Use of Assistance
Natural Resources (mineral, water, wildlife, land)Funds are provided for projects that address aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, environmental contaminants, nonpoint source pollution impacts, and protection and restoration of fish, wildlife, and their habitats in the Great Lakes. Funding for land acquisition and construction projects associated with ecological restoration, e.g. dam removal, river connectivity restoration, coastal and upland habitat restoration etc., is eligible under this program.100% of funding is discretionary.
Applying for Assistance
Contact the USFWS Midwest Regional Office for program application deadlines.
Preapplication Coordination
Preapplication coordination is required. An environmental impact statement is required for this listing. An environmental impact assessment is required for this listing. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Preapplication coordination is program-specific. Some programs may require an environmental impact statement.
Application Procedures
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Program criteria are specified in the announcements of the individual financial assistance programs.
Award Procedure
Program requirements are specified in the announcements of the individual financial assistance programs. More information on Great Lakes Restoration Initiative programs is available at
Date Range for Approval/Disapproval
Not Applicable. Contact the USFWS Great Lakes Regional Office for program application deadlines.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Compliance Requirements
Policy Requirements
Subpart B, General provisions
Subpart C, Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards
Subpart D, Post Federal; Award Requirements
Subpart E, Cost Principles
Subpart F, Audit Requirements
Not Applicable
Additional Information:
Cash Reports: Cash reports are required. Recipients must report Federal award cash receipts and disbursements on the SF-425, Federal Financial Report. Progress Reports: Progress reports are required. Recipients of awards with performance periods longer than 12 months are required to submit progress reports, which includes submission of interim performance reports and interim SF-425, Federal Financial Reports. Interim progress reporting may be required annually, semiannually, or quarterly. Expenditure Reports: Expenditure reports are required. Recipients must report award expenditures on the SF-425, Federal Financial Report. Performance Reports: Performance reports are required. Recipients must monitor and report on project performance in accordance with the requirements in 2 CFR 200.329. Final performance reports and final SF-425, Federal Financial Reports are due within 120 calendar days of the award period of performance end date, unless the awarding program approves a due date extension. The FWS details all reporting requirements including frequency and due dates in Notices of Award.
Cost records must be maintained separately for each awarded cooperative agreement. Records, accounts and supporting documents must be retained for 3 years after submission of final financial and performance reports. If questions, such as those raised as the results of audits, remain following the 3-year period, recipients must retain records until all matters are resolved.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Not Applicable.
Formula and Matching Requirements
Matching requirements are voluntary.
Contact Information
Regional or Local Locations:
None. Please visit for appropriate Regional Office Great Lakes program contacts, or visit Office:
5600 American Blvd., West, Suite 990,
Bloomington, MN 55437
- 2024Published
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2023Published
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2022Published
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2021Published
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2020Published
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2019Published
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2011Title Changed
Great Lakes Restoration
- 2010Published
Great Lakes Restoration - Restoration, protection, and enhancement of Great Lakes fish, wildlife, and their habitats.