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Assistance Listings
State Wildlife Grants

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Note: This Assistance Listing was not updated by the issuing agency in 2025. Please contact the issuing agency listed under "Contact Information" for more information.

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The primary purpose of the State Wildlife Grant (SWG) Program is to help State, Territory, and District of Columbia fish and wildlife agencies design and implement strategic, proactive conservation programs. Formula SWG Program funds, pooled with recipient matching resources, enable these recipients to identify, study, and conserve species deemed most in need of conservation. Competitive SWG Program funds and matching resources typically support large-scale conservation projects involving many partners. Proactive approaches to species conservation help grant recipients, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other conservation partners avoid more prescriptive Federal regulatory requirements associated with listing under the Endangered Species Act. A core principle of the SWG Program is the utilization of effective partnerships demonstrating cooperation and leveraging of resources to achieve shared conservation goals benefiting recipient-identified species of greatest conservation need.

Examples of Funded Projects

Fiscal Year 2024: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is using SWG Program funds in partnership with Northwest Trek, Oregon Zoo, Washington State University, and the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge to help moderate the need for listing the northern leopard frog under the Endangered Species Act. This project will build on prior recovery work to improve habitat conditions for the last population of this State-endangered Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Washington. The partners will increase the likelihood of the frog’s persistence in the State by establishing additional populations through captive and in situ rearing, bullfrog management, and habitat restoration.

Fiscal Year 2025: The Program has not yet selected projects for funding. The Program anticipates funding projects that support State, Territory, and D.C. fish and wildlife agencies in implementing actions to benefit wildlife and their habitats, with emphasis on species that are not hunted or fished. Anticipated projects include species monitoring, habitat analysis and improvement, acquisition of habitats, species captive rearing and release, research, modeling, and development of new conservation technologies and approaches.


Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024; Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act; and prior-year appropriations acts.,

Public Law 118-35 (H.R. 2872, 118th Cong., Div. A); Public Law 118-15 (H.R. 5860, 118th Cong., Div. A). A final Fiscal Year 2024 appropriation for the State Wildlife Grant Program is currently pending as of March 2024.

Financial Information

These funding amounts do not reflect the award amounts that are displayed on
Obligation(s)FY 23FY 24 (est.)FY 25 (est.)
Formula Grants Total$56,499,999$56,999,999$57,500,000
Funds are apportioned to states and territories through a congressionally defined formula.$56,499,999$56,999,999$57,500,000
Project Grants Total$7,399,999$7,599,999$7,799,999
Grants are competitively awarded based on merit.$7,399,999$7,599,999$7,799,999

Range and Average of Financial Assistance

Range is $30,000 to $3,000,000; Average $500,000.


Fiscal Year 2024: Formula SWG Program anticipates receiving an estimated 275 applications and issuing 275 awards. The Competitive SWG Program anticipates receiving an estimated 30 applications and issuing approximately 20 awards.

Fiscal Year 2025: Formula SWG Program anticipates receiving an estimated 285 applications and issuing 285 awards. The Competitive SWG Program anticipates receiving an estimated 32 applications and issuing approximately 22 awards.

Account Identification


Criteria for Applying

Types of Assistance

A - Formula Grants, B - Project Grants

Credentials and Documentation

The State, Territory, or D.C. fish and wildlife agency must have a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-approved Wildlife Action Plan to receive grant funds. The Wildlife Action Plan must consider the broad range of the recipient’s wildlife and associated habitats, with appropriate priority placed on identified species of greatest conservation need. 2 CFR 200, Subpart E - Cost Principles applies to this program. 2 CFR 200, Subpart E - Cost Principles applies to this program.

Applicant Eligibility


State (includes District of Columbia, public institutions of higher education and hospitals)

Agencies from the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Territories of Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa with primary responsibility for fish and wildlife conservation may submit grant proposals for formula or competitive project grants to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service if they maintain a current, Service-approved State Wildlife Action Plan. The four regional Associations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA, SEAFWA, MAFWA, and WAFWA) are eligible for competitive project grants at the discretion of recipient State fish and wildlife agencies.

Beneficiary Eligibility


Anyone/general public, State

General Public (While direct participation is limited to fish and wildlife agencies, the public will ultimately benefit from these wildlife conservation measures.)

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance

Formula SWG funds are available for obligation for two years through approximately August of the next Federal fiscal year after the year in which they were apportioned. Contact the Regional office for each Region’s specific deadline. Competitive SWG subprogram funds are not subject to this limitation. Regional Program officials obligate funds and GrantSolutions sends a notice of award to successful applicants. Recipients request funds in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles. Any special payment terms and conditions are detailed in the notice of award. Method of awarding/releasing assistance: Program obligates funds and sends a notice of award to successful applicants. Recipients request funds in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles, unless otherwise dictated by program-specific legislation or special award terms. Program will include any special payment terms and conditions in the notice of award.

Use of Assistance


Natural Resources (mineral, water, wildlife, land)

Approved activities include developing and implementing programs or projects for the benefit of wildlife and their habitat, with emphasis on species that are not hunted or fished. In order to receive program funds, a State, Territory, or D.C. fish and wildlife agency must have an approved Wildlife Action Plan. Approved activities may focus on Wildlife Action Plan updates and revisions or project implementation that benefits recipient-identified Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Funds can be used for land acquisition or construction projects. Approximately 10 percent of annually appropriated funds are set aside for discretionary competitive project grants, but this ratio varies from year to year.Approximately 10% of funds are set aside for discretionary (competitive) project grants, but this amount varies based on Congressional appropriations.

Applying for Assistance


For the Formula SWG Program, contact the Regional office for application deadlines, or search for the Region’s SWG Funding Opportunity Announcement on For the Competitive SWG Program, the Funding Opportunity Announcement is typically published in November and the application deadline is typically the Friday of the third week in February.

Preapplication Coordination

Preapplication coordination is required. Environmental impact information is not required for this program. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Preapplication coordination is not required but is recommended. You may be required to submit environmental impact information for this program.

Application Procedures

2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program.

Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) for this listing will be posted on (opens in new window) (opens in new window).

For application requirements, see the Funding Opportunity Announcement in GrantSolutions or

Criteria for Selecting Proposals

Formula and Competitive Grants: Proposals must address species and conservation actions identified in the Wildlife Action Plans. Project Grants (competitive): Applications are scored and ranked based on criteria, subfactors, and priorities published annually in the Funding Opportunity Announcement. The annual announcement is available on GrantSolutions and

Award Procedure

Formula Grants: The Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or his or her designee approves or disapproves proposed projects. Regional offices are responsible for notifying recipients of grant approval. Project Grants (competitive): The Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or his or her designee approves or disapproves proposed projects, based on an objective scoring and ranking procedure as outlined in the Funding Opportunity Announcement. Regional offices are responsible for notifying recipients of grant approval.

Date Range for Approval/Disapproval

SWG-Formula: Approximately 30-60 days. SWG-Competitive: Approximately 120 days.


SWG-Formula: Grantees may renew projects on an annual basis if justifiable and if funds are available. SWG-Competitive: Not applicable.


Regional Directors will consider differences of opinion concerning the eligibility of proposals. Final determination rests with the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Compliance Requirements

Policy Requirements

The following 2CFR policy requirements apply to this assistance listing:

Subpart B, General provisions

Subpart C, Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards

Subpart D, Post Federal; Award Requirements

Subpart E, Cost Principles

Subpart F, Audit Requirements

The following 2CFR policy requirements are excluded from coverage under this assistance listing:

Not Applicable

Additional Information:


Cash Reports: Cash reports are required. Recipients must report Federal award cash receipts and disbursements on the SF-425, Federal Financial Report.

Progress Reports: Progress reports are required. Recipients of awards with performance periods longer than 12 months are required to submit progress reports, which include submission of interim performance reports and interim SF-425, Federal Financial Reports. Interim progress reporting may be required annually, semiannually, or quarterly.

Expenditure Reports: Expenditure reports are required. Recipients must report award expenditures on the SF-425, Federal Financial Report.

Performance Reports: Performance reports are required. Recipients must monitor and report on project performance in accordance with the requirements in 2 CFR 200.329. Final performance reports and final SF-425, Federal Financial Reports are due within 120 calendar days of the award period of performance end date, unless the awarding program approves a due date extension. The FWS details all reporting requirements including frequency and due dates in Notices of Award.


Refer to the link below for 2 CFR Subpart F Audit Requirements.

Additional audit requirements:

In accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, non-Federal entities that expend financial assistance of $750,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Non-Federal entities that expend less than $750,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in 2 CFR 200.503.


Cost records must be maintained separately for each grant. Records, accounts, and supporting documents must be retained for three years after submission of the final Financial Report.

Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature

Guidelines for Wildlife Action Plan Review and Revision, Program Administrative Guidelines, and other information is available here (

Formula and Matching Requirements

Statutory Formula: Title Chapter Part Subpart Public Law See prior-year appropriations acts for the SWG Program’s Statutory Formula and related requirements. A final Fiscal Year 2024 appropriation for the State Wildlife Grant Program is currently pending as of March 2024. Statutory Formula: Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023, Public Law 117-180 (H.R. 6833, 117th Cong. Div. A, Section 101 (7)), and prior-year appropriations acts; Fish and Wildlife Act (16 U.S.C. §742 et seq.); and Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. §§661-666). Matching Requirements: Formula planning grants - Federal share not to exceed 75% of total costs. Formula implementation grants - Federal share not to exceed 65% of total costs. Competitive Project Grants - Federal share not to exceed 75% of total costs.
Matching Requirements: Percent: Other Matching Requirements are mandatory. Formula planning grants - Federal share not to exceed 75% of total project costs. Formula implementation grants - Federal share not to exceed 65% of total costs. Competitive Project Grants - Federal share not to exceed 75% of total costs.

Matching requirements are mandatory.

MOE requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.

Contact Information

Regional or Local Locations:

None. For project- and Region-specific information, contact your Regional Office of Conservation Investment. For contact information see

Headquarters Office:

Paul Van Ryzin
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Conservation Investment 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS:WSFR Falls Church, VA 22041,
Falls Church, VA 22041


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    State Wildlife Grants

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    State Wildlife Grants