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Program Management, Administrative, Clerical, and Technical Services (PACTS) III - Functional Category 2

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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: May 08, 2024 09:05 am EDT
  • Original Published Date: Feb 05, 2024 05:36 pm EST
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Apr 12, 2024 05:00 pm EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Mar 29, 2024 05:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Feb 04, 2025
  • Original Inactive Date: Feb 04, 2025
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: R699 - SUPPORT- ADMINISTRATIVE: OTHER
  • NAICS Code:
    • 561110 - Office Administrative Services
  • Place of Performance:


5/8/2024 Update:

The DHS intends on amending this solicitation, no later than May 10, 2024, to include the following updates:

  • The addendums to 52.212-1 and 52.212-2 will be updated to allow Offerors that have Non-Federal projects and projects performed as a First-Tier subcontractor to submit paid invoices as means to substantiate the obligated amounts claimed.
  • The addendum to 52.212-1, paragraph will be updated to clarify what it means when an Offeror includes the NAICS code/Product Service Code on the Project Verification Form.
  • The addendums to 52.212-1 and 52.212-2 will be updated to clarify what “at the time of” means as it relates to an adequate accounting system and acceptable facility clearance.
  • Minor administrative corrections

As a result of these updates, Contractors may, but are not required to, submit a full proposal in response to the Amendment 0003 no later than 5pm (5:00:00 pm) ET on May 21, 2024.

If a contractor has already provided a proposal and it chooses to update/modify or add to their existing proposal, it must resubmit its proposal in PIEE in its entirety. However, if the Offeror chooses to keep the proposal it already submitted, it must send the signed SF 30 from Amendment 0003 to no later than 5pm (5:00:00 pm) ET on May 21, 2024. Additionally, the Offeror must state in its email that its original proposal will remain valid from the time the email is sent to the period stated in its original Volume I cover sheet. If you did not submit a proposal or your proposal was provided after exactly 5:00pm (5:00:00 pm) Friday, April 12, 2024, you may submit a proposal no later than 5pm (5:00:00pm) ET on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

We highly recommend Offerors take this opportunity to review the proposals they submitted to ensure all required documents have been submitted and the Offeror used the Self-Scoring Sheet that corresponds to the Functional Category/ Solicitation the Offeror is proposing.

If a Contractor chooses to submit a new or revised proposal, only include documents in the designated areas in the PIEE Offer Template. DO NOT include any documents in the catch-all “Attachments” area (after Volume IV) at the bottom of the template. Not abiding by this may result in a non-complaint proposal. Also, ensure you submit the correct versions of the Volume I Cover Sheet (Amendment 0001) and Project Cover Sheets (Amendments 0001 or 0002) when resubmitting. Lastly, please include a log of all changes/updates that were made between the original proposal submitted and the revised proposal in the “Proposal Table of Contents” folder in the PIEE template.

If Contractors already provided a proposal and included documents in the “catch-all” or submitted the incorrect Volume I or Project Cover Sheets, they do not need to resubmit only to fix this error. However, if Contractors are providing new or revised proposals, we ask that they please abide by the instructions provided above.

4/12/2024 Update (Correction):

There were errors made in the responses to questions 682, 692 and 696. Corrections to these questions have been made and are highlighted in red in the attached. 

4/12/2024: Proposal are due no later than April 12, 2024 at 5pm ET as stated in Amendment 0002. A request for an extension will not be granted.

Attached are our responses to some of the questions (675 – 700) that we have received. We are not incorporating these into an amendment since it would cause Offerors that have already submitted proposals in PIEE to completely redo their proposals.

4/9/2024: Proposal are due no later than April 12, 2024 at 5pm ET as stated in Amendment 0002. A request for an extension will not be granted.

Attached are our responses to some of the questions (644 – 674) that we have received. We are not incorporating these into an amendment since it would cause Offerors that have already submitted proposals in PIEE to completely redo their proposals.

Additionally, it is our understanding that when files are saved and uploaded into the PIEE system that the special characters associated with the naming conventions required in Attachment 9 may not appear. Please continue to abide by the naming conventions required in Attachment 9. If the special characters are replaced with “_” or are omitted when the files are saved or uploaded to PIEE, Offerors will not be deemed non-compliant. However, Offerors must continue to abide by the naming conventions required in Attachment 9 regardless of this issue.

3/28/2024 - Update Amendment 0002 to 70SBUR24R00000002 has been issued to incorporate changes that have been made to the Solicitation Cover Page, Part II - Contract Clauses, Part III – Terms and Conditions and Attachments, and Part IV – Solicitation Provisions/ Instructions/ Evaluation (extended the proposal submission date), update the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Offer Template and incorporate the questions and answers.

If you have started to submit or have submitted your offer, you should receive an email notification stating that a new amendment has been issued. Please ensure you acknowledge receipt of all amendments, including Amendment 0002 and include this acknowledgment in your final offer.

It has been brought to our attention that an issue has been identified where the amendment section does not display as expected when clicking the public posting link included with the notice on The display issue affects how users access and view amendments after clicking the public posting link or the ability to download all attachments. In the interim, users are advised to perform a search using the solicitation number. The search can be done in the public portal ( or the secure portal (registered users with an active Solicitation Module role can login into PIEE and click the Solicitation Module button). For guidance on how to search the public portal, users can follow the guide linked below: Additional resources are available by clicking Training and Resources on the Documentation dropdown in the public and secure portal.

Lastly, the PACTS III Team is no longer accepting questions pertaining to the PACTS III solicitations.

3/20/2024 - Update

The PACTS III team is continuing to work through the questions submitted in response to the solicitations and will have them posted to soon. The DHS will be issuing an Amendment 0002 to the solicitations which will incorporate the questions and responses as well as updates to the solicitations and a few attachments. Due to the unexpected delay in getting this information to the public, we do intend on extending the proposal response date which will be provided in the Amendment 0002 to the solicitations.


The PACTS III team has received 500+ questions in response to the solicitations. Once we have answered all the questions, we will post them to 

Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that the the amendment section of this posting is not displaying and it is making it difficult for the public to view Amendment 0001. The team is working hard to fix this issue; however, in the meantime, you can access the Amendment 0001 by clicking on the "PIEE Solicitation Module Link for 70SBUR24R00000002" and then "Download All Attachments" at the bottom of the screen. Contractors may also gain access to Amendment 0001 by logging into PIEE, searching the solicitation and scrolling to the bottom of the page. 


Amendment 0001 to 70SBUR24R0000002 has been issued to make changes to the Solicitation Cover Page, Part III, Request for Proposal Attachments, Part IV, Addendum to FAR 52.212-1 of the solicitation and the Offer Template in PIEE.

The suite of Program Management, Administrative, Clerical, and Technical Services (PACTS) III Department-wide Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contracts are intended to provide program management, administrative, clerical, technical, and engineering commercial services and solutions that will enable the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to accomplish its mission objectives. The goals of PACTS III are to provide the Department and its Components a mechanism for quick ordering of professional services and solutions at fair and reasonable prices, to give qualified small businesses a greater opportunity to participate in these requirements, and to assist the Department with continuing to achieve and exceed its small business and socioeconomic goals. The Statement of Work (SOW), Attachment 1 which delineates the details of the services and solutions is composed of three comprehensive Functional Categories (FCs) of commercial services. The three FCs have a primary NAICS code that further describes the scope of work that will be procured under each FC. All three of the FCs have specific requirements that will be further identified and defined at the Task Order (TO) level).  The FC and associated NAICS codes are as follows: FC1: Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services: NAICS Code: 541611; FC2: Office Administrative Services; NAICS Code: 561110; FC3: Engineering Services; NAICS Code: 541330. The DHS anticipates including four, separate and distinct tracks under each FC for the following socioeconomic groups: Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB), Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) and 8(a) businesses. This solicitation, 70SBUR24R00000002, is for FC2:  Office Administrative Services: NAICS Code: 561110. This acquisition has been set-aside for SDVOSB, WOSB, HUBZone and 8(a) businesses only; therefore, only these types of businesses may provide a proposal in response to this solicitation. For an overview of the solicitation, please watch the video:

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • 124 Leroy Road
  • Williston , VT 05495
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
