Page Description
This page contains the exclusion details for the record
matching your search criteria. There may be instances when a Firm
or Individual has the same name, or a similar name, as your
search criteria but is actually a different party. Read the
entire record to understand why this entity was excluded and what
effect this exclusion has on your decision.
To verify a potential match or obtain additional
information, contact the federal agency that created the
exclusion record. Contact information for the designated Agency
Point of Contact (POC) is linked to the Excluding Agency name
within the record. You can also navigate to the Agency Exclusion
POC page within SAM Help under Exclusions Information.
Agency users with an exclusion management role may update
an exclusion record to deactivate it. From the Edit Exclusion
Record options, select Update, then set the Termination Date on
the Exclusion Details page. Once an exclusion is inactive, it
cannot be modified.